My Antenna Farm 2ии3

In an effort to not disturb my neighbors, I have tried to conceal my antenna farm as much as possible.

Radio towers are not allowed in the neighborhood, and with a small back yard area, I am forced to go vertical for the lower frequencies.

Painting some of the antennas black, and using black guys, have helped to blend the antennas into the trees. In some of the pictures it looks like the antennas touch the trees, but they are all clear of limbs.

My QTH in Valley Park, MO

Home QTH

Notice how little the vertical antennas show up from the front. The little satellite dish shows up more than the ham antenna system. Most of the antennas are mounted behind the house.

The Echo link, and 6 through 17 meter antennas

Discone and dipole support

To the left of the house is a 3� foot, Radio Shack, slip up mast. The mast supports the Radio Shack discone antenna on top, and the left side of my homemade 6 through 17 meter dipole.

The Echo link discone antenna

Discone and dipole support

The Radio Shack discone monitor antenna works well as a less than unity gain antenna on any frequency between 5� and 9ии mhz.

It is small and works great as the Echo Link control radio antenna. In the background you can see the 6 through 17 meter dipole and the 16� through 1� meter vertical antennas.

My home brew 6 through 17 meter dipole antenna

6 through 17 meter dipole

The home brew 6 through 17 meter dipole is suspended between the 3� foot mast and a tree in the center of the back yard.

Antennas on top of the house

Comet Tri-Band Vertical

In the center rear of the house, is a Radio Shack 3 foot tripod, which is mounted on the back side of the roof so as to not be seen from the front of the house.

The tri-pod has a shorted leg in order to mount on the back roof slope. The tripod has a 1� foot mast, which supports the Comet GP-15 6/2/44� tri-band vertical.

Below the tri-band vertical is a 4� meter dipole supported by a shelf bracket, and extended to the front left tree, and a right rear tree.

The tripod base also makes a nice guy point for the 6� foot back yard vertical.

My home brew 16� to 1� meter vertical antenna

6Ø foot vertical antenna

Mounted in the rear of the house, is a homemade 6� foot vertical aluminum antenna, with an SGC-23�, 16� through 1� meter auto coupler installed.

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