Welcome to:
Woody’s Ham Radio Home Page
My card, if you please, sir.
A little preamble:
I’ve been involved in Amateur Radio (or “ham” radio, as it’s frequently called) on and off since I was a young teenager back in the early 1960s. At the present time, I’m the vice-president for one area ham radio club, treasurer for another, president of a third. I also am the ARRL's Public Information Coordinator for the state of North Carolina and, as of February 2013, I have a regular column in the SERA Journal. It keeps me busy!
Here I am as Net Control during an exercise at the Orange County EOC.
Here I am as Net Control during an exercise at the Orange County EOC.
I was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland (which is why there’s that “3” in K3VSA--it’s my original callsign, now reissued to me through the FCC's “vanity” program). I moved to North Carolina soon after my hitch in the US Air Force ended and plan to stay here for the rest of my life. It’s a beautiful state. My wife Lisa, was born and raised here in Orange County, and she also has her ticket (KG4PFB). She’s the Demo Coordinator for Weaver Street Market, an awesome teaching chef, and she makes--my favorite-- a killer peanut butter pie. We have a homeschooled, teenaged daughter who swims like a fish, loves the Beatles, and is learning piano. She keeps us both busy!
My wife and daughter at an overlook in Virginia in 2009.
My wife and daughter at an overlook in Virginia in 2009.
Orange County is a great section of North Carolina. We have Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina, historic Hillsborough with its colonial charm, and all the rural parts including the section in the north of the county where we live.
Canada geese on the pond in front of our home in Orange County.
Canada geese on the pond in front of our home in Orange County.
We're active on our club’s blowtorch repeater on 442.150MHz, and we also are blessed with a pair of vintage Kenwood TS-520S transceivers which are...
A vintage Kenwood TS-520S with its matching DG-5 digital display unit.
A vintage Kenwood TS-520S with its matching DG-5 digital display unit.
...thirty-five years old and still going strong. These radios are available, affordable, reliable, and a great way to introduce yourself to operating on HF.
Future projects include better antennas (using a G5RV now) and getting on the air with HSMM, Narrow-bandwidth TV and free-space optical communications.
This is the Remco Crystal Radio kit. The circular loop on top of the cabinet did nothing and was merely for show.
This is the Remco Crystal Radio kit. The circular loop on top of the cabinet did nothing and was merely for show.
My first radio project was this Remco Crystal Radio kit, which I obtained when I had single digit years of age. It “tuned” by means of a slider on the coil. It received the same station, WBAL 1090kHz (called “kilocycles per second” back then), regardless of where the slider was set. I still have a fascination with crystal radios today, and they can be amazingly good performers if well designed!
I also created and maintain these:
- Alamance Amateur Radio Club - a great ham club centered in Burlington NC
- Carolina Flashers Photonics Group - hams interested in free space optical communication
- NB4TV - Narrow-bandwidth TV over Amateur Radio
- NC ARES Area 10 - the six counties in central North Carolina
- NC ARRL PIO - statewide website for Amateur Radio public relations info
- Roxboro Bible Church - you can't spend all your time playing radio
- Triangle ATV Association - area club that is interested in ham television
Other websites that I like:
- ARRL - the national association for Amateur Radio™
- Antique Wireless Association (Carolinas Chapter) - appreciating and preserving old radio-electronics
- Ashokan Farewell - the hauntingly beautiful “Civil War” song written by Jay Ungar in 1982
- The Babbage Analytical Engine - the world's first programmable mechanical computer (at last?)
- The Babbage Difference Engine - a working mechanical computer built from 153 year old plans
- Central Carolina Skywarn - the eyes and ears of the National Weather Service
- Cheap QSLs - inexpensive, great service and made in the USA
- Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship - fellowship and service via ham radio since 1966
- CQ - a ham magazine focusing on people and the practical aspect of Amateur Radio
- Crystal Radio Plans and Circuits - an exhausive list of xtal set projects from “Stay Tuned”
- The Curta - the ingenious “pepper mill” mechanical calculator from the 1940s
- dBj Radio and Electronics - ham radio gear from the home boys in Jamestown NC
- Earth’s Children™ - Jean M Auel’s series about Ayla and Jondalar, a fictional ice age heroine and hero
- Edwin Howard Armstrong - source documentation on the greatest inventor radio has yet known
- Electric Radio - an excellent magazine for those who appreciate vintage ham radio gear
- Friends of the Hunley - the first successful combat submarine
- Getting Started in Electronics - an excellent beginner’s book by Forrest M Mims III
- Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines - wife and daughter are both involved in this group
- The Ham Band - a couple of Danish hams and their accompanists make music about Amateur Radio
- Hillsdale College - what an American liberal arts school ought to be
- Historic Hillsborough NC - welcome to our town!
