Solar Eclipse 2024

LF Radio Propagation Experiment

Conducted by John Magliacane, KD2BD, on April 8, 2024

Eclipse Through Clouds
Eclipse Map
Kitchen Floor


The solar eclipse that swept across the continental United States on April 8, 2024 provided a unique opportunity to study the effects the eclipse might have on radio signals propagating via the Earth's ionosphere, and to compare and contrast the effects seen with those observed during earlier eclipses.

The lowest region of the ionosphere is the 'D' region. The 'D' region is most rapidly affected by changes in solar radiation, and it is the region responsible for long-distance radio communications in the low-frequency (LF) radio spectrum. As such, this experiment focused on the reception of radio station WWVB operating on 60 kHz.

Hardware Description

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) operates radio station WWVB on a frequency of 60 kHz accurate to within one part in 1014 from a transmitter located in Wellington, Colorado, just north of Fort Collins. The path of totality was predicted to cross the Great Circle path between WWVB and my home in East Central New Jersey, and hardware similar to that developed prior to the 2017 total solar eclipse was employed to measure and record amplitude and phase perturbations that might occur to reception of WWVB over the course of the eclipse.

Reception of WWVB on April 8, 2024 was impaired slightly due to the fact that WWVB's south antenna suffered damage from wind gusts in excess of 90 MPH and was disabled from approximately 00:00 UTC on April 7, 2024, leaving the station operating at reduced power (30 kW ERP vs. 70 kW) using its north antenna only.

	Loop Antenna
FMT Receiver

A magnetic loop antenna and a homebrew direct conversion receiver were employed to downconvert WWVB's 60 kHz radio signal to a 1 kHz audio signal for analysis.

A block diagram of the receiver used for making amplitude and phase measurements of WWVB.

A PIC microcontroller driven by a GPS disciplined oscillator served as the local oscillator for the receiver and provided a 1 kHz reference tone for making carrier phase measurements.

Software Description

WWVB audio from the receiver at 1 kHz along with the GPS-derived 1 kHz audio reference tone were recorded as a stereo FLAC audio file using a Slackware v14.2 Linux-based PC running the "rec" script that is part of the Sound eXchange (SoX) audio editing software application. This recording will soon be made available for further research and analysis through the HamSCI Community at Zenodo.

The recording was processed using software recently developed by KD2BD for analyzing the 2024 eclipse. Written in 'C' under Slackware Linux, the software reads the 3.8 GB stereo audio recording, measures and records peak waveform amplitude and phase relative to the GPS-derived 1 kHz reference tone recorded during the eclipse, and generates output files that are passed to gnuplot for graph generation.

The signal-to-noise ratio of WWVB wasn't very high due to local noise sources and WWVB's damaged antenna system. While the receiver has a 3-dB bandwidth of only 50 Hz, further bandwidth reduction on the order of 0.01 Hz was performed by my signal analysis software to remove as much of the remaining noise possible while leaving the slow moving effects of the eclipse clearly evident in the plotted results. Both the signal amplitude and phase measurements made through my software were validated through a separate sequence of measurements taken with an audio playback of the recording viewed on Tektronix 465 oscilloscope.

RF Path Details and Eclipse Timeline

The Great Circle path between WWVB and KD2BD is 1622.47 miles (2611.11 km) long and is on an azimuth bearing of 81.09° from WWVB and 281.47° from KD2BD. The path of totality and the Great Circle RF path met over Norwich Township, Ohio (41.122° N, 82.74° W) (just a little south of Havana) at 19:14 UTC. The mid-point of the RF path falls over Dover Township, Illinois (41.457° N, 89.491° W).

The Path of Totality Crossed the Great Circle RF Path Over Norwich Township, Ohio at 19:14 UTC.

Eclipse Timeline at WWVB
First Contact 17:30 UTC
Maximum Obscuration (62.7%) 18:41 UTC
Last Contact 19:54 UTC

Eclipse Timeline at Path Intersection
First Contact 17:57 UTC
Totality Begins 19:12 UTC
Totality Midpoint 19:14 UTC
Totality Ends 19:16 UTC
Last Contact 20:28 UTC

Eclipse Timeline at KD2BD
First Contact 18:10 UTC
Maximum Obscuration (88%) 19:25 UTC
Last Contact 20:36 UTC

Timelines for the Major Points of Interest During the Eclipse.

