The ARRL Letter
Vol. 28, No. 4
January 30, 2009


* + Laura L. Smith Named to Amateur Radio Enforcement Role 
* + Michael J. Copps Named Acting FCC Chairman 
* + J. John Thomason, WB5SYT, Appointed West Gulf Division Vice Director

* + Logbook of The World Now Easier than Ever 
* + John Scott Redd, K0DQ, Awarded Nation's Top Intelligence Award 
* + ARRL Executive Committee Approves 21 Education & Technology Program
*  Solar Update 
      This Week on the Radio 
      ARRL Continuing Education Course Registration 
    + Field Day Packets Available February 2 
    + ARRL Expands Member Access to QST Archive 
      Deadline to Order 75th Sweepstakes Mugs and Pins Fast Approaching 
      ARRL Scholarship Applications Due February 1 
      Desecheo Island DXpedition Granted Call Sign 
      Amateur Radio Operations to Begin Again on Midway Atoll 
      Korea Unveils Stamp Celebrating ARDF 

+Available on ARRL Audio News <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> 

==>Delivery problems: First see FAQ
<http://www.arrl.org/members-only/faq.html#nodelivery>, then e-mail
<[email protected]>;
==>Editorial questions or comments only: S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA
<[email protected]>;


Laura L. Smith of Pennsylvania has been named by the FCC to fill the
vacancy created when Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, retired in 2008 as
Special Counsel for the Spectrum Enforcement Division of the FCC's
Enforcement Bureau. Hollingsworth served in that position for more than
10 years as the FCC's enforcement watchdog over the Amateur Radio
Service <http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/07/03/10198>. 

A 1990 graduate of the Pepperdine University School of Law, Smith began
her legal career with the FCC, working in the Mass Media Bureau and
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. She also served as Deputy Division
Chief of the Public Safety and Private Wireless Division. Smith is
currently licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

In 1998, Smith left the FCC to become Executive Director of Governmental
Affairs for the Industrial Telecommunications Association (ITA)

<http://www.ita-relay.com/default.htm>, now Enterprise Wireless
Alliance. In that role, she monitored FCC and legislative proceedings
and participated in all regulatory proceedings relevant to the private
wireless industry. In 2001, Smith became ITA's President and Chief
Executive Officer. While in that position, she was instrumental in the
formation of the Consensus Group, a group of public safety and private
wireless entities responsible for drafting the "Consensus Plan," a
proposed resolution for interference in the 800 MHz band; this was
adopted by the FCC in 2004.

Smith returns to the FCC after serving Of Counsel with the Maryland law
firm of Shulman Rogers. While there, she dealt with telecommunications
matters and provided counsel to numerous entities in the private radio
and public safety communities. Smith has served as an industry
consultant and written columns for a variety of trade publications
including "Mobile Radio Technology Magazine" and "The Private Wireless

In an October 2008 letter to then-FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, ARRL
President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, urged Martin to name a successor to
Hollingsworth: "The appointment of a replacement Special Counsel in this
position is of critical importance to the Amateur Radio Service, as the
delay in finalizing the appointment stands to undermine in very short
order an exceptionally successful and low-cost program of enforcement in
the Amateur Service."

Calling the FCC's Amateur Radio enforcement program "spectacularly
successful," Harrison reminded Martin of the "long period in the late
1980s and 1990s during which the Commission was essentially uninvolved
in enforcement in the Amateur Service. The Amateur Service, consisting
of some 680,000 licensees of the Commission, is in essence a
self-regulating service; however, due to the shared frequency
allocations in the Service and the long distance propagation of amateur
communications, a very few rule violators can cause severe disruption in
the Service. On the other hand, even a minimal Commission presence has a
very strong deterrent value."

When Hollingsworth was appointed as Special Counsel for Amateur Radio
Enforcement, Harrison said that Hollingsworth "established a visible
presence in the Service and very quickly, and with very little
investment of Commission resources, using little more than the awareness
of an enforcement presence, created strong deterrence against rule

Upon learning of Smith's move to the Amateur Radio enforcement role,
Harrison remarked that he was "very pleased to see the Commission move
forward with the hiring of a new Special Counsel responsible for
enforcement of the Amateur Radio Service rules. Ever since Riley
Hollingsworth announced his retirement, we have met with the Enforcement
Chief numerous times and corresponded with FCC Chairman Martin to ensure
this position remains intact at FCC. The Commission acknowledges the
self-regulating environment we maintain, but also understands that we
need their assistance occasionally to resolve a few situations. They
have continually reassured us that this is an important matter for them,
and Ms Smith's hiring confirms that."


On Thursday, January 22, President Barack Obama named current FCC
Commissioner Michael Copps as Acting Chairman of the Commission. Rumors
circulated in mid-January that technology executive Julius Genachowski
would be nominated as Chairman. Copps will serve as Acting Chairman
until a new Commissioner/Chairman is confirmed.

