Searching for satellites at Wick High School.
Wick High School satellite team. 2024
Wick High School.
Wick High School.
Wick High School.
Wick High School 2024.Chris and Scott
Airfields-on-Air 2023. Antenna mast.
Airfields-on-Air 2023. Harry and Les operating
Field Day at Newtonhill 2022. Petrol generator used.
Aerial view. Noss Head Lighthouse 2022
Setting up at Noss Head Lighthouse 2022
Mills-on-air. Les and Brian operating, John O'Groats 2022
Mills-on-air event. John O'Groats 2022
Scandinavian Contest 2021. John and Andy operating
Field Day 2021. At the Pilot House Wick Harbour.
Noss Lighthouse 2021. Fixing rotator cable.
Noss Lighthouse 2021. Nigel and Les operating digimodes
Noss Lighthouse 2021. Hamish on 20m.
Noss Lighthouse 2021. the 20/15/10m beam.
Noss Lighthouse 2021.Phillip and Brian on 40 and 80m.
Stroma 2021. Chris MM7WIC assembling mast.
Stroma 2021. Chris MM7WIC demonstrating figure of 8 knot.
Stroma 2021. Rations. Food enjoyed by all!
Stroma 2021. The radio shack! Kenwood TS570D.
Stroma 2021.Harry, 2M0DOU and Oakley MM7BVB
Stroma 2021. The Stroma Lighthouse at Swilkie Point.
Army Cadets in Training
Chris, MM7WIC, antenna.
The new loop antenna.
Lifeboat presentation.
Martina enjoying herself.
Donnie Munro on GB2AB.
Brian and JackRNLI SOS event
Simon GM8NYV at workbench.
Hamish & Simon activating Scaraben
Les & Rhona giving talkabout amateur radio
Gail and Robin withchum
Cub Scouts madethese crystal sets
Gail educating Cub Scouts
Les presenting Roddy withhis intermediate licence
Harry on the mic' inthe mobile training unit (MTU)
Club being awarded"Club of Year-2014"
Hamish and Roddy in MTU at Noss Head
Some club antennas at Noss Head lighthouse
Harry at the CountyShow Wick 2019