My Johnson
Valiant that I got on a impulse at a hamfest this year.
Johnson Viking II that I got a long time ago.
The Viking II
was a "parts" rig and is missing the AM components, so it's just a CW
rig now.
also have the VFO-122 that goes with it.
My Johnson Challenger that I got for
free way back
in the 1980s. I was walking around a hamfest
near the end of the day and this guy has
Challenger on the ground underneath his table. He
was using it for a foot rest and there
was no price
on it. I asked him " what do you wanted for it?" ,
he replied "what's it worth to you?",
and I
said "nothing" and he said "Sold!". Being a cheap skate
pays off sometimes.
I will be
adding better individual pictures and better "shack" pictures when I
get around to
straightening up around here.