Glenn Moeller-Holst

I acquired my radio amateur license in 1981 with the call OZ1HFT. I am active on 160 meter, HF and 6 meter with a 4 meter high indoor wideband TC2M-antenna - and on 2 meter and 70 cm with a dual band antenna.

Useful amateur operator sites:
ARRL dxcc list
levinecentral.com: Amateur Radio Ham Radio Maidenhead Grid Square Locator Map
pskreporter.info: Digimode Automatic Propagation Reporter

Amateur electronic sites:
qsl.net: Iulian Rosu, VA3IUL
Matjaz Vidmar, S53MV, backup
Harry's Homebrew Homepage, SM0VPO, backup
Loftur E. Jónasson - TF3LJ / VE2LJX, backup
Frank Dörenberg - N4SPP, backup
wparc.us: Ultra Low Noise, High Performance, Zero IF Quadrature Product Detector and Preamplifier By Dan Tayloe, backup

May 2020

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