White Dot, 43 bytes Dec 1970 VUD VHF Radio Masthead,
2,424 bytes
                            Pat Dyer
                     327 Solar Drive
            San Antonio, Texas 78227
             Deadline: 15th of month

                            DECEMBER 1970
   It looks like this column has finally come of age.
   Hank Holbrook, 7211 Chestnut Street, Chevy Chase, MD 20015 has
some more QSLed DX from his Fair Haven cottage. GMT used.

1:  0330, KIC 367   42.86  Culpepper, VA (state police, 300 w)
    1452, KGA 361   33.86  Hyattsville, MD (county fire, 330 w)
14: 0618, I MXK    111.5   Andrews AFB, MD (FAA ILS, 200 w)
    0637, ADW      113.1   Andrews AFB, MD (FAA VOR, 200 w)
4:  0439, STW      109.6   Stillwater, NJ (FAA VOR, 135 w)
20: 1020, KGB 738  161.9   Philadelphia, PA (Bell Marine op, 200 w)
27: 0908, WRI      110.6   Wrightstown, NJ (McGuire AFB, 50 w)
5:  1406, KIY 340   37.26  Dresden, TN (police, 100 w)
    1445, KKJ 741   37.10  Siloam Springs, AR (police)
24: 1331, KKC 227   44.62  Little Rock, AR (state police, 600 w)
    1351, KKC 477   42.02  Gulfport, MS (Dpt of Public Safety,500w)
    1352, KKA 929   42.02  Jackson, MS (Dpt of Public Safety,330 w)
30: 1650,    -      157.3  Hacketts Pt, MD (CHESTER PEAKE, Skipjack)
   Ferdinand Dombrowski, 1311 West Madison Street, Milwaukee, WI
53204 has a good deal of DX to offer this time. New ones underlined.

Oct                      Syracuse   2000      22: WWA 335
5:  WWA 335              Pittsburgh  to       23: KJU 806
6:  WWA 335              KCC 482    2130          Long Beach
7:  KUA 300              Wilkes-Barre         24: WWA 335
    WWA 335          17: WWA 335                  KMD 342
8:  WWA 335              Long Beach               Long Beach
9:  KUA 217              47-MHz Spanish       25: same
10: KMD 342              Mexico City, 1200    26: WWA 335
    Long Beach       18: KMD 342                  Long Beach
    WWA 335              Long Beach           27: WWA 335
    KUA 217              San Diego                KMD 342
11: WWA 335          19: WWA 335                  Long Beach
13: WWA 335          20: KUA 300              28: same
14: Long Beach           WWA 335              29: KMD 342
    WWA 335              KMD 342                  Long Beach
15: WWA 335              Long Beach           30: same
    KMD 342          21: WWA 335              31: same
    Long Beach           KMD 342              Nov
16: OK City, 1945        Long Beach           1:  KJU 806, 1247
   Bill Heusmann, 1527 24th Street, Des Moines, IA 50311 uses a
Regency MR-33 and cut dipo1e. CDT used.

Oct 6: 1020, WWA 335                Oct 10: 1900, KUA 217
       1753, KUA 217                Oct 12: 1500, KUA 217
Oct 9: 1045, WWA 335                Oct 13: 1830, KUA 217
       1800, KUA 217

