- My HF station is two Icom IC-7300's. One is dedicated to digital modes; one's on CW and voice modes. My QRP radio is an Icom IC-705. I switch between an 80mtr off-center-fed ladder line dipole and a 40mtr delta loop.
- Please QSL via ARRL's LoTW or eQSL

My affiliations:
- New River Valley Amateur Radio Club
- Life Member, American Radio Relay League, Inc.
- Quarter Century Wireless Association, #22157
- QRP Amateur Radio Club, International, #1856
Life Member, ECARS 7255, #3533
SCARS 7251, #7701
SKCC #18336
- Certified NWS SKYWARN Spotter
- WB2JKJ, RC of JHS 22, Honor Roll #015
I am retired from:
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania