The Microcontroller DDS with PLL from 7 to 30 MHz and the
original DDS of Ton, PA0KLT with rotary encoder in a test setup.
Frequency read out added to the microcontroller DDS circuit
In my version I added a simple one 7 segments display as a frequency display. So the usual combination of
a DDS chip with a microcontroller to control the DDS is now reduced to just one microcontroller. This
microcontroller works as a DDS, it displays the frequency on a 7 segments display and it reacts on pressing
the 3 tuning buttons.
NOTE: The disadvantage of using only 7 bits and the low clock frequency of 923 kHz is that there are
some spurs and glitches but that is no problem, they are efficiently suppressed in the PLL loop filter!
The quality of the loop filter is important for a good result.
As they are all within the audio band, they never cause any reception of unwanted signals as is the case with a "normal" DDS.
In practice and after optimizing the loop filter, I never found such spurious while listening to the amateur bands.
The DDS with microcontroller and display.
Output frequency 5859 Hz to 29297 Hz (RF frequency 6 to 30 MHz).
big diagram
The DDS Microcontroller
The heart of the DDS is the fast but simple and cheap microcontroller AT90S1200. The crystal frequency is
11999.55 MHz so a 12 MHz crystal can be used. The DDS controls a VCO with a frequency of 6 to 30 MHz.
The frequency of this VCO is divided by 1024 and locked to the DDS with a phase locked loop circuit.
The frequency range of the DDS is then 5859 to 29297 Hz.
One loop is 13 machine cycli so the clock frequency of the DDS is 11999.55 / 13 = 923.04 kHz. The output form
is not a sine but a triangle. The output port D, bits 0 to 6, is together with the resistor network,
the simple 7 bits D/A converter.
Ports B1, B2, B3, B4 are also used as inputs. In that case, the LED display is switched off by the BC557
Tuning is done with 3 switches, two for tuning, one for the tuning speed.
I took an old mouse for it, only the 3 switches are used.
An extra switch is added as it was a two-button mouse.
How can you read the frequency with only one display?
Very simple if you know it!
Frequency display
For the 3 lower tuning speeds, the kHz value of the frequency is displayed.
When the 10 kHz or 100 kHz tuning speed is selected, the MHz + 100 kHz value of the frequency is displayed.
That works as follows:
For a frequency of 21.345 MHz and 10 kHz - 100 kHz tuning speed:
Display "2" during 0.2 second
Display off during 0.1 second
Display "1" during 0.2 second
Display off during 0.1 second
Display "3" during 0.2 second
Then the display is off during 2 seconds and the frequency is displayed again.
For a frequency of 21.345 MHz and one of the lower tuning speeds selected:
Display "3" during 0.2 second
Display off during 0.1 second
Display "4" during 0.2 second
Display off during 0.1 second
Display "5" during 0.2 second
Then the display is off during 2 second and the frequency is displayed again.
The display is off during 2 seconds but the frequency is displayed immediately after the frequency up-down buttons are released.
Switch on the display when you want to read the frequency. Switch it off after tuning for a really stable and clean VFO signal.
When the speed button is pressed, the speed (0 to 5) is displayed. It steps slowly (0.5 seconds per step), just release the button at the desired speed.
The VCO with output driver and /1024 divider.
big diagram
The phase locked loop circuit with extra loop filter to reduce the spurious signals.
This circuit can be replaced by the new phase-frequency detector circuit described below.
big diagram
The short sample pulse for the two 74HC4066 switches is generated by the 220 pF / 4700 ohm networks. Two switches
are connected in parallel to lower the resistance of the switches. During the sample pulse, the 10 nF capacitors is
charged to the momentary value of the DDS signal and that is a measure of the phase between the DDS and the
(VCO signal/1024).
Both signals are added (one inverted first) and the VCO is controlled via the 120 k ohm resistor. The 100 uF
capacitor with the 120 ohm series resistor RL are the loop filter. If instable, play a little with the value of RL.
When unlocked, the samplers will generate random values. If these values differ more than 0.7 V (one B-E junction) from the 100 uF capacitor voltage, the transistors will become active and control the VCO till there is a lock again. This is a process that depends on random samples from the samplers, but locking will occur within 0.1 s.
The potentiometer is adjusted for a correct locking. Set the DDS to the highest frequency (30 MHz) and discharge the 100 uF capacitor by shortening it for a moment. Check if the PLL locks to 30 MHz. If not, readjust the potentiometer.
Optimized loop filter
The 27k resistor and the 0.1 uF capacitor are an extra loop filter to reduce the spurious audio signals effectively.
Do not take a too high R and C value, then the loop will start to oscillate with a frequency of a few Herz.
Interior of the DDS with PLL and VCO.
Example with a bad loop filter near 19691 kHz (1024 x 923 kHz DDS clock frequency / 48). |
And how it is effectively suppressed by an optimized loop filter! |
The trick is that changing the Frequency Tuning Word with a value of 4544 causes a frequency change of exactly 1 kHz
and that 4544 is 64x71. The smallest step used is therefore 71, giving 15.625 Hz frequency variation.
If the Frequency Tuning Word is changed, the decimal digits of the display are changed accordingly. There is one register
reserved for each decimal digit of the frequency. However, the lowest byte of that register is not a 0 to 9 counter but
a 0 to 64 counter. If the lowest byte exceeds 63 or is lower than 0, all other decimal values are adjusted.
This method was designed as all routines have to be an exact number of machine cycles, independent of what is happening.
If a button is pressed, the DDS clock is 1/8 of its normal clock speed of 923 kHz and the Frequency Tuning Word is
multiplied by 8.
However, it was very difficult to count all the machine cycles exactly so in the end I corrected the exact length of the
various routines by listening to the output signal with a receiver and corrected various delays for best performance.
As the performance is not as good as when at full clock speed, the display can be switched off for best results.
A frequency offset is programmed by setting different initial values to the Frequency Tuning Word and the decimal digit registers.
Click to Download the Software for the AT90S1200: "03dds1soft.zip" with the
.asm files needed to program the AT90S1200
The original DDS of Ton, PA0KLT
The original DDS of Ton, PA0KLT has a D/A converter with 8 bits and a sine output, the clock frequency is higher
and another PLL system is used. Tuning is done with a comfortable rotary encoder instead of 3 pushbuttons and he
has implemented features to set the minimum and maximum frequency, it has a frequency memory and
the tuning speeds are fully programmable. The microcontroller in his DDS is an AT90S2313 with more capabilities than
the AT90S1200 in my DDS.
Another advantage is that his DDS runs at half the clock speed during tuning. Mine at 1/8 of the clock speed during
tuning. At 28 MHz you can hear that during tuning of my DDS but the DDS of Ton has a perfect silent tuning.
Using a microcontroller as a DDS is a very interesting idea, good for a lot of experiments in the future.