







The current team (most recent picture) 

From left to right (Back row) 

Coach Graham Wainwright, Danny Parks, Rob Bostock, Gareth Carry, Dale , John Dorran, Philip Harrison, Liam Haywood, Scott Faills, Adam Gillmore, Alex Hemmings

From left to right (Front row)

Dicky Ball, Warick garrety, James, Mickey Hanson, Arron Haxel, Gary Wainwright, Mark Norris, Ben Lewis 


what nights we train?

Training is held at toll bar on Tuesday and Thursday nights anyone wanting to come and participate and maybe even sign on to play for us should be there around 6:00pm either night, training is held for about one and a half to two hours or anywhere in-between.  enquires should be sent to [email protected]


Here is a map of the surroundings of toll bar hopefully you might be able to recognize where it is as you enter toll bar you might be able to see the sticks or indeed the club house


Pics from the 2001/2002 challenge cup final against Middleton

More pics Coming soon

 player profiles/pics

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