Two-Tone Generator
This project is my build of the Two-Tone Generator for SSB testing based on the one in the ARRL Test Procedures Manual. It is also in recent editions of the ARRL Handbook. It produces two non-harmonically related sine waves of 700 and 1900 Hz. I have a Heathkit HO-10 unit for the same purpose which also displays sampled RF waveforms. However, this homebrew generator is more precise and easier to set the amplitudes of the single and combined sine waves. I finished it in March 2017, and I used it to set the ALC on my Tempo 2020 transceiver per the alignment instructions using a measured 10mV input to the microphone jack and using the attenuator to set the ALC in the green band on the 2020's meter.
Click on the photos for a higher resolution image.