Solar Information


The Very Latest SOHO Images

EIT 171 EIT 195 EIT 284 EIT 304
solar image solar image solar image solar image
MDI Continuum MDI Magnetogram LASCO C2 LASCO C3
solar image solar image solar image solar image

EIT (Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) images the solar atmosphere at several wavelengths, and therefore, shows solar material at different temperatures. In the images taken at 304 Angstrom the bright material is at 60,000 to 80,000 degrees Kelvin. In those taken at 171 Angstrom, at 1 million degrees. 195 Angstrom images correspond to about 1.5 million Kelvin, 284 Angstrom to 2 million degrees. The hotter the temperature, the higher you look in the solar atmosphere.

The MDI (Michelson Doppler Imager) images shown here are taken in the continuum near the Ni I 6768 Angstrom line. The most prominent features are the sunspots. This is very much how the Sun looks like in the visible range of the spectrum (for example, looking at it using special 'eclipse' glasses: Remember, do not ever look directly at the Sun!). The magnetogram image shows the magnetic field in the solar photosphere, with black and white indicating opposite polarities.

LASCO (Large Angle Spectrometric Coronagraph) is able to take images of the solar corona by blocking the light coming directly from the Sun with an occulter disk, creating an artificial eclipse within the instrument itself. The position of the solar disk is indicated in the images by the white circle. The most prominent feature of the corona are usually the coronal streamers, those nearly radial bands that can be seen both in C2 and C3. Occasionally, a coronal mass ejection can be seen being expelled away from the Sun and crossing the fields of view of both coronagraphs. The shadow crossing from the lower left corner to the center of the image is the support for the occulter disk. C2 images show the inner solar corona up to 8.4 million kilometers (5.25 million miles) away from the Sun. C3 images have a larger field of view: They encompass 32 diameters of the Sun. To put this in perspective, the diameter of the images is 45 million kilometers (about 30 million miles) at the distance of the Sun, or half of the diameter of the orbit of Mercury. Many bright stars can be seen behind the Sun.

SOHO Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) 6767 Å continuum images from Stanford University SOHO Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) full-field He II 304 Å images from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center White-light Mk. 4 coronameter images from the High Altitude Observatory Mauna Loa Solar Observatory (Hawaii) He I 10830 Å spectroheliograms from the U.S. National Solar Observatory at Kitt Peak (Arizona) Ca II 8542 Å magnetograms from the U.S. National Solar Observatory at Kitt Peak (Arizona) Current solar images Active solar region maps

Latest EUVI 195 Heliographic Images

This movie shows a spherical map of the Sun as it currently appears, formed from a combination of the latest STEREO Ahead and Behind beacon images. The movie starts with the view of the Sun as seen from Earth, with the 0 degree meridian line in the middle. The map then rotates through 360 degrees to show the part of the Sun not visible from Earth. The black wedge shows the part of the Sun not yet visible to the STEREO spacecraft.

EUVI 195 heliographic map

Same data as rotating GIF movie

Solar Wind Speed diagramSolar Wind Speed diagramSolar Wind Speed diagram

These diagrams indicate the i) solar wind speed and ii) strength of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in a north/south direction. Higher solar wind speeds and strong south pointing (negative) IMF are associated with geomagnetic storms on earth. The red area on the image indicates an approximate region in which disturbed conditions might be expected.

The plots on this page were produced from data supplied by the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). This Real Time Solar Wind (RTSW) data set originates from NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite (centre) and the STEREO A (ahead) and STEREO B (behind) satellite. The above centre image shows with a black square the value of the solar wind speed (horizontal) axis and the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field in a north/south direction (Bz - vertical axis). Higher solar wind speeds and strong south pointing (negative) interplanetary magnetic field are associated with geomagnetic disturbances on earth. The red area on the image indicates an approximate region in which disturbed conditions might be expected. The coloured dot within the black square, is an indicator of solar wind density, and is yellow when density exceeds 5 particles per cubic cm, red when density exceeds 10 particles per cubic cm, otherwise green.

The ACE spacecraft is positioned at the L1 point between the Earth and the sun and gives approximately one hour advance notice of conditions on Earth.

