N2LEN'S Radio Corner

Hello fellow radio people

I enjoy collecting all sorts of cb or ham related items. I do have several hobbies. I enjoy fooling around with my home Dolby Digital-DTS home theater. I recently aquired an interest in photography. I also enjoy web surfing on the internet. In regards to my radio hobby, I mainly enjoy collecting different 40 channel cb radio's that were manufactured around the mid 1970's thru the later 1980's. I only started my collection around three years ago and have accumulated around 350 peices. I also collect certain H.F. radio's as well. My C.B. radio of choice is the BROWNING GOLDEN EAGLE MK III. I do enjoy listening around the H.F. bands with my Yaesu FT-757GX and FT-767GX . I have found an interest in collecting all sorts of older Yaesu related equipment! Recently, I purchased a FT-100, a FT-1000MP, and a IC-746. I also repair and align citizen band equipment and all sorts of H.F. gear.!

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Please feel free to join Lenny N2LEN for the KCRA 2 meter SWAP&SHOP Net. Every Wednesday night at 9:00 PM  on 146.430. Input transmit frequency up 1meg at 147.430 with a Pl-tone of 136.5 mhz. Motorola alpha numeric (4Z)

If you have any C.B. or ham radio questions that you may need an answer too, I also have a very extensive library with tons of information. You can catch me on either the KCRA Repeater or the KCRC repeater in N.Y.C. The KCRA repeater frequency is 146.430 1meg +shift pl 136.5, The KCRC repeater frequency is 146.730 -shift pl 88.5.
I am pleased to say that I passed the Element 3B General theory Test!

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