"I am honored to be designated as Acting Chairman of the FCC," Copps
said in a statement released by the FCC. "I thank President Obama for
his confidence in me and for this opportunity to serve. I know that I
have a truly gifted and terrific team to work with. I pledge every
effort I am capable of to help steer the Commission through its current
transition to new leadership."

ARRL Chief Executive Officer David Sumner, K1ZZ, congratulated Copps on
his appointment. "Whenever we have sought a meeting with him or his
staff, his door has always been open to us," he said.

Currently serving a second term as FCC Commissioner, Copps began his
first term with the Commission in 2001. Before his appointment to the
FCC, he served as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Trade Development
at the US Department of Commerce, where he was previously Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Basic Industries. Copps came to
Washington in 1970, joining the staff of Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC)
and served for more than a decade as his Chief of Staff. He has also
held positions at a Fortune 500 company and at a major trade
association. Before coming to Washington, Copps was a professor of
American history at Loyola University of the South. He received a BA
from Wofford College and earned a PhD from the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Upon being sworn in for his second term as FCC Commissioner in 2006,
Copps said that "The last four and a half years have been tremendously
transformative for the world of telecommunications and the media. The
future holds even greater challenge. I look forward to continuing to
work with my colleagues on the Commission, with the Congress and with
all the other stakeholders to help bring the most advanced, accessible
and cost-effective communications system in the world to all American


With the approval of the ARRL Ethics and Elections Committee, ARRL
President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, has appointed Oklahoma Section Manager J.
John Thomason, WB5SYT, as Vice Director in the West Gulf Division.
Thomason replaces Dr David Woolweaver, K5RAV, who moved up to Director
with the retirement of Division Director Coy Day, N5OK, earlier this

An Extra class licensee, Thomason has been an ARRL member for more than
20 years and has served as Oklahoma Section Manager since 2003. While
Section Manager, he supported and prompted passage of Oklahoma Senate
Bill 426. This bill allows "for the erection of an Amateur Radio antenna
or an Amateur Radio antenna support structure at a height and dimension
sufficient to accommodate Amateur Radio Service communications."
Thomason also represented the League in 2004 at the Voluntary
Organizations Active in Disaster's (VOAD) national conference. Based on
an article in the November 2007 issue of QST, Thomason, with assistance
from University of Oklahoma personnel, developed a frequency
coordination protocol that is now used at that school's home football

"The opportunity and honor to serve the West Gulf Division as Vice
Director is exciting," Thomason said. "It is my desire to diligently
work with Director Woolweaver to ensure Division members are informed,
to provide input and feedback on policies and procedures pertinent to
the League's missions and to accomplish what is necessary to have the
interest and the availability to inform through developed relationships
with Division members and League headquarters staff."

"I have known John for several years," Woolweaver said. "He has been
very successful as a Section Manager, especially in the areas of
Emergency Preparedness and legislative action. His unmistakable talents
in those areas will be very useful in his new role as Vice Director."

Thomason said continuing "the excellent League service provided by my
predecessor Dr David Woolweaver, K5RAV, is humbling and enabling. His
skill set and presence at so many League functions in the Oklahoma
Section and beyond is truly a high standard to obtain. He has shown a
highly informed outreach and capacity to listen and communicate while
making the Amateur Radio Service visible through the League. He will
grow in these efforts as Director while following in the richness of
professionalism of Director Coy Day, N5OK.

"It is my hope to sustain and flourish the wonderful relationship
developed via my role as Oklahoma Section Manager. The relationships and
fondness for our fellow Amateur Radio operators and capacity therein to
enhance our public service with League strength is very important to me
in my role as Vice Director. This has developed by being active at
League events, club meetings, Nets and served agency functions. We make
a difference in Amateur Radio operators' lives by listening, caring and
expressing this passion to them. A birthday card or a handwritten note
of encouragement during family challenges clearly communicates that the
League cares for and about them as people and their contributions to
Amateur Radio. It has been stated that we meet people based on what in
common, but grow on the basis of how we are different. I feel this is
our opportunity to strengthen our collective League mission during
difficult times, be they economic or frequency threats."

Thomason is a member of the Edmond Amateur Radio Society (EARS). He has
earned DXCC and Worked All States (WAS) on CW, PSK and SSB. Thomason is
a vocational evaluator with the State of Oklahoma's Department of
Rehabilitation Services. He holds a BA in psychology and an MS in
rehabilitation counseling.