Click for Solar Wind page


STD Visible Auroral Oval

This plot estimates the VISIBILITY of auroral activity from any location in the northern hemisphere, assuming a dark moonless sky and low light pollution. It is updated every 5 minutes with the latest solar wind data. The model computes the estimated brightness of auroral activity and plots this on the map as a solid bright color that varies from green (NIL to low levels of auroral activity) to brown/orange (low to moderate levels of activity) to red (moderate to high levels of activity). The brighter the red, the more intense the activity. Those areas which may be able to spot activity are most often within the zone of fading color on the outskirts of the plotted auroral oval. The extent of the fading color zone on the outskirts of the oval is based on the estimated height and intensity of auroral luminosity.

Kiruna Magnetogram

Data is for the last 9 hours.

How the Auroral Activity Patterns are Created

The Total Energy Detector (TED) is an instrument in the Space Environment Monitor (SEM) that has been routinely flown on the NOAA/POES (formerly TIROS) series of polar orbiting meteorological satellites since TIROS-N was launched in November of 1978. The instruments in the SEM, now the second-generation SEM-2, were significantly upgraded beginning with NOAA-15. The upgraded TED, which is designed to monitor the power flux carried into the Earths's atmosphere by precipitating auroral charged particles, now covers particle energies from 50 to 20,000 electron volts (eV) as compared to the earlier TED that extended in energy to only 300 eV.

These measurements are made continually as the satellite passes over the polar aurora regions twice each orbit. Since 1978, observations from almost 300,000 transits over the auroral regions have been gathered under a variety of auroral activity conditions ranging from very quiet to extremely active. Power flux observations accumulated during a single transit over the polar region (which requires about 25 minutes as the satellite moves along its orbit) are used to estimate the total power input by auroral particles to a single polar region. This estimate, which is corrected to take into account how the satellite passes over a statistical auroral oval, is a measure of the level of auroral activity, much as Kp or Ap are measures of magnetic activity. A particle power input of less than 10 gigawatts (10,000,000,000 watts) to a single polar region, either in the North or the South, represents a very low level of auroral activity. A power input of more than 100 gigawatts represents a very high level of Auroral activity. Estimated power inputs as high as 500 gigawatts have been recorded into a single auroral region.

In order to create statistical patterns of auroral power flux, estimated power inputs were computed using observations obtained from more than 100,000 passes over both the northern and southern polar regions. These passes encompassed a wide range of local times and a variety of auroral activity conditions. These polar passes were then sorted into ten auroral activity levels, depending upon the power input estimate. The upper bounds of the first nine levels were defined by a geometric progression of power levels beginning at 2.5 gigawatts up to 96 gigawatts; the tenth level contained estimated power inputs greater than 96 gigawatts. Power flux observations--averaged over one degree of magnetic latitude--from all polar passes with a given activity level were then merged to produce a statistical pattern (a map) of auroral particle power deposition for an entire polar region. Because data were gathered from several satellites, in differing orbits, data were available for almost all local times at latitudes above 45 degrees geomagnetic.

In this fashion ten statistical patterns of auroral particle power input were created, one for each level of auroral activity. The statistical patterns show particle power flux to the atmosphere as a function of magnetic latitude and magnetic local time; coordinates that best order auroral phenomena.

Estimated hemispheric power estimates are computed for each pass over the polar regions as data arrive at the Space Weather Prediction Center from the satellite tracking stations. Once the power input is estimated, the corresponding statistical pattern of auroral power input is selected. Using the Universal Time of the satellite pass, the magnetic latitude and magnetic local time coordinates of the statistical pattern are converted to geographic coordinates; the pattern is then superimposed upon a geographic polar map of either the northern or southern hemisphere.

Normalization factor (n)
A normalization factor of less than 2.0 indicates a reasonable level of confidence in the estimate of power. The more the value of n exceeds 2.0, the less confidence should be placed in the estimate of hemispheric power and the activity level.

The process to estimate the hemispheric power, and the level of auroral activity, involves using this normalization factor which takes into account how effective the satellite was in sampling the aurora during its transit over the polar region. A large (> 2.0) normalization factor indicates that the transit through the aurora was not very effective and the resulting estimate of auroral activity has a lower confidence.

Following information courtesy of Rice University

Solar Wind


Solar Wind Density:

(Measured) This quantity is the number of solar wind protons per unit volume as measured by the ACE Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM).

Solar Wind Speed:

(Measured) This quantity is the average ("bulk") speed of solar wind protons as measured by ACE/SWEPAM. This is the solar wind speed just as the bulk speed of air molecules is the "wind speed" we know here on the surface of the Earth.

