call score comp.score qsos qpts 80q 80s 80c 80z 40q 40s 40c 40z 20q 20s 20c 20z 15q 15s 15c 15z 10q 10s 10c 10z
OT9E 3511248 2028032 2080 5296 213 14 48 12 338 35 65 21 551 50 85 33 630 50 81 30 348 48 64 27
IK2QEI 3475276 1984797 1991 5066 167 13 51 10 337 49 64 19 473 49 82 29 557 52 82 32 457 46 77 31
YL4U 3382056 1997112 2128 5268 221 3 51 10 371 31 69 22 641 50 90 32 623 50 80 30 272 27 69 28
OH1F 3259872 1944624 1958 4851 202 6 52 10 313 29 76 26 614 50 89 31 631 53 93 32 198 26 72 27
RU1A 3165204 1810212 1874 4614 204 5 56 12 373 45 77 27 483 48 85 33 619 51 90 33 195 35 64 25
OM5M 2871595 1732516 1740 4508 155 4 43 9 245 39 60 20 426 47 80 29 578 50 89 32 336 45 62 28

comp. score = estimated score counted with the "real cq ww rules": only DXCC/WAE and zone multipliers and scoring 0p=own country 1p = EU and 3p=DX (estimated because qso amount with the one's own country is not known). You can count DX% from the scores with a formula: (qso points/qsos - 2) * 100%. You can notice that competition would be much harder...(only 80k pts between #1 - #4)

Very interesting to look these breakdowns. Maybe now you can understand the difference of propagation between North Europe and South Europe... YL4U, OH1F and RU1A have BIG antennas comparing to IK2QEI and OT9E. One note is RU1A's good stateside score on 40 & 10 meters comparing to YL4U and OH1F. IK2QEI worked on 40 and 10m almost as many states as on 15 and 20 meters!!


OT9E 663 197 123 343 466
IK2QEI 686 209 121 356 477
YL4U 642 161 122 359 481
OH1F 672 164 126 382 508
RU1A 686 184 130 372 502

Scores collected from WF1B-RTTY-REFLECTOR.

Timo OH1NOA (one of OH1F gang).