Amplitude Analysis

Data collection began at 16:00 UTC when the center of the Moon's shadow was over the North Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Peru (4.06° N, 126.03° W). Data collection extended for four hours placing the eclipse passage over the RF Great Circle Path close to the center of the collection period.

The amplitude of WWVB began rising shortly after obscuration began over Norwich Township, Ohio. It reached a peak a few minutes prior to totality, rising about 6.2dB above the baseline amplitude level seen prior to the Moon's shadow impacting WWVB or any other part of the RF path earlier in the day. It is interesting to note that WWVB's signal level peaked several minutes prior to totality occurring over the RF path during the 2024 eclipse, while it peaked several minutes after totality during the 2017 eclipse.

The rise to the top features a small "dent" or "shelf" where the increasing amplitude stalled briefly before resuming its rise to the top. At the peak, small "ripples" can be seen. Similar features were observed during the 2017 eclipse as well.

WWVB Relative Carrier Amplitude as a Function of Time as observed on April 8, 2024

Phase Analysis

The Sun is the major ionizing source for the 'D' region. During an eclipse, the Moon's shadow cools the atmosphere and causes a decrease in the electron, or plasma, density in the ionosphere. This decrease in ionization modifies either the effective speed of propagation and/or the effective path length the radio signal from WWVB must travel to reach my receiver in New Jersey. The relative carrier phase plotted here is directly proportional to the effective RF propagation path length and the change in the Time Delay of Arrival (TDOA) of the 60 kHz RF carrier.

WWVB Relative Carrier Phase as a Function of Time as observed on April 8, 2024

This W-shaped curve is remarkable in that it illustrates a decreasing RF carrier phase trajectory that began two hours in advance of first contact occurring over the path intersection when the center of the Moon's shadow was some 3703 miles (5960 km) away. It is speculated that this could be the signature of a foreshock wave traveling through the ionosphere well in advance of the Moon's shadow. This phenomenon was not seen during the 2017 eclipse.

A maximum carrier phase shift of about 106°, or an extension of about 1472 meters in effective RF path length, occurred just as totality over the path intersection ended, which is an amount similar to what was observed in 2017.

This peak was followed by a rising phase trajectory after last contact occurred, appearing nearly as a mirror image of what occured prior to the eclipse. This upward trajectory may illustrate evidence of an ionospheric bow wave trailing behind the eclipse. Nature always seeks an equilibrium.

NIST Signal Monitoring of WWVB

NIST maintains a network of three WWVB time code monitoring sites around the United States, two of which recorded signal level enhancements between 19:00 UTC and 20:00 UTC on April 8, 2024. Although the y-axes carry no labels, these plots indicate measured field strength in microvolts per meter, with measurements recorded once every 10 minutes.

The RF path to the Gaithersburg, Maryland receiver encountered a total eclipse, while the path to the LaCrosse, Wisconsin receiver was subject to only a partial eclipse. This difference is evident by the sharp signal peak seen in the Maryland plot while the Wisconsin receiver recorded a plateau. In neither case did signal levels during the eclipse reach the levels seen during nighttime hours.

WWVB Signal Strength as Reported by a NIST Outdoor Monitoring Station in Gaithersburg, Maryland on April 8, 2024.

WWVB Signal Strength as Reported by a NIST Indoor Monitoring Station in LaCrosse, Wisconsin on April 8, 2024.

Some Local Weather Phenomena

The solar eclipse peaked at KD2BD with a maximum obscuration of 88% at 19:25 UTC (15:25 EDT). Low-level clouds began gathering just prior to this time. Local air temperatures fell several degrees and wind gusts increased as the eclipse progressed.

Air Temperatures Dipped at Eclipse Time

Wind Gusts Peaked around Eclipse Time

References and Further Information

This page was last modified on May 19, 2024.

telegraphy key John Magliacane, KD2BD © 2024
kd2bd <AT> amsat <DOT> org