KD7REM's Tips 'n' Links

(Things to make the fun easier, and the easier fun)

CW Decoder

Here is an idea taken from the 1959 issue of the ARRL's Hints and Kinks:

The accompanying photograph is an open-for-inspection view of a soldering aid that has seen factory use for the past four years. The aid has so speeded soldering operations that we simply litter the bench with them so that when ever we reach for solder -- it's there.

The aid consists of small diameter solder wound on the film spool of a 35-mm. film cassette. Up to four layers of solder may be wound if a 36-exposure cassette is used.

When reassembling the unit, make certain that the solder feeds through the velvet lined slot properly by aligning the slot with the solder lead. Otherwise the solder will not release easily. A small hole is drilled in the spool to hold the starting end for ease of winding.

Cassettes may be obtained from some film processing companies at no cost because they are not normally reused after the film is developed.

Incidentally, Kester Company puts out an excellent booklet on the subject of soldering. A copy makes good reading for anyone interested in the proper application of solder.

-James R. Grace, W0OJS

This works great for me. It's always so clumsy to hold a full spool of solder (especially the size I buy) when you're trying to do delicate soldering. I also like it because it makes the solder stand up easily for that "third-hand" when you're tinning a wire or component lead before soldering.


WelcomeBackRadio.com My antique radio restoration website
Rodeo City Radio Club Ellensburg's Amateur Radio Club website
K3WWP's Ham Radio Activities One of the most thourough sites I've come across on CW and QRP
Nu-Ware The home of NuMorse Software. (I used this to learn CW)
The Telegraph Office A Tribute to Morse Telegraphy
Martindale's Reference Desk On-Line Electronic Calculators
Ham Tattoos Real tattoos on the bodies of Ham Operators!

Parts Suppliers

Ocean State Electronics Good supply of radio building parts
Mouser Electronics The Best!
Radar Electric Co. Inc. I used to work there

Homebrew sites

Radio Amateur Society of Norwich Good variety of quality schematics and details
Discover Circuits: a collection of more than 6000 electronic circuits and schematics in 550 categories. Circuits and/or links added regularly. Complied by David A. Johnson, P.E.

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