VHF RADIO Page 2 DECEMBER 1970 Bill also noted the other type of pager I described last month in the 30-31 MHz range, as well as several types of tones. Quite a bit of hf harmonics of rtty and other emissions noted in 30-36 MHz. Stan Savage, W6ABN, 101 N. Ladera Vista Dr., Fullerton, CA 92631 all times in GMT, frequencies in MHz, F2 modes. Oct 31: ORTF TV (France) audio weakly on 41.250 plus BBC (England) same 1620 to 1720. 1630 MUF 45 to New England, 1740 peak 46.4; 2300 to 2320 loud Oriental on 42. Nov 1: ORTF 41.250 in very weak, 1630 to 1646, 43.22 and 43.58 pagers 1700-1745, KEC 516 and several tone types. Nov 2: Best ORTF and BBC since last sunspot cycle. Both in with their 3 adjacent satellite channels and S9 for long periods with little distortion from 1615 to 1800. 43-pagers 1645-2000, 1545 KEC 516. NBA (Panama) cw on 41.8 at 1645. MUF peak 45 to New England. Nov 3: 43-pagers 1645 to 2142, MUF peak 46 at 1800 to New England. Nov 4: 43-pagers 1645 to 2130, MUF peak 45 to New England. Nov 5: 43-pagers 1630 to 2030, MUF peak 45 to New England. Nov 6: 43-pagers 1630 to 2030, MUF peak 44 to New England. pagers: KEA 627, Pittsburgh, KEC 516, KGC 223, KGA 804, KCB 890. 1900-2000, KIE 367. Nov 7: 1914, KH6GRU (50) in until 0000 working CA, AZ, NV 2045-2345, 50 backscatter to CA, AZ, NV. 2221-2315, JA1MRS (50) peaking 260° with other possible Japanese stations noted along with ZK1AA. Ray Terlaga, 20 FIfth Street, Ansonia, CT 06401 uses a Nova Tech Action with the i.f. sometimes fed into a HQ-180A, antenna either TV or long wire. EST used. Oct 1704, KUA 217 1849, KIG 300 21: 1325, Long Beach 1730, Boise 1859, KIY 508 1337, KMD 342 1742, KMD 342 1901, KIY 757 1352, KLU 652 N 1: 1115, BBC-1 1924, KIF 650 22: Long Beach & KLU 652 3: 1230, Sacramento 8: 1905, KIG 300 24: same and 1300, KOE 257 2031, KIY 757 1232, Oklahoma City 4: 1350, Sacramento 2110, KIF 650 27: 1525, KMD 342 5: 1245, Sacramento 2325, KSC 645 31: 1250, Oklahoma City 6: 1115, BBC-1 ? 2340, KSC 864 1300, Sacr.; 1318, KOE 257 1150, Mexico City ? 0040, OK City Ray noted the proton flare of the 6th brought the F2 MUF down from 44-MHZ to about 37-MHz on the 7th. The unusual Es of the 8th ran from 1820 to 0135 on the 9th, the longest off-season session Ray's had since starting VHF monitoring in 1966. Es MUF hit 105 MHz. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Now, to my loggings. 30-50 MHz Allied A-2586 with its built-in whip and 30-feet indoor random wire; hi-band Wards 62-1 with 18-inch whip; 50-MHz, Swan-250 with 5-el Cushcraft horizontal yagi 20 feet up. All F2 modes unless noted otherwise, new underlined, CST used. Oct 17: 0100, KQD 313 (Es) 1000, KGC 223 16: 1505, KCC 266 0115, KQC 881 (Es) 1005, Scranton KCC 482 0135, KSC 645 (Es) 1045, KMD 342 KCB 897 0227, KDN 492 (Es) 1050, KQK 594 1555, KCD 658 0950, KCC 266 1155-1350 MUF KCC 532 KCC 482 above 47 with S 1605, KBA 887 0955, KIE 367 (Es) American repeaters
