


Sec. 1 - Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer at every regular and special meeting shall have available account information and minutes as provided in Article IV, Sec. 3.


Sec. 2 - Membership. Applications for membership along with such applicable dues or fees shall be submitted at a regular meeting in writing or mailed to an officer of the club. Each application must express a willingness of the applicant to abide by the Constitution and Bylaws and such rules as shall from time to time be promulgated by the club.


Acceptance of an Application of Membership shall be voted upon at a regular meeting and accepted by a majority vote of members present. In the event of rejection of Application of Membership, any applicable dues or fees paid shall be returned to the applicant.


Only those persons whose dues and assessments (if so enacted) are currently paid will be considered members in good standing and eligible to vote on club business, hold office or be a party to calling a special meeting. If no dues or assessments are enacted by the club, all members listed on the membership roll are eligible to vote on club business, hold office (as set forth in Article III) or be a party to calling a special meeting.


Sec. 3 - Meetings. Regular meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each calendar month when practical at such place as the president shall order..



Web Page Updated 10/12/2023.

Adopted September 9, 2010

Serving Dallas County, Iowa and the surrounding area.

Hiawatha Amateur  Radio Club