About Myself:

my name is Hans-Peter Wippel, nickname: Petrus
class 1 licence since 1966, callsign: OE6WHG, since 1991: OE4WHG
QTH: Rehgraben, Burgenland, 330m asl. Locator: JN87DC
favourite band: 6m, favourite mode: FT8 DX-ing

member of:
UKSMG (UK Six Metre Group), member # 2121
SMIRK (Six Meter International Radio Klub) # 7084
 ÖVSV (Österreichischer Versuchssenderverband), ADL (Austrian District Locator) 608
ACF (Amateurfunkclub Fürstenfeld), a local Amateur Radio Club

My former QSL Card:
(with homebrew 6m 10ele "big gun")

My Personal Amateur Radio History:

The Beginnings:
In 1966, at the age of 16, I got my class 1 licence and the callsign OE6WHG.We were a bit more than 1000 Radio Amateurs in Austria then (today we are about 7000). Sometimes I´m QRV at "DC"-bands (shortwave), but since the beginning my big love has been VHF-DX-ing. In my early days I worked with homebrew equipment only. On SW, SSB became popular then, but still many stations (like me) were only able to transmit CW or AM. On VHF we had FM from crystal-TX´s at fixed frequencies. ("OE6WHG is calling CQ and tuning through the band" was the usual procedure then)

The Highlights:
Focusing my attention on VHF-contesting in the late 80-ies, I reached place #15 in the IARU Region 1 VHF contest on 2 Meters and became VHF/UHF-Champion of Austria, single operator class, in 1989. In OE we got the permission for receiving on 6 meters in 1988, and I made lots of  6/10m-crossband contacts worldwide. Finally we got the permission for transmitting too, starting Jan.31st,1990, 2300 UTC and I made my first both-way 6m contact in the first minute with OE6DGG. As there was a limitation of transmitter power output but not of radiated power (like in Germany for instance), I designed and built a 10-element long Yagi with a boomlengh of 14 meters (42 inch) (see my former QSL card)
In 1991 I changed my QHT into Burgenland and got the callsign OE4WHG.
In Feb. 2001 I finally managed to get 103 out of 108 worked countries confirmed and received 6 Meters DXCC Award # 314.
In June 2002 I have been awarded certificate # 48 for 6 Meters WAZ (Worked All Zones).

My Records on Six:
Continents: 6,    (CQ-)Zones: 29,    DXCC: 150+,   Fields: 71,   Squares: 600+,   IOTA: 71,  ODX: 27657 km (KH7, long path)

My Six Meters Awards: (klick to enlarge)

DXCCkl.jpg (17341 bytes)    WAZkl.jpg (17027 bytes)
ARRL Six Meters DXCC # 314                 CQ Six Meters WAZ # 48

europekl.gif (11966 bytes)   africakl.gif (18276 bytes)   northamericakl.gif (13109 bytes)      DLDkl.jpg (13056 bytes)
UKSMG Worked All Europe, (60+ countries) # 25
UKSMG Africa Award # 4
UKSMG North America Award # 32
UKSMG Asia Award # 7
6m DLD100 Deutschland-Diplom #2

All above awards are the first ones edited to an OE station.

My former Rig on Six:

Sugiyama F850: rare allband/allmode QRP TRX, amateur radio bands from 160m to 2m (including 6m), SSB, CW, AM, FM, 10W out, with exellent specifications, the interesting detailed technical description from beam 2/1981 and a product report of Practical Wireless 1980, plus block- and circuit diagrams at:  Sugijama F850

Listen to an audio file, recorded in Japan by JL4GTO of our Six Meter QSO in Jan. 2002

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