Rupert Emil Lubkemeier

  Born in Queens County, New York City, USA

  Active on weak signal frequencies 144.200 MHz and 432.100 MHz.

  I enjoy working aurora, meteor scatter and only the SSB amateur satellites.

  You can also find me on 6 & 10 meter AM/FM/WSPR, and the 60 meter band.

Please QSL direct to:

JUN.01.22 - In my mailbox this morning. Thanks George!

This is my first card for the 8 meter band, but my fourth catch.

I also recorded:

WM2XCC DM13 WSPR, FT8 & Q65 30A

MAY.11.22 - I photographed a stratollite called Gryphon24 (N138WV) as it passed by my neighborhood.

This high altitude balloon was launched in Arizona on May 5th and has loitered over south Florida for several days prompting many calls to police and news media about a possible UFO.

It was at 63,800 feet and about 15 miles away from me when I caught it with my new Galaxy S22 Ultra.

World View Enterprises is planning a fleet of these stratollites, as well as ones that can carry tourists all around the Americas.

I wish some will carry an Amateur Radio VU linear radio transponder.

Update: Less than 24 hours later Gryphon24 crashed in territorial waters of the Bahamas. What happened? Was it the Bermuda Triangle?

I was recommended a movie called On the Threshold of Space (1956). You can find it on Youtube. It is quite interesting.

SEP.15.21 - It's Up Up and Away for amateur astronauts Christopher, Hayley, Jared and Sian.

Hayley on the hand microphone.

APR.23.21 - It's an early morning launch for Crew Dragon Endeavour!

Godspeed Crew-2: Akihiko, Megan, Shane and Thomas.

Clouds add drama. Can you spot Falcon's flip maneuver in this full image?

FEB.18.21 - Perseverance, Ingenuity and again my name are on Mars!

Nearly 11 million names were individually stenciled onto 3 silicon wafers by electron beam.

You or E.T. will need a powerful microscope to view them.

Can you decode the festoon?

HINT: It's in morse code.

My supper this evening?

A Martian recipe from "To Serve Man"

Made with Earthly ingredients!

February is national battery month and the 18th is national battery day.

Below is the first decent image of the silicon wafers on Mars seated above a nuclear battery that powers Perseverance.

NOV.26.20 - Another Thanksgiving Day - PHEW

I am so happy it wasn't Aliens!

NOV.15.20 - Crew Dragon Resilience is on its way to the International Space Station!

Godspeed Crew-1: Mike, Shannon, Soichi and Victor.

SpaceX: [roger beep] "And Soichi for awareness, we're not getting audio from you currently." [roger beep]

Can you see what Soichi did wrong for 30 seconds?

You can say a lot in 30 seconds.

MAY.30.20 - It's great to see a handheld microphone instead of headsets in use on Crew Dragon Endeavour!

Are there audio speakers in the cabin?

How many watts per channel?

Which one of these two Astronauts controls the left and right balance, front and rear balance or surround sound?

Is there a subwoofer?

Is there a CD player?

MAR.13.20 -

Today President Trump declared a National Emergency due to COVID-19.

Florida also declared a State Emergency and has ordered all schools closed for at least two weeks.

Many of Florida's attractions have closed and special events canceled or postponed.

Palm Beach County has stated that if the Department of Health, your doctor, a hospital or other medical professional orders you to quarantine, you MUST self-quarantine.

You will be arrested if you do not!

"You don�t want to stay in my hotel," said the county's Sheriff.

I surely most definitely do not want to get sick but, being a Radio Guy social distancing means something quite different and easy to do.

My best regards to the World and see you on the radio.


What a MESS. The time was even correct!

AUG.01.19 - China's lunar orbiting satellite Longjiang-2 crashed into the Moon yesterday.

It was a planned crash ending its mission keeping it from being a hazard to future spacecraft.

One of the satellite's objectives was to measure HF radio noise radiated from the Earth.

If the below graph published by Chinese media is correct and to scale, it is very predictable.

So what is causing that spike between 25 and 30 MHz?