When Thomason moved up to Vice Director, Dean Feken, KL7MA, of Perry,
was appointed as the new ARRL Oklahoma Section Manager. The Rules and
Regulations of the ARRL Field Organization state that when a vacancy in
the office of Section Manager occurs between elections, the position is
filled by appointment by the Membership and Volunteer Programs Manager,
in consultation with the Director. MVP Manager Dave Patton, NN1N,
consulted with Woolweaver and Thomason in filling the Section Manager
position. Feken, an Extra class licensee, has been the Oklahoma Official
Observer Coordinator since the spring 2004 and an Official Observer
since fall 2003. Feken's term as Section Manager continues through
September 30, 2010. The nomination announcement for the next term of
office for Oklahoma Section Manager is scheduled to appear in the April
2010 issue of QST.


In order to better accommodate new users as well as existing account
holders, ARRL's Logbook of The World (LoTW) has been updated
<http://www.arrl.org/lotw/>. According to ARRL Membership and Volunteer
Programs Assistant Manager Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, these improvements were
made based LoTW help questions and listening to users.

"Through the efforts of Membership and Volunteer Services Manager Dave
Patton, NN1N, and Information Technology Manager Jon Bloom, KE3Z, we
have also added an automated results table on the LoTW Users Home Page
that lists members in numeric order who have achieved the Triple Play
Award," said ARRL Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B. "IT
personnel have also fixed a number of longstanding issues with Logbook
in recent weeks, and some additional enhancements are underway."

Added enhancements include: 
* An LoTW User's Corner that includes quick links to log onto your
account, save or renew a certificate and ways to address PC failure. 
* The GET STARTED section <http://www.arrl.org/lotw/start.html> has been
simplified with links for each of the four steps in the certificate
* LoTW instructions are now available in nine languages: English, Dutch,
French, German, Italian, Russian, Slovenian and Spanish. Options to
select a language have always been available, but they have now been
moved up front to the GET STARTED page. The languages are identified
with icons of flags to represent each language. 
* The GET STARTED pdf file has been updated to include new screenshots
and refinement of some of the processes. 
* The software download section now consists of only three icons
representing the three operating systems for which software is
available: Windows, Mac and Linux. The user simply selects their
operating system and they are redirected to the download specific to
their system. 
* A new link has been added for QSL Manager, Club Calls and DXpeditions.
This link gives details on establishing an account for these special
operations and includes a section for 1x1 call signs. 
* A new PowerPoint overview is available from the LoTW site. This
presentation has also been added to our multimedia library
<http://www.arrl.org/multimedia>. The program is an overview of LoTW and
what users can expect from the service. There are screenshots of LoTW
pages, as well as a condensed version of the certificate and award
application process. 

With more than 200 million QSOs submitted, ARRL's Logbook of The World
system is a repository of log records submitted by users from around the
world <http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2009/01/22/10576/?nc=1>. When
both participants in a QSO submit matching QSO records to LoTW, the
result is a QSL that can be used for ARRL award credit. Yaesu is the
principal sponsor of the LoTW Web site


Vice Admiral John Scott Redd, USN (ret), K0DQ, received the National
Security Medal in a White House ceremony earlier this month. In one of
his last official duties as President of the United States, George W.
Bush recognized Redd for "his more than 40 years of exceptional service
to the Nation, strengthening its intelligence capabilities and improving
national security," and called Redd "an innovator, a strategic thinker,
an inspirational leader and a dedicated servant to the Nation, respected
for his vision, courage and integrity." During his remarks, the
President also thanked Redd's wife Donna for her service over many
years. The Redds' daughter and sons also attended the White House

The National Security Medal is America's highest intelligence award. It
is awarded to any citizen of the United States with distinguished
achievements or outstanding contributions, on or after 26 July 1947, in
the field of intelligence relating to the national security of the
United States of America. Previous recipients of the National Security
Medal include Bill Donovan, founder of the Office of Strategic Services
(OSS); J. Edgar Hoover, former FBI Director; Robert Gates, US Secretary
of Defense, and Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor to Presidents
Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush.

In 1995, Redd founded and was named commander of the Navy's Fifth Fleet

<http://www.cusnc.navy.mil/>. The fleet operates in waters surrounding
the Middle East and is the only new fleet since World War II. He served
as director of strategic plans and policy on the Joint Chiefs of Staff
<http://www.jcs.mil/> from 1996 until he retired from the Navy two years
later. Redd was named Chief Operating Officer of the Coalition
Provisional Authority <http://www.cpa-iraq.org/> in March 2004, but the
White House recalled him a month later to lead the commission that
examined the intelligence failures that led up to the Iraq war. He
earlier served as Deputy Administrator and Chief Operating Officer of
the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad, for which he received
the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service.

