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HAM Radio

cq2ani.gif (77063 bytes)Hello and greetings, you have just entered the home page of Ham Radio Station KA9S. Jeff is my name - CW rag chewing is my game.

(If you don't see the GREEN menu bar along the left edge of the screen, click the "Home" link at bottom this page)

I operate from a little 10' by 11' radio shack into which I pack my radios (many are Boat Anchors), my operating bench, my storage, and my work bench.  Everything is floor-to-ceiling. I think of it as my Radio Grotto!

I have many hobbies but my primary hobby is Ham Radio. It has been my longest continuously active hobby. So take your shoes off and snoop around. Click on everything. I hope the site offers interesting items for you. I hope you come back often.

And above all - if you hear me on the air - BREAK IN! I love CW roundtable QSOs.

73 - Jeff - KA9S                                                                      A1-OP

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