The spike is NOT a single transmitter, it is the average/something signal received over a given time made by multiple transmitters around OUR WORLD.

This graph shows that the 11 meter band is quite a noise source!

A waterfall of typical activity on the 11 meter band:

JUN.25.19 - First night time launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket

This is the full photograph. Can you figure out which booster ignited first during the entry burn?


Dragon CRS-17 was launched to the International Space Station and its Falcon booster landed on drone ship Of Course I Still Love You.

This is the full photograph. Can you find the Death North Star?

JAN.14.19 - A pair of 5.353 MHz crystals arrived from the Czech Republic today. Thanks! They are a Christmas gift to promote QRP cw on this frequency.

Although here in the United States we are not allowed to operate on this frequency, I can swing the crystal frequency to get it on a USA legal channel.

A NEW YEAR - It's 2019

Can you figure out what I am thinking about?

I am thinking about a Cat Whisker Detector using a Galena crystal.

We all mourn differently!

NOTE TO SELF: I need to buy a better vacuum cleaner!


Rupert I've got the helm now. Hit the bunk. In the morning make grilled snapper for breakfast. Not those Florida snapper. Snapper bluefish. Long Island style!


November 22, 2018


40 years ago today in 1978, President James Earl Carter Jr declared October fourth as 10-4 Day on Citizens Band's 20th anniversary.

"The growth of CB use in recent years is extraordinary...more than 20 million Americans have used a CB radio at one time or another."
"While CB is primarily for emergency use, the nonemergency channels bring enjoyment and companionship to millions of Americans, including my own family."
- President Carter

As a presidential candidate for the United States of America, he used Citizens Band radio as a campaign tool.

Today candidates use Facebox and Twitgram


HOG DAYS OF SUMMER 2018 - I did some television channel surfing which is something I seldom do. I came across a TV show called Wonder Woman which I haven't seen in decades or, even more importantly I should say, in this century. Since then, all I could think about was playing with my dongle!

I think I need to explain!


In season 2 episode 4 "The Bermuda Triangle Crisis", I learned that there are uncharted islands in the triangle as well as Paradise Island home to the Amazons and Wonder Woman.

During the nearly 9 years living in Florida I never once realized that I lived in the Bermuda Triangle nor even heard anyone speak of it.

I am now on a mission to find uncharted islands and mount DXpeditions to them. Paradise Island is at the top of my goal. I really, really want to go there!

Please note I did not type 'really' 17 times. I really, really wanted to!

Several years ago I bought an RTL-SDR dongle which is a radio receiver controlled by a computer for $15.

I wanted to use this thing to explore AIS for maritime traffic and ADS-B for aircraft traffic but, I never found the time to do it.

Now I think it would be neat to see if boats and airplanes avoid the Bermuda Triangle.

I decided to try ADS-B first. I calculated plans to build a QUAGI antenna for 1090 MHz.

I gathered the materials I needed, cut metal to size and then, all of a sudden, I lost interest in this!

I guess I have to watch another episode of Wonder Woman to get turned on and excited :)

MAY.25.18 - 10 years ago today I landed on MARS !!!!!!!!!!

KIND'VE ..........

I wonder if anyone who walks up to this lander in the future will even know what a DVD is.

I own several hundred CDs and DVDs and since moving to Florida, never listened or watched any of them. My Sienna minivan has a 6 CD stereo and it also has a rear passenger ceiling mounted DVD player with 2 wireless headphones. I never used them!

I do still burn .iso images to install different flavors of Linux. I did this once so far this year.


AUG.24.17 - 25 years ago today Florida endured hurricane Andrew.

I, living in New York City at that time, was introduced to tropospheric ducting of VHF radio waves caused by Andrew squeezing the atmosphere in my area as the hurricane moved north.

The best contact I had was with N2CJP/4 in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

Wet Noodle - meaning not much of an antenna is needed, propagation is so good that you can use a wet noodle or paperclip.

The real John Koenig, N2CJP was QRP at only 2 watts and my antenna was in my attic. 339 miles, 546 kilometers!

