CQ Worldwide VHF Contest 2019
category: ROVER
callsign: N2SLN / R


    Don KB2YSI -- 2m op, navigation assistance

    Lu N2SLN -- 6m op, rover vehicle


Moxon rectangle
6-el Directive Systems Rover Special yagi (now Directive Systems and Engineering DSE144-6RS)


Par loop permanently mounted to roof of rover vehicle
Par loop permanently mounted to roof of rover vehicle


driver side Icom IC-7000

TE Systems amplifier at 150w

1500w lowpass filter

passenger side Icom IC-7000

Advanced Receiver Research RF-sensed external preamp

new Telewave bandpass/bandreject filter

TE Systems amplifier at 150w


Recent equipment upgrades in MobileComm1 included replacing the 6m amplifier that failed in September 2018, upgrading one 6m feedline jumper to Superflex hardline to help reduce RFI from other bands, changing out a faulty feedline jumper on the 2m station, and replacing the old 6m loop with a Par Omniangle that was sitting unused in the basement. We also installed a commercial bandpass/bandreject filter on the 2m station to try getting rid of the interference from other bands when using the loops (which did not help). This filter was tuned for the SSB portion of 2m and has a 40 dB notch at our local repeater frequency incase we ever need to use that hilltop again for roving. The original rover trip was to include a particular hilltop in southwestern FN12 that Jon W2BDN had requested, but travel would end up making him unavailable for this contest, so we switched to a site that was closer for less travel time. Experimenting with the southern WNY grid corner (FN01/02/11/12) was still the goal for the first day, as none of us had ever operated from there before and didn't know what to expect. The increased elevation versus central NY would be fun no matter how many contacts we made.

I picked up Don at 10 AM and we made the leisurely 4-hour trip westward to the grid corner. Our first site had us parked on the side of a rural dirt road at 2400' ASL in northwest FN11. We got there 3 minutes early, set the clock on each transceiver, and released the hounds. We were scheduled to stay 90 minutes at this site and by the time it was all over, we had worked Kansas on 2m for an all-time new state (1100 miles / 1770 km), worked him again on 6m for a new grid there, and worked a bunch of stations on 6m in the southeastern US while the band simultaneously stayed open to the midwest. Not bad for loop antennas 2 feet above the roof of the van. The National Weather Service had issued an Excessive Heat Warning for many areas of the northeast and the air conditioner was having trouble keeping up even on Max. We worked WD9HBF/R who said the temperature was 102 degrees in EN40.

Next we moved to our site in southeastern FN02 which was also at 2400' ASL. Here we had enough room for our side-tilting system with directional antennas, so while Don began working stations on the loops, I assembled the bigger antenna system and then we switched over to it. Fifty-nine percent of the day's QSOs ended up coming from two hours of operating from this site. Six meters was still open in both directions at once and we nabbed two new stations from EL29 for some of our best DX from here (1284 miles / 2067 km). There was a bit of noise on 2m when pointed at one of the commercial towers on the hilltop, but we still managed to work more stations than at the previous site.

We left on schedule to hit our final grid activation of the day in southwestern FN12. This was another site where we simply parked on the side of a rural road and used the loops for a couple hours since there was no place for the tiltover system that supports the bigger antennas. The elevation dropped to 2300' here, but we worked into FN05 on 2m despite no evening enhancement, and 240 miles back to Jeff K1TEO on both bands. Six meters was mostly dead now, and we relied heavily on CW for contacts there. Not surprisingly, the number of 2m contacts increased when opportunities on 6m began drying up. We stayed in FN12 for an hour and left on schedule at 8:30 to make the long trip back to CNY for the night, unexpectedly finding a great looking hilltop along the way.

The next day I got to the local FN22 hilltop a little early and was setting up the big antennas when Don arrived. It was a perfect time for 6m to be mostly dead because this hilltop always provides such good results on 2m, and we timed it to arrive in the morning during the best chance of tropo, although the prediction maps showed no enhancement. We worked more stations on 2m from this single grid activation than from all 3 of the previous day's grid activations, and got 16 multipliers for it. We got significantly more QSO points from 2m than from 6m here. Many 2m grids we worked from this hilltop were never heard at any other point in the contest. Best DX on 2m was working into 4-land to a station in FM17 at 326 miles / 525 km (no FT8 needed), but we also worked into the state of Maine at 303 miles / 488 km and an 8-land station in Ohio (EN91) at 297 miles / 478 km. On 6m we worked the same Mexico station for new grid EL06 for a second year in a row (1719 miles / 2767 km).

