Renzo Chiereghin
Via S. Pertini 1
40010 Bentivoglio (BO)
Loc. jn54rp
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Welcome to my homepage, my name is
Renzo Chiereghin, and live in a small village of about 1800
inhabitants in the province of Bologna. I have been using the
radio since many years, I was around 10 years of age when I began
my first experiences with a simple walkie-talkie with one channel
(14 AM) on the CB band. Than in 1978 I bought a 23 AM CB
transceiver, and since that date my passion on this field
increased day by day till 1986 when I got my first amateur call (IW4BNF,
only VHF and above). Probably because of my limited conditions (just
a simple hand-held transceiver, an FT 23R), I used seldom this
range of frequency, so in the 1990 I decided to do my last
amateur exam, and my full license arrived. I'm very interested on
10 meters FM Dxing (I'm usually between 29.500 and 29.525), and
love very much contesting. Right now I try to get the Russian
diplome called "Russia award", and the "WAS award",
so Americans or Russians, if you have had a contact with me, send
me your QSL, even direct, I will reply direct too. I love QSLing,
and when I receive a card from an SWL I always confirm direct. I
would add also that I'm 35 years old (20-06-1965), I'm not
married and I live together my father. I have an high school
education, and for about seven years I have been working in a
bank as a clerk. At the present time because of my health
problems (I suffer of a neuromuscular disease similar to the
Muscular Dystrophy, syndrome of Dejerinne-Sottas), I do not work
anymore, and spend all my spare time on the radio. Please give me
a call if you hear me, and do not hesitate with your questions.
Best wishes, and good Dxing.
R.E.F - French amateur radio association
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