ADIF to Cabrillo  0.1

Up to 15 seperate fields can be processed. Each field has to be described as a input value, a length and optionaly a parse macro. We only need a parse macro (post processing) if the ADIF field is not identical to the Cabrillo field.

If you already have created templates, select the template for the contest from the template drop down box. If this is the first time you're using adif2cabrillo then there will be no templates yet unless you downloaded some. you can add some notes on how to use the template.

  • Input
    • The input field can be an ADIF field (name between < and >, use the drop down box) or a fixed text. (e.g. fixed text: PH or ADIF field: <FREQ>)
  • Length
    • The QSO fields in Cabrillo are of fixed length, so for every field we must set the length.
  • Parse
    • Some ADIF fields do not have the correct format. We need to process them (e.g. split,convert etc ..) by using macros
  • The following parse macros are available:.
    • #M2K : Convert frequency from decimal format in MHz to KHz (eg: 28.7 becomes 28700)
    • #D8 : Convert a date YYYYMMMDDD to YYYY-MM-DD
    • #LZ : put leading zeros up to "lenght" (e.g if lenght=4 and entry is 57 then output=0057)
    • m,n start at position m and take n characters (e.g. 599001 -> 2,3 gives 990)

Macros can be chained by separating them with semicolon (;). The macros are executed from left to right.

  • with a field length of 4: 599001 2,2;#LZ will give 0099

If you're satisfied with the setup, you can save the template and give it a meaningfull name (e.g. UBA DX SSB CONTEST). Next you'll use adif2cabrillo , you will be able to select it from Template drop down box. You can make as many templates as you wish. If you made a template for a particular contest, you can send it to me and I'll put it on the my web.

To test the template, go to the Output tab.