A month or so back, I
ordered a QDX transceiver and built it. Took me roughly
5 hours, of time sitting at the bench a little at a time.
I have tested the rig
on my inverted Vee on all four bands, and it works ok, but
best on 20 and 40 (Vee is tuned for those, and I don't have a
tuner for the smaller
rigs.) I have also tested it on 20m using my home brew mag
loop. I have made a couple dozen contacts on the loop on
JS8 but haven't tried any other modes
this rig yet.
Winding the coils was
by far the most difficult part of assembly, however, I've
wound a lot of coils and I am a retired engineer and a former
electronics technician
as well, so soldering and assembly for me was a piece of
cake. A person having never done any assembly might have
a few issues, so I would recommend
practicing winding the coils before actually doing it for the
kit. But, after a few, and some experience it's not difficult.
Well, update. I fired
up the QDX along with the Mag Loop I built. Works great on 20
meters. Couldn't get it to tune on lower bands (30, 40
and 80). I probably need a bit more capacitance for those
bands. I don't have an analyzer or anything so
calculations are all I have. As an engineer (who might
be rusty these days) I should be able to make this work. :) On
the bright side, I did see that a lot of stations saw me on
pskreporter.net. I did make a contact with a friend of mine in
Ohio, Matt, KB8UVN.... we did coordinate a bit via our chat
method on packet radio. But, I am very IMPRESSED with
both the QDX (which is a very small radio, physically) and the
loop I made. The Loop has an extremely high Q so there
is a very narrow bandwidth tuning on this thing. Anyway,
I was heard from one end of the US to the other!
Please email me at [email protected]
about broken links, thanks!
All Site material ©
N0NJY, Rick