Feb 1978 VUD VHF
 Utility DX Header, 848 bytes

                  Pat Dyer
      5315 Silvertip Drive
     San Antonio, TX 78228
    Deadline: 5th of month


 Hank Holbrook, 7211 Chestnut St., Chevy Chase, MD 20015 QSLed, GMT used

 5-30: 0034, WP 4876  157.3   Poplar Is., MD (FALCON, tug)
 6-19: 0810, KVR 460  162.00  Wilmington, DE (marine operator)
   25: 0048, N3906K   127.2   sw Easton,MD(Barry Associates; North Amer-
                              ican Navion;1-engine, 5-seat)
       1813, N902     128.7   40 mi ne Atlantic City, NJ (Owens-Illinois,
                              Inc.; Grumman G-11; 2-engine, 23-seat)
   26: 0034, 6YJGB    128.7   nr NYC(Air Jamaica Flt 41;Montego Bay-Phil)
 7-14: 0054, WYZ 7122 156.8   nr Tilgham Pt.,MD(ANNAPOLITAN 2; 65'
                      156.425 Luxury Tour Boat)
       1833, WA 4061  156.5   nr Tilgham Is.,MD(WILL COLONNA, tug)
   16: 1733, N852PY   122.8   apx 5 mi Dover,DE(Priestley Toulmin,III;
                              Beech Bonanza; 1-engine,6-seat)
   23: 1647, KSE 925  39.50   Vienna, IL (county sheriff)
   31: 0123, KKC 62   44.62   Newport, AR (state police;500 w; 300')
 My loggings. Hallicrafters SX-62, Hammarlund SP-600-JX-10; two 30' wires
 at 12', nw-se and ne-sw runs; F2 unless noted with daily peak MUF given;
 bs-backscatter; new underlined; GMT used

 11-11: 1725, 31 / US       30: 1815, 30.42 Can     15: 1820, 30.42 Can
        2032, 36.52       12-1: 2150, 32.82         16: 2100, 32.96
        2107, KOE 257 (Es)      2155, KME 438 (Es)      2135, mid-30 US
        2129, KAQ 606 (Es)   2: 1602, KIF 651 (Es?) 17: 1635, hi-31 US
    12: 1502, 40.85             1623, 44.85             1845, 32.96
        1625, 33.04 US                R. Havana     18: 2200, 32.82
    13: 1440, 36.76             1634, CLA           19: 1855, 30.30
        1545, 31 US             2125, BBC-b         20: 1608, KIF 651 (Es)
    14: 1730, 37.57          3: 1510, 36.15         25: 1910, 30.42 Can
    15: 1940, 30-31 Can         1750, low-33 US         1940, 31.24
        2002, 39.16             1800, KSC 645 (Es)  28: 2215, 30.42 Can
    16: 1930, 39.16          4: 1622, 33.94 US      29: 1630, 31-32 US
        1955, 30-31 Can      5: 1635, hi-35         30: 1855, 31 / US
        2127, KLF 527           1717, KCD 697       31: 1910, 30.42 Can
    17: 1705, 35.08             1725, KCI 315           1920, 31.24
    18: 0000, KOE 257 (Es)      1727, KCB 768      1-1: 1905, mid-31 US
        0033, KME 438 (Es)            KCE 587           2000, 32.96
        0045, KFL 943 (Es)      1729, KCD 384        2: 1740, low-31 US
        1450, 35.88             1730, KCC 493           2015, 32.96
        1650, 30-32 US          2153, KME 438 (Es)   3: 1840, low-31 US
    19: 1450, 35.80          6: 0345, KOE 257 (Es)      2030, 35.28
        1815, 30.42 Can         1915, 32.96          4: 1930, 41.62
    20: 1820, 30.42 Can               31 / US        5: 1641, 35.66 US
    21: 1740, 30-31 US       7: 0021, KSC 645 (Es)      1645, KTG 669
        1820, 32.82             1845, 30.42 Can         1647, KCK 671
              KAQ 606 (Es)   8: 1647, 30.42 Can         1658, KCD 492
    22: 1730, 32.96          9: 0022, KIF 653 (Es)            KVT 766
        1630, mid-30 US     10: 1900, 30.42 Can         1659, KEE 720
    23: 1525, 35.05             1735, 30.42 Can               KGE 831
    24: 1845, 30.42 Can         1940, 35.28                   KGC 522
        2140, 32.82         11: 1600, 35.62 bs                KEJ 451
    25: 2230, 35.58 bs          1635, 30.30             1700, KCA 695
        2240, 31 / US       12: 1725, 30.42 Can         1704, KCC 748
        2340, 32.96             1821, KFL 936 (Es)      1706, KCE 721
    26: 1525, 30.30             2020, 35.28             1712, KGE 734
    27: 1745, 32.82         13: 1749, OK City (Es)      1724, KRV 295
        1900, 30.42 Can         2020, hi-38             1729, KCA 378
    28: 1820, 30.42 Can         2052, hi-30 US          1828, 37.43
    29: 1830, 30-hi Canada  14: 1730, 31 / US           1841, KFS
        2038, 35.28             1930, 36.45          6: 1625, 35's US

