Hello!!!!! My name is Rodney Rodriguez, callsign KP4USA (extra class). QTH is Guatemala City. I had to go back overseas for another three year tour. My wife's callsign is NP3TM. One of my preferred hobbies is Amateur Radio which I enjoy a lot, specially the DXing. I have been a Ham since 1994 having the following callsigns: KE4UQH, WP4NAC and HP2DZL. The HP call was a reciprocal license I got while serving the military (U.S. Navy) in the Panama Canal. I also have been and operated radio from the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Brazil, Haiti, Ecuador, Bolivia, Mexico, Jamaica, Peru, Barbados, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and many more...... Due to Saudi Government restrictions to any radio operation, it was forbidden to transmit from this country with my own callsign so the only way to do it was from the U.S. Embassy Radio Club in Riyadh with the Radio Club Callsign: 7Z1AB.
Here I am with the family in my hometown Ponce, Puerto Rico
"La Guancha" Ponce, Puerto Rico
Click the following links to see pictures of Armenia.
Click the following links to see pictures when I went to Peru for DXing
Peru1 Peru2 Peru3 Peru4 Peru5 Peru6
Click the followings links to see the new pictures when I went to Venezuela for DXing.
Caracas1 Caracas2 Caracas3 Caracas4 Caracas5 Caracas6
KP4USA always beaming the world.....
Page built by Rodney Rodriguez, A+, Network+ Certified
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