A W A R D S AAA All Asia Award AALA Arab African League Award AALPA Arab African League Prefixes Award AFSA Africa Stations Award ALA Arab League Award ALPA Arab League Prefixes Award ASA Andorran Stations Award ASSA Asia Stations Award AUSA Austrian Stations Award BESA Belizean Stations Award BHSA Bosnia Stations Award BSA Belgium Stations Award BSC Bahrain Special Callsigns CRSA Czech Republic Stations Award CSA Croatian Stations Award CYPSA Cypriot Stations Award DSA Danish Stations Award EUSA Europe Stations Award FTDMC-2020 FTDMC-2020 Anniversary Award FTDMC-2022 FTDMC-2022 Anniversary Award GHASA Ghanaian Stations Award GIA German Islands Award GISA Gibraltarian Stations Award GSA German Stations Award HSA Hungarian Stations Award IOTA Islands On The Air ISA Israeli Stations Award JSA Japanese Stations Award KENSA Kenyan Stations Award KSA Kaliningrad Stations Award LSA Luxembourg Stations Award MAURSA Mauritian Stations Award MORSA Moroccanian Stations Award MOSA Moldavian Stations Award NAMSA Namibian Stations Award NMSA North Macedonia Stations Award OHCA One Hundred Countries Award RSASA South African Stations Award SARSA Sardinia Stations Award SESA Serbian Stationa Award SLSA Slovenian Stations Award SRSA Slovak Republic Stations Award SSA Scottish Stations Award SWSA Swiss Stations Award TCAN Tropic of Cancer Award TCAP Tripic of Capricorn Award WAA Worked all Austria Award WAAA Worked all Australia Award WAAC Worked all African Countries WAAM Worked all Award Managers WAARA Worked all Armenia Award WAASA Worked all Asean Stations Award WAAZA Worked all Azerbaijan Award WABP Worked all Bosnia Herzegovina Prefixes WABSA Worked all Black Sea Award WAC Worked all Continents WACEA Worked all Central America Award WAE Worked all Europe WAFA Worked all Fiji Award WAGA Worked all Georgia Award WAGB Worked all Great Britain WAGCC Worked all Gulf Cooperation Council WAGP Worked all Germany Prefix Award WAIA Worked all Indonesia Award WAICA Worked all Italian Call Area WAIP Worked all Indonesia Prefixes WAIPA Worked all Italian Provinces WAISA Worked all Indonesian Stations Award WAJCA Worked all Japan Call Area WAJGS Worked all Japan Grid Squares WAKAA Worked all Kazakhstan Award WAKYA Worked all Kyrgyzstan Award WALISA Worked Aland Islands Station Award WALSA Worked Alaskan Station Award WAMA Worked all Members Award WANKA Worked all New Caledonia Award WAPA Worked all Pakistan Award WASA Worked all South America WASCA Worked all Spain Call Area WAUA Worked all Uzbekistan Award WAZ Worked all Zones WBA Worked Benelux Award WBESA Worked Belarusian Stations Award WBPA Worked Brasilian Prefix Award WBS Worked Brasilian States WBSA Worked Baltic States Award WBUSA Worked Bulgarian Stations Award WCARA Worked Caribbean Award WCASA Worked Canadian Stations Award WCIS Worked Commonwealth of Independent States WCP Worked Chinese Prefixes WCPA Worked Chinese Provinces Award WCSA Worked Colombia Stations Award WCUSA Worked Cuban Stations Award WDRA Worked Danube River Award WDSA Worked Dutch Stations Award WESA Worked English Station Award WFOSA Worked French Oversea Award WFINSA Worked Finish Stations Award WFSA Worked French Stations Award WGA Worked Grid Award WGSA Worked Greek Station Award WHKSA Worked Hong Kong Stations Award WHSA Worked Hawaiian Stations Award WIARU1 Worked IARU Region 1 WIARU2 Worked IARU Region 2 WIARU3 Worked IARU Region 3 WICA Worked Indonesia Call Area WIIA Worked Indonesia Islands Award WIPA Worked Indonesian Provinces Award WIRSA Worked Irish Stations Award WIS Worked Iraqi Stations Award WISA Worked Indian Stations Award WKS Worked Kuwait Stations Award WKSA Worked Korean Stations Award WLCA Worked Little Countries Award WLSA Worked Lebanon Stations Award WMASA Worked Maltese Stations Award WMMS Worked Maritime Mobile Stations WNISA Worked North Irish Stations Award WOS Worked Oman Stations WOSA Worked Oceanian Stations Award WPA Worked Philippines Award WPOSA Worked Polish Stations Award WPPA Worked Portuguese Prefix Award WPS Worked Portable Stations Award WPSA Worked Portuguese Stations Award WPX Worked Prefix Award WQRP Worked QRP Award WQSA Worked Qatar Stations Award WR1A Worked Region 1 Award WR2A Worked Region 2 Award WR3A Worked Region 3 Award WROSA Worked Romanian Stations Award WRPA Worked Russian Prefix Award WRSA Worked Russian Stations Award WSCA Worked Scandinavian Countries Award WSSA Worked Saudi Stations Award WTCAA Worked Turkish Call Area Award WTHS Worked Thai Stations Award WTPA Worked Taiwanese Prefixes Award WTS Worked Turkish Stations WTSA Worked Taiwanese Stations Award WUAES Worked United Arab Emirates Stations WUGSA Worked US Grid Square Award WUSA Worked Ukrainian Stations Award WUSSA Worked United States Stations Award WVSA Worked Venezuelan Stations Award WWSA Worked Welsh Stations Award
All Asia Award
Arab African League Award
Arab African League Prefixes Award
Africa Stations Award