ADIF to Cabrillo  0.1

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before you can compile adif2cabrillo make sure that you have installed the following software

  • g++
  • qt5-default

adif2cabrillo is compatible with Qt 5.x

On Ubuntu (tested on 14.10) you can type:

sudo apt-get install g++ qt5-default 

Note (if you want to switch back to the QT4 environment, remove the qt5-default package, it will automatically restore qt4-default. If that is not the case:

sudo apt-get install qt4-default

Step 2: Getting the software

The latest versions of adif2Cabrillo is always available at Download the latest tar file to a local directory (e.g. /home/myhome/Downloads)

Step 3: Compile and Install the software

Go to the directory you've chosen and extract the tar file.

>cd /home/myhome/Downloads
>tar -xvzf adif2cabrillo_xxx_tar.gz
>cd cabrillo_xxx
>sudo make install

Step 4: Run adif2cabrillo

You can now run the program by typing adif2cabrillo at the prompt of a terminal Session, or make a shortcut on your desktop.

If you have problems compiling the software, please give as much information as possible but at least:

  • Linux Distribution (e.g. Ubuntu 12.10)
  • adif2cabrillo Version (e.g adif2cabrillo_0.1.1)
  • Dump of the compile process showing the error