AUG.21.17 - Today there is a TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE in the United States of America

CLICK LINK: Only partially in the state of Florida though - COCONUTS

JUL.30.17 - My old Panasonic RF-B45 still WERKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico is transmitting HF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I kinda liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked liked the 17 thingy................. SK

7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 - 7.17.17 -

National YELLOW PIG DAY and world EMOJI DAY

JUL.15.17 - Back in 1999 we still did not have ZEROES but, we did have CRT conferencing, charging docks and keyless entry.

The COMMLOCK, Space1999 circa 1975

JUN.04.17 - BOCAFUL SUNDAY FUNDAY - Use your boca every day to communicate KNOWLEDGE, LOVE and PEACE!

HAPPY 2017 - A QUARTER CENTURY has past since I became N2OTO in December 1991

AUG.12.16 - I hiked around Blue Lake this morning watching for the Perseid meteor shower. I counted 11 meteors during my one hour trek before dawn. Blue Lake is on, and is used to irrigate the landscaping at, the former IBM campus here in Boca Raton. This is where the first IBM PC was hacked together in 1981 and then manufactured for sale. Big Blue had about 10,000 employees here and I am very sure many of its engineers and scientists, some were HAMS, sat beside this lake dreaming up all sorts of wonderful things.

35 years ago today, the IBM PC was introduced to OUR WORLD!

5:58am EDT, 09:58z -

JUL.10.16 - This weekend I learned that Amateur Electronic Supply will be closing business at the end of this month. AES provided 59 years of service to our hobby. It was founded by W9DIA Terry J. Sterman when he was only 18 years old.

In May 1992 I worked the AES Starship on 144.200 MHz. Op: W9NHE Ted

What happened to this airplane?

Made in 1990. It was the seventh Beechcraft Starship. AES owned two registration numbers for this airplane, N1548S and in December 1992 N7388K. N8873 was reserved (i.e. - requested). AES ownership ended March 1993. N7388K was decommissioned, dismantled and destroyed in 2005.

Did you notice the 73 and 88 in the tail number?

88 AES, 73

MAY.09.16 - It's Five Nine Day - Today I was surf fishing on Hutchinson Island, Florida. LOOK AT WHAT FLEW BY ME!

WOW, crossed G0KSC LFA yagis? Frequency? My guess, just below 28 MHz.

U.S. NAVY MZ3A Warlock Nine (N157LG)
Full photograph 1
Full photograph 2
Full photograph 3
Full photograph 4
Full photograph 5

APR.08.16 - This morning I went to a local park to try to find a dark spot to photograph geostationary satellites before sunrise.

Below is a snippet from a bigger photograph where you can see 3 GEO satellites and 1 LEO object during a 10 minute stacked photograph.

GEO - Geosynchronous Earth orbit
LEO - Low Earth orbit
Stacked - Multiple photos, not a continuous exposure like BULB

This is the full photograph. Can you see other satellites? There are some others visible.

MAR.20.16 - WHAT'S UP OP? - It's SPRING! - I created BOCAful Clam Chowder today.

Why buy a can of chowder when you can buy a bunch of different cans, and more, and make something so much better?

N2OTO's BOCAful Clam Chowder:

1 can seafood stock
1 small can tomato paste
1 can chopped clams
1 handful double smoked bacon cut to your boca's comfort
1 handful cauliflower florets cut to your boca's comfort
1 handful frozen chopped kale
1 heaping tablespoon granulated garlic
1 heaping teaspoon cayenne pepper powder

Combine the stock, clams with its juice, tomato paste, bacon, garlic and cayenne pepper in a pot and simmer covered on low heat for 30 minutes after boil. Then add the cauliflower and kale and simmer covered for 10 more minutes.

Now that's a mouthful of BOCAful Clam Chowder! You can't do that with a soup!

Below - �1977 CB Jokes, Charlton Press, Inc.

Cauliflower and kale are in the same Brassica oleracea family as gabbage. REALLY!

FEB.25.16 - Thalatta! Thalatta! - Sunrise at Emerald Bay. It is NATIONAL CLAM CHOWDER DAY! I enjoyed a cup of Florida Minorcan chowder. It is like Manhattan Style with HEAT and HOG.