At noon we tore down and headed to Don's place to drop off his car, then to our FN23 hilltop to end the contest. We parked right under a 2m repeater to test for receiver de-sense. Either no one was using the repeater for 3 hours, or the new bandpass/bandreject filter's sharp response curve was sufficient (about 17 dB of rejection in this case). As others have mentioned, 6m really opened strong toward the end of the contest. We worked more 6m contacts from here than from any other grid activation in the past 2 years of roving in this contest, including working Cuban special event station T40RCT FL10. The rain that was in the forecast never materialized. Improvements for the future include a straight-tipping support structure so that we can use the bigger antennas from any rural roadside without need for room to the side of the van. This year we produced our best ever claimed score for the CQ WW VHF Contest and I've been participating almost every year since 2002 (skipping only 2003-2004). Update: N2SLN/R takes third place.


FN11   50      18      18         14
       144      3       6          3
FN02   50      39      39         25
       144      5      10          4
FN12   50       6       6          5
       144      4       8          4
FN22   50      28      28         18
       144     25      50         16
FN23   50      53      53         35
       144      9      18          5
TOTALS        190     236        129

   --- claimed score: 30,444 ---


QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 1815 N2SLN/R          FN11   W3SO             FN00
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1825 N2SLN/R          FN11   N4EEB            EL99
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 1829 N2SLN/R          FN11   W1VD             FN31
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1833 N2SLN/R          FN11   K1TO             EL87
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1840 N2SLN/R          FN11   KM4HI            EL89
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1841 N2SLN/R          FN11   K3PA             EM29
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1843 N2SLN/R          FN11   WS9V             EM59
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1847 N2SLN/R          FN11   KC4PX            EL98
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1849 N2SLN/R          FN11   KO0Z             EM59
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1851 N2SLN/R          FN11   WA4GPM           EM90
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1854 N2SLN/R          FN11   K2PS             EL98
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1857 N2SLN/R          FN11   K4WI             EM62
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1858 N2SLN/R          FN11   N4SVC            EM80
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 1859 N2SLN/R          FN11   N0LL             EM09
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1900 N2SLN/R          FN11   N0LL             EM09
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1911 N2SLN/R          FN11   N0URW            EN41
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1916 N2SLN/R          FN11   WD9HBF/R         EN40
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1920 N2SLN/R          FN11   KU8E             EM72
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1924 N2SLN/R          FN11   WB0MCO           EN40
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1926 N2SLN/R          FN11   KA4SVR           EM80
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 1929 N2SLN/R          FN11   KF0M             EM17
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2026 N2SLN/R          FN02   K4WI             EM62
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2027 N2SLN/R          FN02   K2PS             EL98
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2030 N2SLN/R          FN02   K2DRH            EN41
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2032 N2SLN/R          FN02   AE4OI            EM81
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2034 N2SLN/R          FN02   N4OX             EM60
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2034 N2SLN/R          FN02   KU8E             EM72
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2040 N2SLN/R          FN02   K1TO             EL87
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2045 N2SLN/R          FN02   W4NH             EM84
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2046 N2SLN/R          FN02   N4EEB            EL99
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2048 N2SLN/R          FN02   KD4Y             EM62
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2049 N2SLN/R          FN02   K8SD             EN52
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2050 N2SLN/R          FN02   N4PN             EM82
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2051 N2SLN/R          FN02   KC3JAS           FN01
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2054 N2SLN/R          FN02   KB3WBT           FN01
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2057 N2SLN/R          FN02   K4SQC            EM74
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2058 N2SLN/R          FN02   KB3WL            FN02
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2059 N2SLN/R          FN02   K4SUS            EM74
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2100 N2SLN/R          FN02   W4OM             EM72
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2101 N2SLN/R          FN02   KC4LNX           EM82
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2101 N2SLN/R          FN02   AI5AA            EM40
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2102 N2SLN/R          FN02   NB4F             EM73
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2103 N2SLN/R          FN02   WA4CAX           EM64
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2104 N2SLN/R          FN02   W5BVB            EL29
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2104 N2SLN/R          FN02   KD4ESV           EL87
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2105 N2SLN/R          FN02   W5PR             EL29
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2107 N2SLN/R          FN02   NA4RR            EM60
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2112 N2SLN/R          FN02   KC2SFU           FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2113 N2SLN/R          FN02   KC2SFU           FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2115 N2SLN/R          FN02   WA3GWK           EM60
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2116 N2SLN/R          FN02   NY0A             EN24
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2119 N2SLN/R          FN02   AB4B             EM64
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2120 N2SLN/R          FN02   W5NZ             EM62
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2121 N2SLN/R          FN02   K4LO             EM60
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2123 N2SLN/R          FN02   AD4XT            EM72
