
KK4OBI Bent Dipoles

This is the 4NEC2 antenna bend model for: Dipole Slope
To use this model:
4NEC2 is an NEC2, NEC4, Windows based antenna modeler and optimizer by Arie Voors.
It is available free of charge at:

CM End-Sloped Dipole
CM Standard conditions:
CM * 1/2 WL end elevation, wire #14 AWG,
CM * center-feed. over average real ground
SY hgh=5.282    '1/2 WL Height of feed point 150/28.4 = 5.282 meters
SY L=5.117203    'Length of resonent wire
SY ang=45    'Angle of slope
SY X=sin(ang)*L    'X value of low end
SY Z=cos(ang)*L    'Height (Z) value of low end
GW    1    51    0    0    hgh    X    0    hgh-Z    #14    'Wire 1, 51 segments, halve wavelength long.
GE    1
GN    2    0    0    0    13    0.005    'Ground dielectric constant and conductance
EX    0    1    50%    0    1    0    0    '1 Volt source, mid-point wire 1 segment 5.
FR    0    0    0    0    28.4    0