Solar Wind Pressure:

(Derived) This quantity is the solar wind ram pressure, the force per unit area required to stop the solar wind flow. This is similar in concept to the force a surface wind exerts on a sail. The solar wind ram pressure depends on the solar wind speed and density.

Solar Wind Temperature:

(Measured) This quantity is the temperature of protons in the solar wind. It is measured by ACE/SWEPAM.

Interplanetary Magnetic Field


Interplanetary Magnetic Field Magnitude:

(Measured) This quantity is the strength of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) as measured by the ACE Magnetometer (MAG).

Interplanetary Magnetic Field Polar Angle:

(Derived) This quantity is the angle between the IMF and the geomagnetic axis. When the IMF is southward, antiparallel fields near the magnetospheric subsolar point allow merging between the IMF and geomagnetic fields. This process increases the transport of solar wind mass, momentum, and energy into the Earth's magnetosphere. This process can also open the magnetosphere to solar energetic particle radiation. In severe conditions this radiation can threaten high altitude aircraft in high latitude and polar regions. Under less severe conditions this radiation can still threaten polar orbiting spacecraft. This quantity depends on IMF components measured by ACE/MAG.

Interplanetary Magnetic Field Azimuth:

(Derived) This quantity is the direction of the IMF perpendicular to the geomagnetic axis. This affects the details of solar wind-magnetosphere interactions; however, this is of tertiary importance compared to the IMF magnitude and polar angle. This quantity also depends on IMF components measured by ACE/MAG.

Voltage Across the Polar Cap / Convection Potential:

(Derived) This quantity measures the solar wind energy input to the magnetosphere that drives magnetospheric convection. It appears as an electric potential imposed across the polar ionosphere. The quantity shown here is an estimate of the asymptotic convection potential based on ACE/SWEPAM and ACE/MAG measurements as well as the work of Boyle, et al. (Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 111, 1997.) This estimate is asymptotic because it does not account for the time delays such as those imposed by friction between the ionosphere and the neutral atmosphere.

Alfven Speed:

(Derived) This quantity is the propagation speed of shear Alfven (intermediate mode) magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar wind.

Sound Speed:

(Derived) This quantity is the propagation speed of gasdynamic (sound) waves in the solar wind. Although collision rates are generally so low in the solar wind that classic sound waves do not travel effectively, this quantity is necessary for calculating the propagation speeds of compressional Alfven (fast and slow mode) magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar wind. The magnetohydrodynamic waves together allow the use of gasdynamic approximations to describe portions of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction.

Thermal Energy Density:

(Derived) This quantity is the heat content of the solar wind. It takes into account both solar wind density and temperature and can be translated into solar wind thermal pressure. This quantity is generally less important than either the solar wind ram pressure or the solar wind (IMF) magnetic pressure.


(Derived) "Beta" is the ratio between the thermal and magnetic energy densities in the solar wind; this ratio controls whether particle thermal processes or magnetic processes dominate the behavior of the plasma. The base-10 logarithm of Beta is shown on the dial. The blue portion of the dial shows when magnetic processes govern solar wind structures; the purple portion shows when thermal processes govern these structures.

Alfven Mach Number:

(Derived) This quantity is the ratio between the solar wind speed and the Alfven speed. This normally controls the type of bow shock required to divert the solar wind around the magnetosphere. This bow shock is similar to the shock in front of a supersonic airplane that generates a "sonic boom" when the shock passes an observer.

Mach Number:

(Derived) This quantity is the classic Mach number, the ratio between the solar wind speed and the gasdynamic sound speed. This quantity controls the bow shock when the solar wind plasma is in a high-Beta (Log[Beta]>0) state.

Effective Sunspot Number (SSN)

SSNe24 7-day plot

The parameter shown in the upper plot is the effective sunspot number (SSNe) calculated using real-time foF2 observations collected during the 06- or 24-hour period ending at the date/time the SSNe is plotted for. The data plotted in the lower plot are the RMS percent difference between the foF2 observations used in the SSNe calculation and the model foF2 values generated using the SSNe in the URSI-88 foF2 model. The heavy and light curves for both SSNe and the RMS foF2 differences correspond to values calculated using the past 24 hours of foF2 data (heavy lines) and values calculated from the past 06 hours of foF2 data (light lines). Note the quasi-diurnal variation in the 06hr SSNe values, which is due primarily to unequal longitude spacing of the foF2 stations from which the SSNe are being calculated.

