K1TR VHF Contesting - September 2007

Sept 2007 ARRL VHF QSO Party
2006' Wachusett Mountain, Princeton, MA FN42BL

Weekend started off very hot and humid.  A cool front arrived Saturday evening, triggering quite a bit of lightning, rain and wind.  Loss power for a while during the storm.  When it came back, the IF and T/R switching circuitry for my 903-3456 transverter box was fried, largely stopping QSOs on those bands for Sunday.

  Low Power Single Operator Category - Final Score: 183k

Band Power (PEP) Antenna QSOs/Multiplier (grid squares)
50 200W 4 elements (Hygain) 216/32
144 200W 12 elements (FO-12) 240/34
222 65W 16 elements (FO-16) 84/27
432 100W 19 elements (RIW) 117/27
903 10W 33 element LY 16/8
1296 10W 45 element LY 23/9
2304 10W 52 element LY 18/7
3456 4W 52 element LY 11/6
5760 2W 2' dish, dualband feed 9/4
10368 1W 2' dish, dualband feed 10/4


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Operating position at summit. looking west. K1TR in a very hot shack Antennas The impressive, not so ergonomic, station layout 


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My homemade trailer hitch tilt-down mast system And they call this wireless?? The norm for weather Sunday and Monday Priceless moment: a hot shower is only 90 minutes away..

A Short Video of a 432 MHz QSO with K3LFO/R in FM08 (a distance of 470 miles)