About me

I was born in Hungary, in 1967. Native town of the name of "Dunaújváros". (always complicated Morse was cast as my QTH's name). The town was created in 1952-the time of communism.

1980-I was in the amateur radio. In Hungary at that time still a strict totalitarian regime, paramilitary organization, to be addressed.
Still, there were assistants who helped to get the HAM Radio License.

In 1986-obtained by the call sign HA4WV.

Currently, I live in Eger. I am rarely heard over the air, but rather deal with technical developments.

The city where I was born:: DUNAÚJVÁROS

The city is the "Mezőföld" south-eastern edge of the right hand side of the Danube area, 67 km from Budapest. The capital from the M6 motorway and by rail, from Székesfehérvár, the road is 62-by approached. The 150 m above sea level city located approximately 10 km east of the Danube section is bounded by the west and surrounded by gentle hills.

The findings also revealed evidence from the ancient well, this area was inhabited. The first significant settlement, which flourished around the seven centuries of the Bronze Age was. Leletanyag material remains from the mighty Roman era, which show that that is called a Roman military camp established Intercisa related to the town played a significant role in the eastern border of the Roman Empire, the limes to protect against the barbaric attacks.
The conquering Hungarians settled in the year 1000 after Christ in the region. The subsequent excavations revealed the era of his predecessor Dunaújváros be considered from the Árpád-era exist today Pentele of a medieval saint Greek (St. Pantaleon) was named after.

The village from 1688-until 1541-was under Turkish rule, the 15-year war, the population is completely extinct. The introduction of - more like Danube municipality - were replaced by Serbs in the Hungarian population. When the Danube municipalities and serfs refused to serve the Austrians, Pentele also under German occupation, and again abandoned.
The Serbian population living in settlements Pentele participated in the liberation of Rákóczi, After which the village would be empty again, if you do not take English settlers in the village. Subsequently, however, developments in the town. The cholera epidemic started in 1831-the position of serfs increasingly deteriorated. This led to rebellion - this was a master bootmaker Martin Szórád leader - but during the 1830-year right to the village in four national and two weeks to hold a weekly fair. After investigation, the County prevailed in subsequent coup removed "good" V Ferdinand in 1833-(again) gives the rank of field Pentele settlement.
1848-49-es of the freedom of the city at the time of the people of Kossuth fought under the banner of "national army inspection" in 1848. completed completed on May 28 that the militia members was 237 (223 of them for military service in person), the freedom and the time of the National Territorial monitored crossing the Danube and the Buda-Pentele vicinity of Osijek road section. The large population of agricultural wage-earner had the line. The settlement of the administrative changes in 1870-was a large Dunapentele classified.

Then finally moved Pentele age at the time of the settlement of intellectual image of the most important shape, Pál Rosti world, guidebook writer, ethnographer, and geography, is one of the first photographers. (The photographer in Budapest was a scholar of the Roman Catholic cemetery located Dunapentele eternal rest.) Of the town to another - was born here - the famous person: Molnár Pentelei John, painter (1878-1924).

The Hungarian Workers' (Communist) Party Central management decision at the end of 1949, a new steel giant combination housing and related structure, which was designed to create a national socialist heavy.
The initial investment in the dream Mohács area Hungarian-Yugoslav relations deteriorated due to the new location was sought, so the choice of this settlement. The first five-year plan "was the most architecture, and thus began the new city - then called the Sztálinváros - construction as well. As a name - 1961-to - Dunaújváros. The "Stalin Vasmű" name "Danube Ironworks Company Limited" and "Dunaferr Co." change of name. The group is one of the country's largest industrial complex, whose major role is that of the city over the past decades, has found a real place in the country's economic and cultural life and the "Mezőföld" has become the center of a major part of the east.

(Source: http://www.dunaujvaros.hu )

With my wife, XYL Adrienn