This is the 4NEC2 antenna bend model for: EFHW Straight
To use this model:
Below. Highlight and copy (Ctrl C) the program control codes (CM,
CE, SY, etc).
Open Windows Wordpad and copy (Ctrl V) the control codes into Wordpad.
Go to "File, Save as..." and name your new antenna model.
In Windows Explorer, right-click on your new model and "Rename" the file to end as ".nec".
Open your new model to alter the height (hgh).
4NEC2 is an NEC2, NEC4, Windows based antenna modeler and optimizer by
Arie Voors.
It is available free of charge at:
CM Standardized OCF vertical for 2-radial model converted to EFHW with variable bend point and angles
CM #14 AWG. Over Real ground, Element height fixed at 12 meters. Variable feedpoint height.
CM OFC ratio is adjustable based on Length.
CM End-fed so use short counterpoise and small inductance for hf tuning.
CM Arm ongitude is adjustable 360 degrees around.
CM Arm lattitude is adjustable 360 degrees up an down.
CM .
CM Dick Reid,KK4OBI, 2017
CM .
SY hgh=12.2 'Fixed maximum height of any element at 40 ft =12.2 meters
SY L=37.44535 'Length optimized as meters of resonant straight half-wave at 3.8 mHz
SY R=0.5 'Enter bendpoint ratio if using for inv-V or inv-L (0.5 = center)
SY cp=4.534867 'counterpoise length - meters
SY rad1=L*(1-R) 'Length of Radial 1 - meters
SY rad2=L-rad1 'Length of Radial 2 - meters
SY lat1=90 'latitude. arm1. Angle of radials. 0=dn, 90=side, 360=up
SY lat2=90 'latitude. arm2. Angle of radials. 0=dn, 90=side, 360=up
SY lon1=0 'longitude arm1. Compass Settings from 0=north, 90=east,180=south, 270=west
SY lon2=180 'longitude arm2. Compass Settings from 0=north, 90=east,180=south, 270=west
GW 1 25
0 0 hgh
hgh-rad1*cos(lat1) #14 'Arm 1
GW 2 25
0 0 hgh
rad2*cos(lon2)*sin(lat2) 0
hgh-rad2*cos(lat2) #14 'Arm 2
GW 3 3
rad2*cos(lon2)*sin(lat2) 0
hgh rad2*cos(lon2)*sin(lat2)-cp
0 hgh #14
GE 1
LD 0 2
24 24 0 0.000001
GN 2 0 0 0 4 0.003
EX 0 2
25 0 1
0 0
FR 0 0 0 0 28.6 0