In August 2005, Congress confirmed Redd -- a 1966 graduate of the US
Naval Academy and a Fulbright Scholar -- as Director of the National
Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) <http://www.nctc.gov/>; he retired in
November 2007. The NCTC is the nation's repository for counterterrorism
intelligence and sets the nation's war plan for fighting terrorists. The
center has few employees of its own and, instead, brings together
approximately 400 analysts and other employees from agencies such as the
CIA, the Homeland Security Department and the FBI to pore over data
collected by other agencies. The NCTC houses the nation's terrorist
watch list and distributes it throughout the government nightly. It
holds video teleconferences three times a day to keep the White House
and the intelligence community informed about terrorist activity and
counter-terror operations. "We say, 'Mr. President, here's what the
intelligence community believes, and here's where agencies disagree,'"
Redd said in describing how the NCTC operates. "So now he can see what
the disagreement is and why. Because intelligence is not an arithmetic
thing, there's a lot of judgment that goes into it."

An active ham, contester and DXer for more almost 50 years, Redd -- a
native of Sydney, Iowa -- enjoys both CW and phone. In 1971, Redd, then
K0DQI, won the CQ World Wide DX Contest (phone) from Mexico as 6D1AA. He
also won the ARRL International DX Contest, both phone and CW, in 1972
from Mexico as XE1IIJ; this was the first time a single operator
surpassed 10,000 contacts in a contest. In 1973, Redd won the ARRL Phone
DX Contest from the DX side (Mexico) as 6J9AA, and in 1986, he won the
ARRL CW from the US as W3GRF. All of these wins were as Single Operator,
High Power. Redd went on to place third in his first CQ Worked All
Prefix (WPX) (CW) contest in 1995 as A92Q from Bahrain. Throughout his
ham radio career, Redd has held many DX call signs: P40Q, 3V8DQ, A92Q,
XE1IIJ, 4A4AA/1, 6J9AA, 6D1AA, 6G1AA, 6J9AA, 4C5AA and 4C9AA, just to
name a few.

In 2008, Redd was inducted into the CQ Amateur Radio Hall of Fame

<http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/05/16/10100/>. The CQ Amateur
Radio Hall of Fame honors those individuals, whether licensed hams or
not, who have made significant contributions to Amateur Radio, and those
amateurs who have made significant contributions either to Amateur
Radio, to their professional careers or to some other aspect of life on
our planet.


In December, the ARRL Executive Committee reviewed grant applications
for the ARRL's Education & Technology Program (ETP)
<http://www.arrl.org/FandES/tbp/>, awarding nearly $22,000 to 21
schools. More than 350 schools across the country have received support
from the ETP in the form of grants for equipment, curriculum and
resources, as well as teacher in-service training through the Teachers
Institute on Wireless Technology
<http://www.arrl.org/FandES/tbp/ti.html>. The Executive Committee
reviews applications for equipment and resource grants twice each year,
in December and May.

ETP Grants 

ETP grants consist of Amateur Radio equipment, enabling the school to
set up a station. Schools may receive activity kits in addition to
station equipment. The following schools recently received ETP grants:

Phillip Magruder Middle School, Torrance, California: This grant
application proposed an after school program based on three pillars: To
instruct students on the basics of radio technology and allow them to
practice using the technology to communicate effectively; to allow
students to construct a radio station and take licensing classes to be
able to use their station, and to use the context of the club (ham
radio) to explore careers through related field trips and interaction
with hams in the community. The proposal is well thought out and
presented and it represents a program that has good potential for

Bradshaw Mountain Middle School, Dewey, Arizona: The teacher proposes to
integrate Amateur Radio and shortwave radio into the school culture and
classroom curriculum to provide opportunities for students of all levels
during a combined in-school and after school program. Their goals are to
establish a shortwave station allowing students and teachers to listen
to transmissions from other areas, including support for Spanish
language instruction, expose students to world cultures through radio
and news broadcasts from and for other countries; students will put
together a ham radio station that will be used to support other content
areas of instruction, such as science, and to develop a portable station
capable to allow for off school site participation in local ham
activities to provide for school outreach. This is another well thought
out and presented grant application with broad goals and objectives.
This program has a good potential for success.

McDermitt Combined School, McDermitt, Nevada: This program is being
sponsored by the local County Emergency Coordinator. The school is in a
remote area and serves an at-risk population. The main theme of this
program is EmComm and it creates exposure to public service-related
career fields that are normally not considered by the students. The
program is well supported by the local ham community.

Worthington Public School, Worthington, Minnesota: The lead teacher for
this program is a Teachers Institute graduate and is a school resource
officer (a police officer assigned to the school district to facilitate
law enforcement-school connections). The teacher has developed a program
proposal based on a portable ham radio station that he can take with him
from school-to-school to support his outreach efforts.

West Elementary School, Zion, Illinois: The lead teacher (administrator)
for this program is Nathan McCray, one of the Teachers Institute
instructors. Nathan had a well established ETP program at his former
school; when he transferred to another school, he left the program in
the capable hands of his wife. Nathan is now vice-principal and is
starting up an ETP program at his new school. He is requesting only the
basic station components to get the program going at the new school.