Emerald Bay? The BOCA INLET is being called this in a movie that is filming this week. I am sitting on a fake lifeguard tower. I have no idea what the movie will be about, but since THE ROCK is starring in it, I am very sure there will be pirates, tall sailing ships, big canons and a lot of treasure ;)

AUG.20.15 - NATIONAL RADIO DAY - Today I turned on my PANAPET AM radio for the first time in Florida. It is my very first radio that I received as a gift over 40 years ago!

I listen nearly every day to COMMERCIAL FREE PUBLIC RADIO.

QUESTION: How did you hear about Nautilus Live? AUG.08.15 [.AVI 29MB]

In the news today: Should all boats have an EPIRB by law? For any vessel that can travel more than a few miles offshore, my answer is YES. Minors should also be required to wear an inflatable PFD.

EPIRB - Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon - used by boats, aircraft and hikers.

PFD - Personal Floatation Device

Both these safety devices SELF ACTIVATE when in contact with water or non nominal position.

If you live near the shoreline and can monitor 121.5 MHz AM, hearing something like a siren is one of the functions of an EPIRB and it is near you. An EPIRB transmits only about 50mW on this frequency.

AUG.18.15 - WATCHING - NAUTILUSLIVE.ORG - Today the ROV Hercules is exploring the USS Macon's crash site. The airship Macon was a flying aircraft carrier. Really!

I submitted a question during the dive: "Please more about weight. It was stated earlier that radio equipment was thrown overboard during the crash. How do you know this? These transceivers were really big and heavy and are referred today as boat anchors. I would think that they would be bolted down. These radios operated on shortwave frequencies, did they hang wires from the airship or use the aluminum frame as an antenna? - Rupert in Boca Raton, Florida"

Some of my question was answered by NOAA archaeologist Bruce Terrell [.AVI 19MB]

What I glean from this, radio gear was thrown overboard means things like morse code keys, microphones and headphones and other small things associated with a radio station.

AUG.01.15 - I have not been a very good ham radio operator for over a year now. I haven't been very chatty. I only logged a dozen or so contacts and only three so far in 2015. I hope to end this rut soon.

Today I am learning Windows 10 and did you know that it is National Jamaican Patty Day?


APR.06.15 - The movie Smokey and the Bandit introduced me to Citizens Band radio, but the television show Dukes of Hazzard showed me it was FUN!

A CB radio was, is and always will be a form of wireless networking.


Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane: Do you know what one casket said to the other casket? He said, was that you coffin?

James Best died today at age 88.


To all the HAMS around OUR WORLD that are in MY LOGBOOK: THANK YOU

PLEASE NOTE that there is not just one type of HAM in my EDIBLE LOGBOOK - There are DIFFERENT HAMS all around the WORLD.


FEB.27.15 -

Dr. McCoy: How are you with primitive radio equipment?
Mr. Spock: Very simple. Amplitude modulation transmission. Simply adjust the frequency, throw this switch and the Enterprise should answer.


Dr. McCoy: And very simple!

73 Mr. Nimoy

JAN.23.15 - 76�F, 25�C - ME TIME! A solo picnic amongst the Florida slash pines with shortwave radio entertainment.

The slash pine is the King of the south Florida forest. They are the source of "Dade Pine" timber hand hewed in the past by settlers to build homes, railroad tracks and telegraph poles during Florida's early history. They grow over 100 feet tall and are excellent for hoisting a wire antenna into.

One of my favorite smells is Sun baked pine needles.

JAN.13.15 - MY BAD. I failed to send several of you a QSL card. I apologize and a card will be mailed as soon as possible was mailed.

Nice vintage postage stamps Ron!

NOV.27.14 - I am enjoying Florida venison stew, cranberry juice and NOS (New Old Stock) kit building this Thanksgiving evening.

NOV.08.14 - Today I went to the Boca Raton Amateur Radio Association's open house.

There was a fox hunt and I found the fox! I won a 2013-2014 Repeater Directory.

