Here is a brief history of me and my HAM (Amateur Radio) Hobby that I have enjoyed so much over the past 30 years and continue to do so today. Now that I have retired I hope to be more active in the clubs and activities locally.

I have always been interested in anything electronic as far back as I can remember even at a young age and always tried to pursue anything in that field to include computers and software programming. I experienced and worked on almost everything from old serial dumb terminals to modern IT systems for the government over the past 25 years. I will miss my IT family there but will now have more time for radio and my kids and grandkids not necessarily in that order.

I was first licensed as a novice in 1977 with the callsign of WD4PCV but never got on the air with the call due to financial constraints in starting a family and also having a little key fright I guess. I got my General ticket in 1981, Advanced in 1982, and Extra Class license in 1985. I currently hold the Worked all States, Worked all Continents, and DXCC with 340 countries giving me Honor Roll Status. I still have 9 more active countries that I will pursue in the coming months and years. I have worked ALL of my countries without an amplifier except for my last two. CW is my favorite mode but I also enjoy working all of the other digital modes and bands.

 I am active on HF from 10 to 80 meters, 6 Meters, and 2 Meters. I currently operate a homebrew custom hybrid four band cubical quad that has worked very well for me over the past several years. I also operate a 5 element M2 Yagi for 6 meters, a 13 element Yagi for two meters, a double bazooka for 40 and 80 meters. I QSL using LoTW, Direct, eQSL, or the old-fashioned Bureau if needed.  SASE not required if you worked me and need a card just request it from me.

I support and am a current member of the following Amateur Radio entities:

ARRL, Ten-Ten Club # 38816, Fists # 14305, SKCC # 2582, NAQCC # 6124

Hope to see you on the Bands soon, 73, Good DX’ing and have fun with the hobby!


The 3/4 Element 5 Band Hybrid Quad built and erected in 2017 with the 40 meter Double Bazooka.

The 2 and 6 Meter installation with the 75/80-meter Double Bazooka under the tram.