Club callsign MS0FNR    

Training in Amateur Radio

at the Caithness Amateur Radio Society.

Current Training

2024 Club activities begin with the continuation of the free Tuition sessions for Amateur Radio.
Courses available face to face for Foundation, Intermediate and Full.

We will by request, if members cannot come to our club, engage in on line Tuition via Skype or some other similar program of one's choice.

Please discuss any of the above this with our tutors, our Tutors are experienced,and registered with Ofcom and the Radio Society of Great Britain. There are no restrictions as to who may join these courses; each student is tutored over a period that is suitable and advantageous to that student.

Young persons passing a course find that job interviews are much more likely to be achieved. The World is short of Electronics engineers and this is a stepping stone on that path.

If you think you may be interested in a really good practical hobby just get in touch. Telephone:- 07946560222, 07763059907 or 07879490950.

How do I get a licence?

There are three types of licence; Foundation, Intermediate and Full.

Foundation licensees will be able to transmit at 25 Watts PEP and Intermediate licensees at 100 Watts PEP,
in bands where the Full licence currently permits operation at 400 Watts PEP.
Full licensees will be able to transmit at 1000 Watts PEP in bands where amateur radio has a primary allocation.
All licensees will be able to transmit airborne in primary amateur radio bands. There is a maximum power limit of 500mW EIRP.

Caithness Amateur Radio Society is registered with the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) as a training establishment for the Foundation, Intermediate and Full Amateur Radio Licence.

Courses are held at various times depending upon demand. Please enquire.

Examination Passes

Congratulations to trainees passing the examinations. Well done to all:-


Exam in progress


The invigilators


Previous trainees