VHF RADIO Page 3 DECEMBER 1970 18: 1230, KOP 303 1152, KCA 585 Wilkes-Barre 1300, KUA 217 1200, KCA 695 1050, KOP 303 1308, KMD 347 KCA 378 1055, KCC 482 1328, Oakland 1328, KCB 897 KCC 266 1340, KMB 396 1500, KUA 217 1130, KGA 361 1500, KOA 748 27: 1230, KOA 748 KGD 273 20: 1000, KCC 482 KUA 217 1134, KOA 398 1555, KUA 217 KCC 482 1200, KGC 524 1602, KOA 748 1400, KCA 378 KEE 720 22: 1355, KCC 482 1500, KCA 695 1300, KOA 748 1400, KCC 266 1535, KOK 418 1445, KGC 226 KCA 378 1543, KOA 796 1500, KGD 214 1440, KUA 217 1607, KOP 303 1530, KEA 792 1445, KEE 720 28: 0845, KCC 482 1630, KOA 796 1450, KCD 454 0900, KED 411 1650, Portland-mp 1500, KCA 695 KCA 695 1745, KUA 217 1600, KCC 532 KGC 524 1755, KOK 418 KCD 658 KBA 887 4: 0835, KCC 266 KCD 594 1755, KOA 796 KCC 482 KBA 887 KUA 217 1000, KGC 226 1803, KIY 508 (Es) 29: 1135, KDD 941 KGD 214 1958, KME 438 (Es) 1330, KCC 482 1005, Phila.-mp 2005, Long Beach(Es) 1355, KUA 217 1555, KOP 303 2023, KMA 829 (Es) 1555, KCC 266 1620, KUA 217 23: 0755, KCC 482 1600, KCA 695 1700, KOA 748 1455, Scranton 1655, WWA 335 2135, KFL 936 (Es) 1500, KCC 266 1700, KCD 658 5: 1115, KCC 482 KGC 334 KCA 627 1145, Scranton KGA 361 30: 0835, KCC 266 1240, KCC 266 1503, KOP 303 KCC 482 1300, KGD 273 1525, KCB 897 1555, KUA 217 1630, WWA 335 1600, KEE 227 1600, KCA 695 1635, Eugene KGC 524 1700, KOA 796 KOP 303 1630, KUA 217 31: 0950, KCC 482 1700, KUA 217 KOA 748 0955, KCC 266 KOA 796 KCD 492 1055, Scranton 6: 0855, WWA 335 24: 1115, KCC 482 1100, KGC 524 KCC 482 KCC 266 KGD 214 0900, KCA 378 1130, Scranton 1110, KOP 303 1535, KUA 217 1140, KOP 303 KGC 223 KCC 266 1230, KCA 280 1300, KGC 334 1540, KCA 695 KCA 554 1600, KUA 217 1558, KCD 658 1300, KGC 524 KOA 748 1700, KCB 360 1400, KGD 214 N 1: 0950, KCC 266 KCA 627 KGA 361 KCC 482 KCD 353 1500, KCA 695 1100, KGC 524 1740, KOP 303 1525, KUA 217 1115, Scranton 7: 1150, KUA 217 1545, KCD 497 1130, KOA 748 1520, WWA 335 1550, KCJ 825 1300, KCA 695 1645, KIY 508 (Es) 1556, KCD 594 KCA 378 KIN 645 (Es) 1600, KED 485 1305, KCD 492 1810, LU2BN (Es-TE) 1602, KEE 227 1400, KUA 217 1840, Mex City (Es) 1625, KCD 492 KEG 663 8: 0930, KMB 395 1630, KCD 271 1550, WWA 335 0935, KOA 748 2230, KHB 41(tr) 1600, KOP 303 0955, KCC 482 25: 1110, KCC 482 2: 0845, KCC 482 1200, KCA 695 1130, KED 411 0850, KCC 266 1245, KOP 303 KOA 748 0920, Scranton KCC 266 KCC 266 3: 1015, Scranton 1255, KUA 217
VHF RADIO Page 4 DECEMBER 1970 8:1530,KCA 378 10:1605,KUA 217 13:0900,KCD 244 14:1630,KOA 748 1550,KFL 936(Es) 1600,KMB 395 KCA 695 15:1035,Scranton 1640,KOE 257(Es) 1700,KCD 244 1550,KCC 482 KGC 223 1910,KH6NS (3Es) 11:0835,KCC 266 1600,KGC 524 1050,KCC 482 2240,KIM 905(Es) 0840,KCC 482 1605,KCC 266 1100,KGC 334 9:0845,KCC 482 0900,KCA 695 1730,KUA 217 1125,KCC 266 10:1045,Scranton 1625,KUA 217 14:1050,Scranton 1130,KEG 667 KCC 482 1628,KCA 585 1110,KGC 226 