Bayside High School, Palm Bay, Florida: The lead teacher for this
program is a Teachers Institute graduate. He articulates a program
proposal that uses ham radio in the engineering curriculum of this
magnet school. This will be a good fit and the teacher is well prepared
to execute the plan.

Malcolm Bridge Middle School, Bogart, Georgia: The lead teacher for this
program is a Teachers Institute graduate. The program presented has a
good potential of success.

Samsula Academy, New Smyrna Beach, Florida: This applicant is requesting
a basic ham radio station for the school and some curriculum materials
to support an after school ham radio class. The local ham radio club is
supporting this program in the hopes of repeating the apparent success
they have had at another local school.

Horizon Elementary School, Homestead, Florida: This school is running a
parallel program with Samsula Academy; they are requesting the same
basic ham radio station to support their ongoing program.

Progress Grants 

In order for a school to be considered for a Progress Grant, it must
already be an ETP School. If a teacher attends a session of the Teachers
Institute, that school is automatically considered an ETP School. The
following schools received Progress Grants:

University of Arkansas, Fort Smith, Arkansas: The lead professor is a
graduate of the Teachers Institute and a long time ETP school. The
professor wants to begin integrating the weather satellite system that
was demonstrated during the Teachers Institute and to expand his program
to include space in the classroom content.

Westside Elementary School, Searcy, Arkansas: The lead teacher for this
program is a recent Teachers Institute graduate. She wants to include
the space exploration through robotics unit that was presented during
the Teachers Institute into her elementary school curriculum. She has
adapted the content to the grade level of her students and has an
interesting approach. The approach will use the activity to provide
basic instruction of electronics. 

Olde Towne Middle School, Ridgeland, Mississippi: The lead teacher is a
graduate of the Teachers Institute. The teacher wants to begin
integrating the ham radio satellite system that was demonstrated during
the Teachers Institute and to expand his program to include space in the
classroom content. He is requesting the basic components to make up the
satellite ground station.

Ocean Lakes High School, Virginia Beach, Virginia: The lead teacher for
this program is a recent Teachers Institute graduate. He wants to
include the space exploration unit that was presented during the
Teachers Institute into his high school curriculum and is requesting the
ancillary parts of the Mars Lander activity. These parts are added to
the Boe-Bot robotics instructor's board that he received during the
Teachers Institute, including sensors, RF data link and ATV components.

Livingston High School, Livingston, New Jersey: The lead teacher for
this program is a recent Teachers Institute graduate. He wants to expand
the use of the activity board resources he learned about during the
Institute into his regular curriculum.

Petrova Elementary School, Saranac Lake, New York: This applicant is
requesting assistance in obtaining licensing resource materials for the
school radio club. The resources obtained through this grant will be
housed in a club library for multiple users. This request is in support
of an existing program that includes a radio station at the school.

East Elementary, Zion, Illinois: The lead teacher is a graduate of the
Teachers Institute. The teacher wants to begin integrating the weather
satellite system that was demonstrated during the Teachers Institute and
to expand her program to include space in the classroom content.
Additionally, she is requesting a dual-band handheld radio for use with
the FM satellites.

Great Lakes Adventist Academy, Cedar Lake, Michigan: The lead teacher is
a graduate of the Teachers Institute. The teacher wants to begin
integrating the weather satellite system that was demonstrated during
the Teachers Institute and to expand his program to include space in the
classroom content.

Sister Lakes Elementary School, Dowagiac, Michigan: The lead teacher is
a graduate of the Teachers Institute. The teacher wants to begin
integrating the weather satellite system that was demonstrated during
the Teachers Institute and to expand his program to include space in the
classroom content.

Granite Bay Montessori School, Roseville, California: The lead teacher
is a graduate of the Teachers Institute and probably the most proactive
of all the graduates to date. He is requesting support to make the
school radio station solar powered and expand the content of this
program to include alternative energy sources.

Marist School, Atlanta, Georgia: The lead teacher is a graduate of the
Teachers Institute. The teacher wants to begin integrating the weather
satellite system that was demonstrated during the Teachers Institute and
to expand his program to include space in the classroom content.

Nichols Junior High School, Arlington, Texas: The lead teacher is a
graduate of the Teachers Institute and a long time ETP school. The
teacher wants to begin integrating the use of ham radio satellites into
his curriculum as demonstrated during the Institute. He is requesting a
basic satellite ground station for working the FM satellites. 

A goal of the ARRL Education & Technology Program is to improve the
quality of education by providing an educationally sound curriculum that
employs Amateur Radio to integrate technology, math, science, geography
and language arts with core curricula. Amateur Radio and an
understanding of radio science are keys to building Wireless Technology
Literacy, another important objective. 