- Jon Gnagy’s “Learn to Draw” - an American original
- Kenwood Hybrid Transceivers - great website about these excellent classic radios
- La Patrie Guitars - great nylon stringed acoustics made in La Patrie, Quebec (left-handed models available)
- Maker Faire NC - the awesome annual tech DIY event, sponsored by Make Magazine
- N4MC’s Vanity HQ - Michael Carroll’s vanity callsign website makes getting that special callsign easy
- NC ARES - the North Carolina section of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service
- NC ARRL - statewide chapter of the American Radio Relay League
- OCRA - our local Amateur Radio club here in Orange County NC
- Orange Community Players - our local theater group, in which we're involved way too much
- Panis Angelicus - Chloe Agnew’s awesome rendition of this classic masterpiece
- Poplar Forest - Thomas Jefferson’s personal retreat
- Practical Primitive - aboriginal skills made easy for us clueless “civilized” people
- QSL.NET - connecting hams around the world with free websites
- Quarter Century Wireless Association - for hams licensed 25 years or more
- Rob’s and Dave’s Aircooled Volkswagen Pages - step-by-step procedures to keep that beetle running
- The Simple Approach to Ham Radio - Geoff Haines’ (N1GY) excellent website with great projects
- Victor-Victrola Page - comprehensive info about early Victor brand “talking machine” phonographs
- Visit NC - the official travel and tourism website for the State of North Carolina
- Walden Media - specializing in family entertainment
- WCPE - great classical music 24 hours a day
- Weaver Street Market - our community-owned grocery stores in Carrboro, Hillsborough, Southern Village
- The Xtal Set Society - an organization devoted to passive receivers (crystal radios)
Famous Woodwards (of no known relation):
- Alice Bolingbroke Woodward (1862 - 1951) - English illustrator
- Arthur Smith Woodward (1864-1944) - English paleontologist
- Augustus B. Woodward (1774-1827) - first Chief Justice of the Michigan Territory
Benjamin Woodward (1816-1861) - Irish architect
- Comer Vann Woodward (1908 - 1999) - American historian
- Edward Albert Arthur Woodward, OBE (1930 - 2009) - British actor
- Ellsworth Woodward (1859-1939) and William Woodward (1859-1939) - American artists
- Fred Woodward (1953 - ) - American graphic designer
- Henry Bolingbroke Woodward FRS - English geologist
- Joanne Woodward (1930 - ) - American actress
- John Woodward (1665-1728) - English naturalist
- John Wesley Woodward (1879 - 1912) - British musician, lost on RMS Titanic
- Margaret H Woodward (1960- ) - Major General, US Air Force
- Morgan Woodward (1925 - ? - American actor
- Raymond Woodward (?- ) - pastor of Capital Community Church, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
- Richard Blake Woodward (1848-1905) and John Stewert Woodward (1849-1905) - English missionaries & ornithologists
- Robert Burns Woodward (1917-1979) - American organic chemist, 1955 Nobel laureate in chemistry
- Robert Raymond Woodward (1923-2010) - Australian architect
- Robert Simpson Woodward (1849 - 1924) - American physicist and mathematician
- Samuel Walter Woodward (1848-1917) - cofounder of Woodward and Lothrop department store
- Thomas Jenkinson Woodward (1745?-1820) - English botanist
- William Frederick “Woody” Woodward (1942- ) - Major League baseball player
Other Woodward Hams (of my acquaintance):
- George Woodward W1RN - of Berlin CT, originally KN3TQM of Laurel MD
- Mary Lisa Woodward KG4PFB - of Hillsborough NC, my XYL
Many who know me would suggest that I take some of this regularly.
Many who know me would suggest that I take some of this regularly.
Many Thanks To:
- The good folks at qsl.net for providing cyberspace for the Amateur Radio community.
- Stan Horzepa WA1LOU for featuring my webpage in his ARRL “Surfin” column, January 19th, 2013.
- Last, but not least, you, of course, for visiting. As they say, “Come back, now, you hear?”
Last updated on March 20th, 2013.
-73 de Woody K3VSA
-73 de Woody K3VSA