WAIT... 2015 is only 2 months away. RECYCLING, gotta love it!

MAY.25.14 - Meteor Induced Sporadic E?

Camelopardalids, a new meteor shower, showed up a half day late.

The last several days the news media really hyped up how great this meteor shower, a possible storm, may be. But by noon Saturday, they all updated their reports calling it a dud.

I first noticed it at 1700 UTC. It showered all day and night, and when I woke up this morning it was still going strong.

A one minute recording by my VHF meteor scatter observatory this morning [.MP3 942KB]

I was also running 6m WSPR Saturday afternoon and night. WSPR is not designed for meteor scatter. You can read about why elsewhere. There was Sporadic E potential though and with the help of the few meteor showers yesterday, meteor induced Sporadic E was observed. Meteor scatter best happens at right angles to the showers radiant. Since the radiant and the Sporadic Ep were north of me, two way WSPR spots with WB5B in Texas occurred often. I saw many more trace from WB5B than WSPR actually decoded.

As the Sporadic Ep and meteor shower radiants moved west, WB5B slowly disappeared and W8AC in Ohio started to appear. I had many trace of W8AC, but WSPR could not decode them. However, he decoded mine well into the night until 0504z.

UPDATE: It is now 1800z and the Camelopardalids is fading fast. This may only be a 30 hour meteor shower!

NOV.10.13 - Worked Arecibo Observatory's radio club this morning. KP4AO 1239z 14.250 MHz.

I also learned that they are interested in another moon bounce event like the one in 2010!


NOV.03.13 - Daylight Saving Time ends for me.

Sorry to interrupt. I have no understanding about what fall back means. Rupert you are late! Feed me! I need to poop!

Don't worry Patch! I'm getting up to photograph the eclipse and catch some fish...

OCT.09.13 - Did you say "HI" to JUNO?

I did!

The JUNO spacecraft flew past our Earth today for some gravity assist to help it get to Jupiter.

At 1800z JUNO's WAVES instrument was turned on to hear me, and other hams, transmit "HI" in super slow morse code throughout the lower part of the 10m band.

Below is my keying setup that I quickly made this morning. The straight key was for backup in case my soldering failed during the nearly 3 hour event.

Final to JUNO [.MP4 106MB]

My computer uses Meinberg NTP to keep its clock accurate. If you watch my 10 minute movie, you will see that several others shared my frequency and that their clocks were off time a bit.


SEP.01.13 - An old interest ends and a new one begins!

NAVSPASUR (Naval Space Surveillance since 1961), renamed recently by the US Air Force as its asset in 2004, ended its transmission today due to the sequester.

So I decided to begin transmitting WSPR!

Below my first 2 minute transmission.

I was heard in Australia, California, Washington, Minnesota, Ontario Canada, Bermuda and Broward County Florida with 1 watt.


JUN.08.13 - CUBA was active again this year for the June VHF+ contest! - T43S EL93 144.200

I worked them twice today. At 1555z before the contest I asked for QSL information. Given: QSL to CO3JY. I then worked them first at 1800z. They were a solid 55, and better on CW, all afternoon.

What T43S sounded like with an FT-857D and a 4 element yagi at 35 feet.

DEC.04.12 - Today I officially became a Florida resident!

OCT.29.12 - The last few nights I monitored WSPR on 60 meters. K1JT and I were the only U.S. stations hearing europe last night thru hurricane Sandy's atmospheric noise. K1JT, Joseph H. Taylor Jr, is a Nobel Prize winner in physics and author of the WSPR software. WSPR stands for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter and it is pronounced WHISPER.


JUL.24.12 1500z - Finally, the first known 144 MHz Sporadic-E opening this year!

Worked in order:

N3MIQ FM19 [FM] 146.520
N3EKO FM19 [FM] 146.520
N3FHW/M FM18 [FM] 146.520
K1HTV FM18 [FM] 146.520

JUN.10.12 - Worked CUBA again! - T43S EL93 144.200

What T43S sounded like with a TR-751A, a 20 foot RG8X cable and a 4 element yagi at 35 feet.

