Fionnbarra's Site

My new site is under construction.

My name is Fionnbarra and I live with my wonderful XYL/YL Ceallach KG7GPG and 2 cats and 3 dogs. Like this page, our station is in the process of being built.

I am occasionally to be heard on 2 Metres and 70 cm mostly through the local voice repeater EI7MLR, with the odd outing on Echolink hardly real radio! But fret ye not! There are plans afoot that will change this! I am hoping to have a few antennae erected shortly.  Once I have  them in place I hope to operate QRP on SSB and various digital modes.  We are planning on antennae for HF and probably something for 10/12 Metres, 6 Metres and naturally 2 Metres and 70cms.  I'm getting my Morse code up to speed, I'm hoping to reach 35wpm.

Worked All Ireland Square S75W

Send me e-mail