Tad "Sitting around a secret sea, worship a secret Sun" Cook, K7RA, this
week reports: On Tuesday, January 27, we saw another one of those

"almost-a-sunspot" emerge in the Sun's low latitude, so it was probably
an old Solar Cycle 23 spot; it was gone the next day. Sunspot numbers
for January 22-28 were 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 and 0 with a mean of 0. The 10.7
cm flux was 69, 70, 68.8, 69.8, 69.9, 69.7 and 69.5 with a mean of 69.5.
The estimated planetary A indices were 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 4 and 2 with a
mean of 2.9. The estimated mid-latitude A indices were 0, 1, 1, 1, 9, 2
and 1 with a mean of 2.1. For more information concerning radio
propagation, visit the ARRL Technical Information Service Propagation
page <http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/propagation.html>. To read this
week's Solar Report in its entirety, check out the W1AW Propagation
Bulletin page <http://www.arrl.org/w1aw/prop/>. This week's "Tad
Cookism" brought to you by G. K. Chesterton's "The Ballad of the White
Horse" <http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Ballad_of_the_White_Horse>. 



* This Week on the Radio: This week, look for the SARL Youth Day Sprint
on January 31. The QRP Winter Fireside SSB Sprint is February 1. Next
week is the School Club Roundup on February 9-13. The Minnesota QSO
Party and the FYBO Winter QRP Field Day are on February 7. On February
7-8, look for the Vermont QSO Party, the 10-10 Winter Phone QSO Party,
the Worldwide Peace Messenger Cities, the British Columbia QSO
Challenge, the New Mexico QSO Party and the FMRE International RTTY
Contest. The Delaware QSO Party is February 7-9, and the North American
Sprint (CW) and the FM Simplex Contest are February 8. See the ARRL
Contest Branch page <http://www.arrl.org/contests/>, the ARRL Contest
Update <http://www.arrl.org/contests/update/> and the WA7BNM Contest
Calendar <http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/index.html> for more
info. Looking for a Special Event station? Be sure to check out the ARRL
Special Event Station Web page <http://www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html>.

* ARRL Continuing Education Course Registration: Registration remains
open through Sunday, February 8, 2009, for these online course sessions
beginning on Friday, February 20, 2009: Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications Level 2; Antenna Modeling, and Radio Frequency
Propagation. Each online course has been developed in segments --
learning units with objectives, informative text, student activities and
quizzes. Courses are interactive, and some include direct communications
with a Mentor/Instructor. Students register for a particular session
that may be 8, 12 or 16 weeks (depending on the course) and they may
access the course at any time of day during the course period,
completing lessons and activities at times convenient for their personal
schedule. Mentors assist students by answering questions, reviewing
assignments and activities, as well as providing helpful feedback.
Interaction with mentors is conducted through e-mail; there is no
appointed time the student must be present -- allowing complete
flexibility for the student to work when and where it is convenient. To
learn more, visit the CCE Course Listing page

<http://www.arrl.org/cep/student> or contact the Continuing Education
Program Coordinator <[email protected]>;.

* Field Day Packets Available February 2: Get ready for ARRL Field Day,
June 27-28, 2009. Packets will be available February 2 on the ARRL Field
Day Web site <www.arrl.org/fieldday>. Packets include the complete rules
(including changes for 2009). Other reference items that will be
available include forms, Section abbreviations, a kit to publicize your
event with the local press and more.

* ARRL Expands Member Access to QST Archive: ARRL is pleased to announce
that online access to the QST archive
<http://www.arrl.org/members-only/qqnsearch.html> will be expanded.
Beginning February 1, 2009, ARRL members will be able to search and view
QST -- from December 1915 through December 2005 right from their
computer. With an additional year -- 2005 -- added to the viewable
archive, this valuable benefit is available to all ARRL members. As an
added benefit, ARRL Diamond Club members at the Brass level and above --
as well as ARRL Maxim Society members -- will be able to get images from
the entire QST archive, right up through December 2008, an additional
three years <http://www.arrl.org/diamondclub>. According to ARRL Chief
Development Officer Mary Hobart, K1MMH, this is the first new benefit
that has been added to the Diamond Club since the Diamond Terrace opened
in 2007. "Given the popularity of the QST online archive," Hobart said,
"I hope that Diamond Club members and the Maxim Society members will
enjoy exclusive access to the most recent four years of QST with our
appreciation for their generosity. Perhaps the expanded QST viewable
archive will inspire other ARRL members to participate in the Diamond
Club and enjoy the other benefits available to Diamond Club members, as
well." The online archive was first introduced to members in fall 2008,
providing PDF copies of articles from the huge QST archive, from
December 1915 through December 2004. Since then, thousands of members
have enjoyed searching, viewing and printing their favorite articles,
projects and more. The membership benefit is a service of the ARRL
Technical Information Service (TIS) <http://www.arrl.org/tis/>. Access
to the archive is free for ARRL members. QST is the official journal of
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio. An interest in Amateur
Radio is the only essential qualification of membership. ARRL membership
is $39 per year in the US. For a complete list of membership benefits
and dues, please visit the ARRL Membership Web page