VHF UTILITY DX FEBRUARY 1978 1-6: 1630, KRP 942 8: 1701, KCA 410 10: 1820, KSV 810 2015, 36.15 1718, VOA-tent 1837, KOP 303-a 2058, KSL 319 9: 2100, 36.76 1842, KOA 796 2120, KSV 810 2110, KSV 810 1847, KUA 288 7: 1827, KCA 585 2138, KOP 303-b 2030, hi-35 Sp addenda, BBC-a, 11-7: 1713; 11: 1645; 14: 1750; 15: 1700 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLA 34.33 Cuba-hac KIF 651 35.58 Ft Lauderdale,FL-tp KAQ 606 35.58 Denver, CO-tp KIF 653 35.-- Memphis, TN-tp KCA 378 33.82 New Haven, CT-f KLF 527 35.22 Honolulu, HI-tp KCA 410 33.90 Wareham, MA-f KME 438 35.22 Orange, CA-tp KCA 585 33.90 Plymouth, MA-f KOA 796 35.58 Portland, OR-tp KCA 695 33.78 Manchester, NH-f KOE 257 35.22 Phoenix, AZ-tp KCB 768 33.98 Natick, MA-f KOP 303a 35.46 Langley, WA-mp KCC 493 33.94 Simsbury, CT-f b 35.62 KCC 748 33.94 Windsor, CT-f KRP 942 33.48 Kingston, NY-f KCD 384 33.94 Manchester, CT-f KRV 295 33.96 Eastchester,NY-cf KCD 492 33.86 Dennis, MA-f KSC 645 35.58 Chicago, IL-tp KCD 697 33.70 Provincetown, MA-f KSL 319 33.10 Salem, MA-ho KCE 587 33.98 Wayland, MA-f KSV 810 33.08 Portland, OR-ho KCE 721 33.70 Litchfield, CT-f KTG 669 33.78 Midland, MD-vf KCI 315 33.64 Beacon Falls, CT-f KUA 288 35.22 Portland, OR-tp KCK 671 33.90 Lake George, NY-f KYT 766 33.78 Dover, DE-cf KEE 720 33.78 Millburn, NJ-f BBC-a 30.21 Ascension Island KEJ 451 33.78 Toms River, NJ-cf -b 30.52 ha KFL 936 35.58 (west)-tp OK City 35.58 OK City, OK-vp KFL 943 35.58 Las Vegas, NV-tp/iv R.Havana 35.49 Havana, Cuba-ha KFS 34.05 Palo Alto, CA-hac VOA 30.82 Greenville, NC-ha KGC 522 33.78 Georgetown, DE-sf "ISPI" 109.5 Springfield,IL(ILS) KGE 734 33.78 Lock Haven, PA-cvf "PNT" 109.6 Pontiac, IL (VOR) KGE 831 33.78 Wilmington, DE-cf (last two in December column) f-fire; c-county, s-state, v-volunteer; ha-harmonic (hac-cw harmonic); ho-hospital; mp-mobile phone; tp-tone pager (iv-voice ID); vp-voice pager ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The solar flux levels the first week of the year were the highest Since Oct 1974 (and for a January the highest since 1972) peaking near 140. A large magnetic storm in the same period did mess things up a bit. After the cut-off in my log above, F2 levels into Oregon got to near 38 MHz. Things such as that have not been regularly observed since the early 1970's. There is word out in a few publications that Cycle 21 might peak in 1980 with a level just a shade under that of Cycle 19! If so, the TV columns in the VUD are going to get a lot of F2 reports. PY2CSS (Sao Paulo, Brazil) back in November heard the 50.104 beacon from Hawaii three evenings, as well as some Texas signals (the latter likely due to an Es link to TE). These were around 2200-2300 GMT. ----- Bearcat is coming out with a new scanner this spring. It is much like their 210, but the new model 250 will have 50 channels on 5 bands. The price (retail) is $399.95. ----- Please note the new deadline (5th of month) effective next time. This is due to HQ moving theirs. Allow 3-4 days for mail transit time. 73, Pat Signature, 1,689 bytes WA5IYX

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Page last modified April 7, 1999