The heavy line along the top of the plot is a rough indicator of the number of foF2 values used in the 24hr near-real-time calculation. A wide line indicates that at least 350 values were used, and narrower line indicates less than 350 but more than 200, and no line indicates fewer than 200. The number of foF2 values used and the RMS foF2 difference can be used as an indicator of the usefulness and validity of a particular SSNe value.

The following table summarizes the observations used in calculating the most recent SSNe value. The X entry for a particular station/time indicates there was an foF2 value available and it was used in the SSNe calculation. A - entry indicates that an foF2 value was available, but it was excluded from the SSNe calculation (it was identified as an outlier point). The bar (|) symbol along the time axis of the table indicates the latest-data time (ie., data to the right of this column are from the previous day).

Date: 20091121                          000000000011111111112222 
GMLAT  Station              Used  Rej   012345678901234567890123 
-----  -------------------  ---- ----  +----|-------------------+
 49.7  Boulder                24   00  |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
 49.4  Fairford               00   00  |    |                   |
 49.1  Chilton                23   00  |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX|
 49.0  Wallops Island         03   00  |    |X       X   X      |
 48.3  Warsaw                 00   00  |    |                   |
 46.8  Dourbes                24   00  |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
 46.3  Pruhonice              00   00  |    |                   |
 43.5  Manzhouli              00   00  |    |                   |
 42.5  Dyess AFB              00   00  |    |                   |
 42.5  Bermuda                00   00  |    |                   |
 42.1  Eglin AFB              00   00  |    |                   |
 41.6  Khabasrovsk            00   00  |    |                   |
 40.6  Point Arguello         00   00  |    |                   |
 38.7  Wakkanai               00   00  |    |                   |
 36.8  Rome                   22   00  |XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX|
 36.3  Roquetes               20   00  |XXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXXXX|
 35.4  San Vito               23   00  |XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX|
 34.1  Beijing                00   00  |    |                   |
 32.6  Athens                 23   00  |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX|
 32.4  Ashkhabad              02   00  |    |XX                 |
 32.0  El Arenosillo          19   00  |XXXXX    XX XXXXXXXXXXXX|
 30.5  Osan AFB               00   00  |    |                   |
 30.5  Anyang                 00   00  |    |                   |
 30.3  Ramey                  00   00  |    |                   |
 28.7  Kokubunji              00   00  |    |                   |
 22.6  Chongqing              00   00  |    |                   |
 18.9  Okinawa                00   00  |    |                   |
 16.0  Guangzhou              00   00  |    |                   |
  4.0  Kwajalein              20   00  |XXXXXXXXX XX XXXXX  XXXX|
  0.9  Jicamarca              11   06  |-X--|XX    XXXXX  XXX---|
-11.8  Vanimo                 00   00  |    |                   |
-17.0  Ascension Island       00   00  |    |                   |
-18.6  Port Moresby           00   00  |    |                   |
-22.3  Darwin                 20   00  |XXXXXXXXX XXXXX  XXX XXX|
-23.1  Cocos Island           20   01  |XXXXX XXXX- XXXX XXXXXXX|
-25.3  Nuie                   19   00  |XXXX|XXXXX  XX XXXXXXXX |
-28.9  Townsville             22   00  |XXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXX|
-32.8  Madimbo                17   00  |    |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
-32.9  Learmonth              00   00  |    |                   |
-36.5  Norfolk Island         22   00  |XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X|
-36.9  Brisbane               18   00  |XXXXX   XXX   XXXXXXXXXX|
-38.3  Port Stanley           11   00  |X   |     X   XXXXXXXX X|
-38.6  Louisvale              17   00  |    |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
-41.9  Grahamstown            17   00  |    |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
-42.2  Hermanos               17   00  |    |XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  |
-44.7  Camden                 13   00  | XXX|XXXX     X  XX XXX |
-45.1  Mundaring              00   00  |    |                   |
-46.0  Canberra               10   00  |XXXXXX           X  XXX |
-------------------  -----  ---- ----  +----|-------------------+
  # Expected / # Received / Percent: 1128 / 444 /  39.4

The foF2 data used in these calculations were obtained from the NOAA SWPC. These data are being made avaiable from SWPC on a test basis, so there will be occassional periods of data loss as their system is tested.