I worked CO0OM in EL93 on 144.200 during last year's contest.

What co0om sounded like with an FT-857D, a 20 foot RG8X cable and a 4 element yagi at 35 feet [.MP4 16.5MB]

NOV.28.11 - I bought a new world clock for my radio room.

Click here for photos of the clock's different colors

JUL.06.11 - My antenna is CUBAN KNIGHT ANOLE tuned and certified!

This is not a pet lizard! It is a wild one that was interested in that sexy ladybug at the end of the antenna.

JULY 4th, 2011 - Lots of 6 meter E-skip and blackened catfish this holiday weekend!

CINCO DE MAYO 2011 - A Buddipole 112 inch telescoping whip arrived in the mail today.

Adjusting the length lets me work 6m, 10m, 12m and some other bands with a tuner.

Antenna update - I used this setup to work the DXpedition to Kiritimati, aka Christmas Island.

DEC.11.10 - My new Magnum 1012 all-mode transceiver that UPS delivered last night in time for this weekend's 10 meter contest...

Unfortunately, it is not working.


In USB mode the S-meter is always full scale even when the antenna is removed.

I returned the Magnum 1012 within 24 hours for a refund. I may buy another one in the future. It is a very nice HT, albeit toyish.

To turn off that loud beep:
Press (SCN/ M/SCN) for a few seconds. You will see (SH. ***) , press (SCN/ M/SCN) again - you will see (bP oN)...use UP/DOWN to turn it off.
Press (SCN/ M/SCN) a third time to turn on/off the 'Roger Beep.'
This information is not in the 4 page manual.
Manual page 1
Manual page 2
Manual page 3
Manual page 4

10.10.10 was a special day in the Netherlands Antilles, which now no longer exists.
OCT.12.10 1857 zulu - PJ7E 24.966 5,9 Sint Maarten - a new country, they now have their independence from Dutch rule.
                                     - PJ7E 28.420 2002z 5,9 OCT16
                                     - PJ7E 21.330 1359z 5,9 OCT17
                                     - PJ7E 18.151 1416z 5,9 OCT17

OCT.12.10 1956 zulu - PJ5/AA4NC 28.360 5,9 Sint Eustatius - now an autonomous special municipality of the Netherlands.
OCT.14.10 2009 zulu - PJ4/PG4M 24.935 5,9 Bonaire - now an autonomous special municipality of the Netherlands.
OCT.16.10 2009 zulu - PJ4NX 24.950 5,9 Bonaire
OCT.17.10 1755 zulu - PJ4N 24.935 5,9 Bonaire
OCT.17.10 2125 zulu - PJ6A 24.9525 5,9 Saba - now an autonomous special municipality of the Netherlands.
I am still looking to work Curacao (PJ2) before the end of the week.

SEP.02.10 - QSO with C6ANX FL15 in the Bahamas. This is my 3rd country this summer on 144.200 and my first on 432.100 from EL96.

AUG.07.10 5:47pm EDT (UHF Contest) - I just finished a QSO with AJ4GC on 432.100 when I took this picture before I removed my equipment from the balcony because a storm was coming.

I then looked out the front of my building at 5:55pm and saw a small tornado overhead.
Listen for the jet engine like ROAR!

Below is the video I took after the tornado passed over my building.

JUN.18.10 - More 144 MHz Sporadic-E! Worked W5UWB EL17, W5GVE EM10 and Mexico XE2OR DL98.

Below the only 4m beacon in all of USA, WE9XFT FM07fm Virginia

4m beacon updates:

WE9XUP/B 70.005 JUL.27.2011 [.MOV 30.5MB]

WF9XRU/B 70.005 JUN.12.2012 [.MOV 31.1MB]

WG2XPN/B 70.005 JUN.30.2013 [.MOV 29.1MB]

JUN.15.10 - Testing a curtain rod with my 2 meter SQLOOP.

JUN.02.10 - Sporadic-E! Worked VE3KKL FN25 Canada, 144.205, 2355z with 50 watts and a palmetto tree antenna.