* Deadline to Order 75th Sweepstakes Mugs and Pins Fast Approaching:
Time is running out to order your 2008 ARRL November Sweepstakes mugs
and pins. If you submitted a log with more than 100 QSOs, you qualify
for a Sweepstakes Participation pin. If you submitted a log with a Clean
Sweep -- working all 80 ARRL/RAC sections -- you qualify for a Clean
Sweep coffee mug. According to ARRL Contest Branch Manager Sean Kutzko,
KX9X, all orders need to be postmarked by January 31. If you would like
to order a Sweepstakes pin or mug, you can either send a copy of your
Sweepstakes summary sheet (if you filed a paper log) or a copy of the
first page of your Cabrillo file (if you submitted an electronic log via
e-mail) with your check for the correct amount; orders need to be
postmarked by January 31 in order to qualify. Sweepstakes Participation
pins are $6; Clean Sweep mugs are $16 this year. All costs include
shipping charges. Kutzko advises that these items are not in stock. "We
will make our order to our supplier once we know how many requests we
have," he explained. "Mugs and pins will likely be shipped in late
March. The 75th running of the November Sweepstakes was a great event,
with lots of participation and fun! Be sure to commemorate your effort
with a pin or mug this year." 

* ARRL Scholarship Applications Due February 1: The deadline for ARRL
Foundation scholarship applications is February 1, 2009. Applications
must be postmarked on or before February 1 and must include the
student's most recent transcript. This year, the Foundation expects to
award up to 60 general scholarships ranging in amounts from $500 to
$2500. The most prestigious Foundation scholarship is the William R.
Goldfarb Memorial Scholarship, awarded to one high school senior each
year. After the student has received all financial aid he or she is
qualified for, other scholarships and awards and family contributions,
the Goldfarb Scholarship will cover any remaining expenses (room and
board, tuition, fees and books) for a four-year undergraduate curriculum
at an accredited university in one of the following courses of study:
business-related computers, medical or nursing fields, engineering or
sciences. This award to an active radio amateur is based on outstanding
qualifications, need and other funding sources. ARRL Chief Development
Officer and Foundation Secretary Mary Hobart, K1MMH, said, "Providing
scholarships to young hams who pursue higher education is one of the
most rewarding activities of the ARRL Foundation. The expressions of
gratitude from scholarship winners and their families make it clear that
the awards are contributing directly their success and to the future of
Amateur Radio." All the information about the ARRL Scholarships for FCC
licensed radio amateurs, including descriptions, application forms and
instructions can be found on the ARRL Foundation Web site

* Desecheo Island DXpedition Granted Call Sign: The DXpedition to
Desecheo Island -- February 12-26 -- will use call sign K5D. "As soon as
we land on Desecheo, two stations will be immediately activated," said
DXpedition co-leader Bob Allphin, K4UEE. Stations will continue to
operate until the final moments of departure on February 26." Because
Desecheo is very rare, Allphin said that "there are many, many hams
worldwide that need KP5 for an all-time new one. Therefore, we are
asking that you not contact the DXpedition on any band/mode that you
have confirmed from a previous DXpedition. This will allow the people
who really need a new DXCC entity a better opportunity to get through
the pileups. Our objective is not to establish a world record for
contacts. There will be no 'greenies,' no boxes to check, no
competitions for most band/mode QSOs, no certificate or awards for
contacting the DXpedition more times than anyone else. So if you have
KP5 already confirmed on a particular band/mode, we respectfully ask
that you exercise restraint. If, late in the DXpedition, we are calling
CQ for contacts, we will welcome your call." Desecheo currently sits at
number 7 on DX Magazine's Most Wanted list; the island is the second
most-wanted DXCC entity in Asia and third most-wanted in Europe.
Desecheo is a small uninhabited island in the Mona Passage, 14 miles off
the west coast of Puerto Rico. It is part of the US Fish and Wildlife
Service's national wildlife refuge system administered by the Caribbean
National Wildlife Refuge Complex (CNWR).

* Amateur Radio Operations to Begin Again on Midway Atoll: The US Fish
and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced on Monday, January 26 that they
would once again allow Amateur Radio operators the opportunity to
operate from Midway Atoll. This the first time that USFWS has allowed
amateurs to operate from the wildlife refuge since 2002. The USFWS
started a program earlier this month to encourage visitors to experience
Midway's wildlife, history and culture, as well as
non-wildlife-dependent activities -- including Amateur Radio To ensure
the safety of the wildlife on the Refuge, the USFWS said that Amateur
Radio operations will be permitted for two weeks only, from October
5-19, 2009. "Radio operation will be allowed only within a designated
area on the north side of Sand Island and the use of portable generators
will not be permitted," said Midway Atoll Refuge Manager Matt D. Brown.