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2125 N2SLN/R          FN02   KM4SLW           EM72
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2127 N2SLN/R          FN02   N2WK             FN03
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2129 N2SLN/R          FN02   N2WK             FN03
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2133 N2SLN/R          FN02   KM4VTE           EM73
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2134 N2SLN/R          FN02   W5PS             EM13
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2136 N2SLN/R          FN02   WA6POZ           EM70
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2137 N2SLN/R          FN02   K4MKP            EM91
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2148 N2SLN/R          FN02   WA0MHJ           EN35
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2201 N2SLN/R          FN02   W3SO             FN00
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2203 N2SLN/R          FN02   W3SO             FN00
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-20 2309 N2SLN/R          FN12   N2BEG            FN12
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2314 N2SLN/R          FN12   N2YB             FN12
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-20 2316 N2SLN/R          FN12   N2YB             FN12
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2317 N2SLN/R          FN12   VE3SMA           FN05
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-20 2326 N2SLN/R          FN12   N2WK             FN03
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-20 2335 N2SLN/R          FN12   K1TEO            FN31
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-20 2336 N2SLN/R          FN12   K1TEO            FN31
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 0004 N2SLN/R          FN12   KB3WL            FN02
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 0005 N2SLN/R          FN12   KB3WL            FN02
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 0014 N2SLN/R          FN12   N0URW            EN41
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1221 N2SLN/R          FN22   KC2SFU           FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1222 N2SLN/R          FN22   KC2SFU           FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1225 N2SLN/R          FN22   K1TEO            FN31
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1225 N2SLN/R          FN22   K1TEO            FN31
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1229 N2SLN/R          FN22   WD4AB            EL95
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1234 N2SLN/R          FN22   N4MM             FM09
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1234 N2SLN/R          FN22   W3SO             FN00
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1235 N2SLN/R          FN22   W3SO             FN00
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1236 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1VD             FN31
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1239 N2SLN/R          FN22   N4HB             FM17
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1243 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2XAE            EL95
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1246 N2SLN/R          FN22   W9KXI            FN12
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1251 N2SLN/R          FN22   W9KXI            FN12
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1259 N2SLN/R          FN22   N1JEZ            FN44
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1300 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1FKF            FN43
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1300 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1ZC             FN42
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1301 N2SLN/R          FN22   N1JEZ            FN44
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1302 N2SLN/R          FN22   AF1T             FN43
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1303 N2SLN/R          FN22   AF1T             FN43
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1303 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1FKF            FN43
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1303 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1ZC             FN42
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1310 N2SLN/R          FN22   KR1ST            FN21
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1328 N2SLN/R          FN22   W8ANS            EN91
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1343 N2SLN/R          FN22   K1KA             FN42
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1346 N2SLN/R          FN22   K1KA             FN42
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1353 N2SLN/R          FN22   K1HC             FN53
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1355 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1XX             FN41
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1356 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1XX             FN41
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1359 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2YB             FN12
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1400 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2YB             FN12
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1401 N2SLN/R          FN22   VE3ZV            EN92
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1402 N2SLN/R          FN22   VE3ZV            EN92
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1402 N2SLN/R          FN22   W2ACR            FN12
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1406 N2SLN/R          FN22   WG2E             FN22
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1411 N2SLN/R          FN22   VE3DS            FN03
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1422 N2SLN/R          FN22   N8GLS            EN91
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-21 1430 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2WK             FN03
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-21 1435 N2SLN/R          FN22   XE2X             EL06
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1440 N2SLN/R          FN22   N3NGE            FN20
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1442 N2SLN/R          FN22   N3NGE            FN20
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1450 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2NKX            FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1451 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2NKX            FN22
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1500 N2SLN/R          FN22   VE3EU            EN93
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1503 N2SLN/R          FN22   VE3EU            EN93
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1507 N2SLN/R          FN22   AC0RA/R          EN32
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1509 N2SLN/R          FN22   N8GLS            EN91
