The Ham Station - A full-service Amateur Radio dealer in Evansville, IN.
Icom America - HF, VHF, UHF transceivers and more.
InterFlex Systems
- KaGOLD for Kantronics, PkGOLD for AEA TNCs. All Mode, Dual and Single Port TNCs, Packet Pactor Amtor Gtor modes, Win 3.xx, Win 95, OS/2, DOS.
Jun's Electronics
- Devoted to all phases of amateur radio equipment and accessories.
Kanga - QRP kits and items of interest to low-power advocates. Includes Hands Electronics QRP kits,
KK7B receiver & filter kits, and Sun Logic charge controllers for photo voltaic systems, plus others.
Kantronics - Manufacturers of digital equipment and other products for Amateurs.
- Hand-held and bench instruments used extensively in the areas of electronics test, two- way radio, amateur radio, communications, monitoring, security, counter surveillance, and law enforcement.
Tandy - Parent company for Radio Shack, Computer City and Incredible Universe.
Timewave - 'Products include Digital Signal Processing (DSP) automatic noise reduction filters for data and
voice, DSP modems for radio applications, and fiber optic computer interfaces.'