Wilkes-B 1050,KCC 266 1630,KOA 748 1115,KGC 223 1200,KGD 214 1100,KEE 720 12:1500,KCC 482 1130,KMB 395 1300,KGD 273 KCA 378 1503,KCA 378 1200,KGD 273 1405,KGC 226 KGC 524 1505,KOA 796 1400,KCC 266 1615,KUA 217 KOA 748 1530,KCC 266 1450,Wilkes-Bar. 1630,KOA 748 1115,KED 697 1600,KED 485 1500,KGC 334 (my KGC223 are 1530,KGA 361 13:0900,KCA 378 KGD 214 35.22 outlet) (add:Oct7:1600-KGC532,KGA361;8:1545-KCA303;13:1300-KCA591;14:1545-KCD497 1602-KCD244,1605-KEG253;15:1600-KCD244,KCC532,1601-KCD246,1605-KCD594 ) - JA1MRS 50 / Japan KHB 41 162.55 Corpus Christi, TX-w KBA 887 33.70 Bolton, MA-f KH6GRU 50 / Hawaii KCA 280 37.10 New Haven, CT-p KH6NS 50 / Ewa, Oahu, Hawaii KCA 303 33.50 Dover, MA-f KIE 367 43.58 Miami, FL KCA 378 33.82 New Haven, CT-f KIF 650 35.58 Birmingham, AL KCA 554 37 / New London, CT-p KIG 300 43.58 Atlanta, GA KCA 585 33 / Plymouth, MA-f KIM 905 35.22 Charlotte, NC KCA 591 33.74 Boston, MA-f KIN 645 35.22 Miami, FL KCA 627 33.50 Easton, MA-f KIY 508 35.22 Orlando, FL KCA 695 33.78 Manchester, NH-f KIY 757 35.22 Montgomery, AL KCB 360 33 / Leominster, MA-f KJU 806 35.58 Oxnard, CA-? KCB 890 43.58 Boston, MA KMA 829 35.58 California KCC 266 35.58 Springfield, MA KMD 342 35.22 Fresno, CA KCC 482 35.22 Concord, NH KMD 347 35.58 Stockton, CA KCC 532 33.58 Plainville, CT-f KME 438 35.22 California KCD 244 33.70 Falmouth, MA-f KOA 398 39.82 Montesano, WA-p KCD 246 33 / Yarmouth, MA-f KOA 748 33.90 Seattle, WA-f KCD 271 33.70 Harvard, MA-f KOA 796 35.58 Portland, OR KCD 353 33.70 Lancaster, MA-f KOE 257 43.58 Phoenix, AZ KCD 454 33.70 Hyannis, MA-f KOP 303 35 / Oregon-mp KCD 492 33.70 Dennis, MA-f KQC 881 43.58 Cleveland, OH KCD 497 33.54 Bourne, MA-f KSC 645 35.58 Chicago, IL KCD 594 33.70 Chatham, MA-f KSC 864 35.58 Peoria, IL KCD 658 33.70 Westminster, MA-f KUA 217 35.58 Honolulu, HA KCD 697 33.70 Provincetown, MA-f KUA 300 35.22 Santa Barbara, CA KCJ 825 33.94 Bayonne, NJ-f LU2BN 50 / Buenos Aires, Arg. KDD 941 33.62 Darien, CT-f WWA 335 35.22 San Juan, PR KEA 627 43.58 New York, NY ZK1AA 50.1 Cook Island KEA 792 37.10 Schenectady, NY-p - 35.22 Boise, ID KEC 516 43.58 Syracuse, NY - 35 / Eugene, OR-mp KED 411 33.86 Cliffside Pk, NJ-f - 35.58 Long Beach, CA KED 485 33.82 Woodbridge, NJ-f - 43.57 Mexico City KEE 227 33.94 N Plainfield, NJ-f - 35 / Oakland, CA-mp KEE 720 33.78 Milburn, NJ-f - 35.22 Oklahoma City, OK KEG 253 33.82 Fords, NJ-f - 35 / Phila., PA-mp KEG 663 33.82 Metuchen, NJ-f - 43.58 Pittsburgh, PA KEG 776 33.82 Edison Twp, NJ-f - 35 / Portland, OR-mp KGA 804 43.22 Philadelphia, PA - 43.58 Sacramento, CA KGC 223 43.58 & 35.22 '' - 35.4 San Diego, CA-mp KGC 334 33.78 Gaithersburg, MD-f - 35.22 Wilkes Barre, PA KGC 524 33.78 Dover, DE-vf (f-fire,p-police,c-county,v-volun- KGD 214 33.90 York, PA-cf teer, mp-mobile phone,pagers rest) KGD 273 33.98 Bel Air, MD-f 73, Pat, WA5IYX/5

VUD Index

Page last modified February 22, 1999