Pat Dyer 5315 Silvertip Drive San Antonio, TX 78228 Deadline: 10th of month November 1977 Hank Holbrook, 7211 Chestnut St., Chevy Chase, MD 20015 QSLed, GMT 6-11: 1504, N780AC 132.85 ov DC(American Cyanamid Co.;Lear 25B,2e,10s) 12: 1341, N58886 119.4 7 mi s Balt.(Mr. Ward Woodbury;Cessna 182R) 18: 1826, N9297P 119.7 5 mi w Annap.(Dr.William J. Savory;PA-24-260) 19: 1733, N4799L 118.7 Martin Arpt,Balt.(Mr. Millard P. Surratt; Piper Cherokee 180, 1-engine,4-seat;5 watts) 2100, N9345P 119.7 Ches.Bay Br.(Mr. Louis A. Koehler;Piper Comanche PA-24-260, 1-e,4-s; 25 watts) 20: 0101, N8453A 119.7 lvg Kentmore(Alan W. Goughnaur;Beech A35;6w) 25: 1647, N5604W 128.65 ov Patuxent NAS,MD(Jerry Marchette;Piper Cherokee PA-28-150;1-e,4-s; 12 watts) 1657, N19HF 133.1 s Harrisburg,PA(Hershey Foods,Corp.;North American Sabreliner,2-e,6-s; 10 watts) 26: 1228, N223M 135.0 Kennedyville Inter.(29 mi fm Wilmington,DE) (Mr.Raymond L. Gordon;Bonanza,1-e,5-s;8500') Martin J. Theil, 12 Princeton Dr. E., Holiday, FL 33589 EDST,Bearcat 201 w/rod 8-4: 1810, - 156.21 Cape May, NJ (police) (Bearcat 101 w/rod ant) 9-19: 1800-1830 KJH 959 35.960 Tampa (Elec. Protect. Corp.) KBG 831 154.54 St. Petersburg (Citizens Police Patrol) KIB 857 153.590 Tampa (Electric Co.) KIB 354 153.710 Pinellas Co. (Electric Co.) KJE 330 152.360 Largo Cab Co. - 152.270 Tampa Yellow Cab - 152.270 Zephyrhill Yellow Cab - 152.300 Tampa Ind. Cab 22: 1435, 38.50 (Spanish) also, 32.82, 32.96, 35.02, 35.22, 35.28 35.78, 36.15, 36.35, 36.45, 36.55, 36.90, 37.00 (1340-1800) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My loggings. Hallicrafters SX-62,Hammarlund SP-600-JX-10; 2 30' long wires at 12' (ne-sw,nw-se runs); all F2 unless noted (bs-backscatter) with daily peak noted; GMT used; t-tentative 9-11: 1800, 35.28 20: 2155, mid-42 28: 1915, KKI 445 bs 12: 2120, 35.58 bs 21: 2227, 37.000 29: 1700, 40.45 2230, 35.28 22: 2145, 38.85 30: 2100, 36.55 13: 1815, 35.28 23: 2220, OK City bs 10-1: 1930, 35.02 14: 1958, 37.000 2253, 42.06 2208, 35.22 bs 15: 1810, 35.28 24: 2100, 38.85 2: 2218, 32.96 2250, 35.62 bs 25: 2215, 37.000 3: 2125, 30.42 Can 16: 1930, 37.000 26: 1903, 37.000 2140, 36.45 17: 2202, 35.58 bs 1910-3, sol.noise 2219, KKI 445 bs 2235, 32.96 27: 1634, S Diego-a (Es) 4: 2247, 37.000 18: 1735, 30.30 1652, KOE 257 (Es) 5: 2000, 35.98 19: 1905, 36.35 KME 438 (Es) 6: 2227, 36.45 20: 0010, 37.000 2145, 39.18 7: 2235, 37.000 KLF 527-t 2358, AFRTS 9: 1915, 32.16 0030, AFRTS-t 28: 0020, 30-32 US nw 10: 2110, 36.45 0058, low-33 US nw 1808, 36.45 KKI 445 35.58 Houston, TX - 35.58 OK City, OK KLF 527 35.22 Honolulu, HI - 35.38 San Diego, CA-mp KME 438 35.22 Orange, CA AFRTS 30.66 CA (harmonic) KOE 257 35.22 Phoenix, AZ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As shown above, F2 levels are up fairly well. Oct 11-12 magnetic storm did a lot more. 73, WA5IYX