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1517 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2NT             FN20
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1518 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2NT             FN20
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-21 1526 N2SLN/R          FN22   W3EP             FN31
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-21 1545 N2SLN/R          FN22   N2KW             FN32
QSO:   144 CW 2019-07-21 1554 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1FM             FN42
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-21 1558 N2SLN/R          FN22   WA1Z             FN42
QSO:    50 CW 2019-07-21 1611 N2SLN/R          FN22   W1AN             FN41
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1753 N2SLN/R          FN23   KQ2N             FN23
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1800 N2SLN/R          FN23   KQ2N             FN23
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1819 N2SLN/R          FN23   K1TO             EL87
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1825 N2SLN/R          FN23   KC4PX            EL98
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1828 N2SLN/R          FN23   N4EEB            EL99
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1834 N2SLN/R          FN23   WA4GPM           EM90
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1838 N2SLN/R          FN23   N1JEZ            FN44
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1840 N2SLN/R          FN23   KG2S             FN23
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1842 N2SLN/R          FN23   N2NKX            FN22
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1842 N2SLN/R          FN23   N2NKX            FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1851 N2SLN/R          FN23   N4BP             EL96
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1853 N2SLN/R          FN23   N4SVC            EM80
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1858 N2SLN/R          FN23   N4OX             EM60
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1901 N2SLN/R          FN23   N2YB             FN12
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1902 N2SLN/R          FN23   N2YB             FN12
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 1907 N2SLN/R          FN23   K1TEO            FN31
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1908 N2SLN/R          FN23   K1TEO            FN31
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1910 N2SLN/R          FN23   K4WI             EM62
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1912 N2SLN/R          FN23   T40RCT           FL10
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1927 N2SLN/R          FN23   KJ4MSR           EM73
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1933 N2SLN/R          FN23   W4WT             EM74
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1936 N2SLN/R          FN23   WC2K             FM29
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1939 N2SLN/R          FN23   W9DZ             EN61
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1940 N2SLN/R          FN23   W0PV             EL87
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1942 N2SLN/R          FN23   K4LDC            EM74
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1943 N2SLN/R          FN23   AD4XT            EM72
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1943 N2SLN/R          FN23   K9PG             EN51
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1945 N2SLN/R          FN23   N4VC             FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1948 N2SLN/R          FN23   WA3PZQ           EM73
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1951 N2SLN/R          FN23   N4QV             EL96
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1951 N2SLN/R          FN23   W5NZ             EM62
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1953 N2SLN/R          FN23   N9JFF            EN52
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1954 N2SLN/R          FN23   AB9QH            EN62
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1955 N2SLN/R          FN23   WD4OHD           EM75
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1957 N2SLN/R          FN23   K9KMD            EN52
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 1958 N2SLN/R          FN23   AE4M             EM64
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2000 N2SLN/R          FN23   K2DRH            EN41
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 2000 N2SLN/R          FN23   W9KXI            FN12
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2004 N2SLN/R          FN23   WQ5L             EM50
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2005 N2SLN/R          FN23   AB4B             EM64
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 2006 N2SLN/R          FN23   KC2SFU           FN22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2008 N2SLN/R          FN23   KM4HI            EL89
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 2011 N2SLN/R          FN23   W1VD             FN31
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2012 N2SLN/R          FN23   KU8E             EM72
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2013 N2SLN/R          FN23   AJ6T             EM64
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2015 N2SLN/R          FN23   K2SX             FM03
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2016 N2SLN/R          FN23   K5QE             EM31
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2021 N2SLN/R          FN23   K5OLV            EM54
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2024 N2SLN/R          FN23   AI4WL            FM15
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2026 N2SLN/R          FN23   W2CCC            FN23
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 2028 N2SLN/R          FN23   W2CCC            FN23
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2032 N2SLN/R          FN23   N4ZY             EM56
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2034 N2SLN/R          FN23   AJ4GC            EL96
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2042 N2SLN/R          FN23   KV5W             EM22
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2043 N2SLN/R          FN23   K4ELI            EM74
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2043 N2SLN/R          FN23   KC4NX            EM75
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2044 N2SLN/R          FN23   WX8V             EM78
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2048 N2SLN/R          FN23   W4CRN            EM84
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2053 N2SLN/R          FN23   KJ4HRL           EM56
QSO:   144 PH 2019-07-21 2058 N2SLN/R          FN23   W3SO             FN00
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2059 N2SLN/R          FN23   KI4FCQ           EM72
QSO:    50 PH 2019-07-21 2059 N2SLN/R          FN23   W4NH             EM84