The STAR Net meets every day at 6:30 pm on 146.73 repeater in Binghamton, all stations are more than welcome to check in.
NCS Script for the Southern Tier Amateur Radio Net
This is N2NCB bringing up the Southern Tier Amateur Radio Net.
STAR is a member of the National Traffic System, with the primary purpose of passing traffic into and out of the Southern Tier and we meet here nightly at this time this frequency. With our backup being, the 146.865 stroke 82 repeater system. And of course, all stations are more than welcome to check in. Again, the call November 2 November Charlie Bravo, the name here is Paul.
And first let's take a stand by for liaison stations and stations with traffic, call signs please.
Do we have any liaison stations or stations with traffic, call signs please?
Then let's take a standby for any station that would like to check into the STAR Net this evening, call signs please.
.. ( Stations call in... ) And we have AB2WB KB2DRI N2RWK
Any other stations for the STAR Net this evening, call signs please.
Hearing nothing further then let’s go to W8QLG good evening Joe.
All right well, Let’s make this Final Call here this evening for the STAR Net, call signs please.
Then we will wrap things up here this evening for the STAR Net on the 8th day of August. Thanks everybody for stopping by this evening.
And of course, we always want to say our Thank-You’s to the repeater folks for supporting this aspect of amateur radio by allowing us to use the repeater beginning at 1830 hours local time seven days a week.
Everyone have a good evening this is a N2NCB.
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