"There is 120 V power available at the operation site. Any modifications
to the island power grid/infrastructure must be approved in advance and
be paid for entirely by the radio operators. Although determined to be a
wildlife-compatible activity," Brown said, "this [Amateur Radio]
opportunity is being conducted on a trial basis." Brown has the
authority to discontinue the activity at any time, based on wildlife
protection and conservation goals. For more information, please contact
Brown via e-mail <[email protected]>; or by phone at 808-954-4818.
Lodging arrangements can be made with Darlene Holst via e-mail
<[email protected]>; or by phone at 808-954-4801. Midway Atoll is
located in the North Pacific Ocean, approximately 1250 miles northwest
of Honolulu. 

* Korea Unveils Stamp Celebrating ARDF: Korea has issued a postage stamp
commemorating the 2008 Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF) World
Championships. The ARDF World Championships, held in Korea and hosted by
the Korean Amateur Radio League, were September 2-7, 2008. More than 450
participants from 28 countries came to Korea to compete. Upon issuance
of the stamp, Korea said it hoped that the "World Championships will
provide a momentum to stimulate public interest and participation in
Amateur Radio." ARRL ARDF Coordinator Joe Moell, K0OV, said that Team
USA had their best showing ever at the 2008 World Championships: "We had
four Top 10 finishes in the two days of fox-finding competition, first
with 2 meter AM signals, and then with 80 meter CW signals. ARRL's team
faced more than 300 of the planet's best foxtailers that represented 24
other national Amateur Radio societies." ARDF combines Amateur Radio
skills with the map and compass skills of orienteering in a timed race
where individual competitors navigate through diverse wooded terrain
while searching for radio transmitters. The rules of the sport and
international competitions are organized by the International Amateur
Radio Union (IARU). See the stamp here:

Correction: In last week's ARRL Letter, we inadvertently used an
outdated URL in referring to the Network Engineers Repeater Association.
You can find NERA on the Web at <http://www.neradc.org/>. 

The ARRL Letter is published Fridays, 50 times each year, by the
American Radio Relay League: ARRL--the national association for Amateur
Radio, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111; tel 860-594-0200; fax
860-594-0259; <http://www.arrl.org/>. Joel Harrison, W5ZN, President.

The ARRL Letter offers a weekly e-mail digest of essential and general
news of interest to active radio amateurs. Visit the ARRL Web site

<http://www.arrl.org/> for the latest Amateur Radio news and news
updates. The ARRL Web site <http://www.arrl.org/> also offers
informative features and columns. ARRL Audio News
<http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> is a weekly "ham radio newscast"
compiled and edited from The ARRL Letter. It's also available as a
podcast from our Web site.

Material from The ARRL Letter may be republished or reproduced in whole
or in part in any form without additional permission. Credit must be
given to The ARRL Letter/American Radio Relay League.

==>Delivery problems (ARRL member direct delivery only!):
[email protected]
==>Editorial questions or comments: S. Khrystyne Keane, K1SFA,

[email protected]
==>ARRL News on the Web: <http://www.arrl.org/>
==>ARRL Audio News: <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/audio/> or call

==>How to Get The ARRL Letter

The ARRL Letter is available to ARRL members free of charge directly
from ARRL HQ. To subscribe, unsubscribe or change your address for
e-mail delivery: 
ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site
<http://www.arrl.org/members/>. You'll have an opportunity during
registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of The ARRL Letter, W1AW
bulletins, and other material. To change these selections--including
delivery of The ARRL Letter--registered members should click on the
"Member Data Page" link (in the Members Only box). Click on "Modify
membership data," check or uncheck the appropriate boxes and/or change
your e-mail address if necessary. (Check "Temporarily disable all
automatically sent email" to temporarily stop all e-mail deliveries.)
Then, click on "Submit modification" to make selections effective.
(NOTE: HQ staff members cannot change your e-mail delivery address. You
must do this yourself via the Members Only Web Site.)

The ARRL Letter also is available to all, free of charge, from these

* ARRLWeb <http://www.arrl.org/arrlletter/>. (NOTE: The ARRL Letter will
be posted each Friday when it is distributed via e-mail.)

* The QTH.net listserver, thanks to volunteers from the Boston Amateur
Radio Club: Visit Mailing [email protected]

<http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/letter-list>. (NOTE: The ARRL
cannot assist subscribers who receive The ARRL Letter via this

Copyright 2009 American Radio Relay League, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Page last modified: 04:39 PM, 30 Jan 2009 ET
Copyright © 2009, American Radio Relay League, Inc. All Rights Reserved.