MAR.13.10 - Today I went to my first hamfest in Florida. Click here for photos

DEC.19.09 5:30pm EST - Tuning my UHF antenna for HOPE-1 which will be in linear transponder mode for the first time later tonight at 0230 zulu DEC 20th.

My receive antenna is tuned and as you can see, it hears the stars in the universe! SNOW!

DEC.15.09 - Today China launched its HOPE-1 amateur satellite. (aka XW-1, XIWANG-1, 36122U) I put up an antenna for UHF even though my last day in New York will be Dec. 31st!

SEPT.02.09 - My 2 meter beacon is OFF.

AUG.22.09 - I am running a beacon on 144.311 MHz cw. 30 watts into a 4 element yagi at 32 feet with 136.1�az and 11�el. You may hear airplane flutter from time to time. This is a meteor scatter experiment pointing toward Bermuda, FM72pi, which is ~766 miles away. This is not a 24/7 beacon and it will only be active for a short time. The beacon will be on at 0800 to 1400 GMT.

Please leave a report at DxWorld VHF or email me.

The beacon will be turned off during thunderstorms.

SSB meteor scatter skeds with Bermuda are welcome!!

18 AUG09 0113z, KA1ZE/3 FN01xt, rst 519, tropo, 232.9 miles, beacon was at 2 watts

18 AUG09 1111z, W1ZC FN42dr, rst 529, tropo, 174.9 miles, beacon was at 2 watts

22 AUG09 1136z, KA1ZE/3 FN01xt, reports beacon peaking 24dB above noise, tropo, beacon was at 30 watts

AUG.06.09 - During the last few days of July there were some great E-skip openings on the 2 meter band. I worked quite a few stations west of NYC. One station, N0IRS, sent me a refrigerator magnet along with his QSL card. You can also watch his audio recording of me.

JUL.05.09 1935 zulu - A super sunspot has appeared on the sun, #1024, with B and C class solar flares.

The N2OTObservatory

The Asian tiger mosquito is a real problem at the observatory even at noon.

JUN.25.09 - This was Farrah Fawcett's foxy vette. 88 Farrah! Eighty-eight means 'love and kisses' in ham speak.

MAY.30.09 - In my mailbox today.

APR.27.09 - Happy birthday Samuel F.B. Morse. It's swine flu panic in my neighborhood. If you're feeling too lazy to text and start thinking, speaking or tap dancing dah dit dah dit dah dah dit dah, you have caught the HAM radio bug not swine flu. Tell your boss you'll be out for a week. Turn on your transceiver, get as little sleep as possible and work the world. Repeat when necessary since there is no cure .-.-.-

NOV.27.08 - When you are a HAM RADIO OPERATOR, you are never alone!


JUL.11.08 - I'm currently on 20 meters with an inverted V.

MAY.05.08 - Today I received a QSL from HAARP's January moon bounce experiment.

Below is the QSL I sent to HAARP.

APR.08.08 - Built a mount for my K40 antenna cut to 29.550 MHz for FM.

Any ideas on how I can explain what happened to the watering can?

First K40 on Mars. (On top of my 12'x16.5' aluminum canopy ;)

APR.07.08 - Worked the 2 meter spring sprint QRP @ only 2 watts and a battery.

JAN.17.08 - Below is a new encoder for my KENWOOD TR-751A.

Here, I'm getting ready to use desoldering braid to remove the bad encoder.

After most of the solder is removed, I'll cut some leads for easier removal.

Below is the bad encoder.

A couple of images of the inside of the old encoder.

With the new encoder in place, all that's needed is to put the puzzle back together.

OCT.08.07 - I've been adopted by Port Side Patch, my drinking and sailing buddy!

OCT.03.06 - Replaced Q201 (3SK129-R) and VR5 (Push On/Vol/Sql POT) in TR-751A

~~~~~~_/) ~~~~~_/) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~_/) ~~~~~

Thanks for reading my HOG, I mean BLOG. Well I did just hog your time.

A big THANKS to QSL.NET for connecting hams around the world!