Matthew Payne
Bargersville, Indiana

2m / 70cm Ops
HF Ops
Packet / APRS
Essays and Writings

A Proud Supporter of No Code International.  Flame Suit On

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Greenwood Marching Band Invitational

Well, today marked the fourth time that I participated in the annual Greenwood Marching Band Invitational. Our amateur radio efforts, coordinated by Bob LaGrange, N9SIU, dealt primarily with parking cars in an orderly fashion. It's a lot of work, and requires a great deal of standing and walking, which I'm not real good at, but overall it was a fun time.

There's another good benefit of doing events like these. It gives folks the opportunity to test their equipment and readiness to operate in case of an emergency. For instance, I found out tonight that my lapel microphone/speaker thingy is in need of a new speaker. It was only by using it in the field that its deficiencies became apparent.

So not only did I get to spend a good day with the amateur radio folk, but I also got to test my equipment and readiness, and get some much needed exercise. And did I mention the free food???

posted by Matt on Sunday, September 25, 2005

January 2005
June 2005
July 2005
September 2005