Bennachie - The Black Hill to Mither Tap
Highest point 529m/1736ft - Length app 5.5 miles/9km

Mither Tap - Bennachie in winter

The range of peaks known collectively as Bennachie, can be seen from just about anywhere in the NE of Scotland, immediately distinguishable by the jagged, pointed top of The Mither Tap. Bennachie is made up of a few 'tops', from East to West - 'Mither Tap' 518m/1699ft, Craigshannoch 480m/1574ft, Oxen Craig 529m/1736m and The Black Hill 430m/1411ft. It starts a few miles west of Inverurie, Aberdeenshire and ends near my home in the village of Keig. I stomp over Bennachie as often as I can. Its a great wee hill and great for keeping my fitness levels up between 'expeditions' to the bigger stuff. Its very popular especially on a sunday, so thats why I tend to do it from this end, stopping only briefly on the Mither Tap for munchies and a drink. There are so many ways up it, but the quietest (usually) route starts from about 1/2 a mile from my house up a dirt track and onto a path which runs the whole length of the range. At this point I have to warn you that despite its minor status in the altitude stakes, its a wee bugger for throwing some really nasty weather at you. It ALWAYS rains when I'm up, but then again, I hate walking in warm weather so I can't complain. Take waterproofs and if you do do it from this end, wear gaiters - theres a lot of wet ground up there. Ok, you might get some funny looks from Mr and Mrs Sandals and Shorts as you get to the Mither Tap, but who's usually laughing and stuffing a mars bar down her throat when the clouds roll in and they get a darn good soaking? Its brilliant in the winter on a cold crisp morning with a good blanket of snow on the ground and you can see basically the whole of the north east of Scotland from up there!

View West from Mither Tap

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