F04 - Frequencies used in power, audio and radio systems.
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The unit if frequency is:
The Volt
The Hertz
The Ohm
The Amp
The abbreviation DC stands for
Double current
Dual Current
Dangerous current
Direct current
AF stand for
Allocated Frequency
All Farads
Audio Frequency
Angular Frequency
The circuit that produces a sine wave is called a(n)
audio amplifier
What is the frequency of the mains in the UK?
10 Hz
50 Hz
60 Hz
100 Hz
The range of adult hearing is
0 to 100 Hz
5 Hz to 150 Hz
100 Hz to 15 kHz
10 kHz to 150 kHz
The range of frequencies for radio speech communication is
0 Hz to 300 Hz
300Hz to 3kHz
3 kHz to 13kHz
10kHz to 30 kHz
The VHF frequency range goes from
0MHz -30MHz
30MHz to 300MHz
300MHz to 3000MHz
3000MHz to 10000MHz
Frequency bands are allocated to
Different countries (e.g. France, England etc)
Different continents (e.g. Asia, N America)
Different Time Zones
Different services (e.g. marine, aeronautical etc)
Using the above graph, what would be the wavelength in metres of a 25MHz signal?