
Heathkit Oscilloscope 1970's

I was given a Heathkit Oscilloscope from WA8KLH, he was kind enough to give it to me, but when I got the scope home and plugged it in it did not work. He told me it had not plugged it in for many years, so I suspected the electrolytic capacitors had dried out.


I ordered a complete replacement set of capacitors from Just Radio's in Canada, and installed them into the scope. I was pleasantly surprised when I fired up the scope with the calibration setting on this is what I saw.


I was quite pleased and I am looking forward to getting the old scope to work!


Jackson 640 Generator 1940's

I picked this old signal Generator up for really cheap, it did work but I noticed that it was not stable and band F did not oscillate. After a Recap, and using my IC-706 to realign the bands all is well.