Archive for August to December 2014
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Thailand Amateur Radio Day

We have a report and almost 20 photos of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC)'s Thailand Amateur Radio Day event which took place at the NBTC Secretariat on Phaholyothin Soi 8 (Soi Sailom) on Saturday, December 13, 2014 on its own web page.
Please click this link to read about the event and view photos taken there.

Health update about Ray, HS0ZDZ

Former RAST President Chaiyong Wongwuticomjon, HS1QVD plays the flute to entertain Ray Gerrard, HS0ZDZ and G3NOM, while Ray's daughter Victoria looks on at his birthday party on December 18.

Lawan Gerrard, E21UHL, the XYL of former RAST Vice President Ray Gerrard, HS0ZDZ, hosted a birthday party for Ray at their home on December 18. The party was attended by radio amateurs, including former RAST President Chaiyong Wongwuticomjon, HS1QVD, along with Ray's daughter Victoria and some 30 friends. Nine monks were also present at the party to make a blessing.
Just over 10 years ago, in November 2004, Ray suffered a heart attack while on the highway into Bangkok to attend a SEANET convention planning meeting and was unconscious by the time he reached a hospital.
After several weeks in a coma, he made a partial recovery but he is still unable to speak and is being cared for by his wife at home near Rangsit.
Chaiyong notes that physically Ray was not as strong as he had been a year ago and that he had just returned from the Bangkok Nursing Home where he had been treated for a breathing problem. Unable to speak, he still appears to have a loss of memory but he is alert and stares at people, Chaiyong added.
In a separate report from Hans, DF5UG and HS0ZDD, who met Ray in hospital, Ray was on oxygen at the time and he had a heart valve inspected while he was there.
Also present at the party was Robert Archer, N7APP who is seen in the picture above where Lawan is holding a birthday cake.

John Vajo, HS0ZAA is a Silent Key

Former RAST committee member John Vajo, W2ZWW and HS0ZAA passed away on December 18, 2014, aged 82. John had helped to pioneer the first bilateral reciprocal operating agreement between Thailand and the United States of America in the late 1980's and early 90's.
In 1990 he became the station manager at RAST's HS0AC club station when it was located at the Science Museum in Bangkok.
He leaves behind his wife, Wasna, E23MDN who had taken very good care of John after his health declined in recent years due to emphysema.
A message from his family reads: "Although he has struggled with various health conditions over the last few years, he passed away peacefully in his sleep. May his soul find eternal peace and may he be reunited with all of his family and friends awaiting him in heaven."
John Vajo's body was cremated at Wat Bampen Nua in Min Buri on Sunday, December 21.
John had worked very hard to lobby for the first reciprocal agreement between Thailand and the USA and after the agreement was signed in September 1991 he received the first Thai reciprocal callsign issued: HS0ZAA.
Sadly, this call now has the suffix "SK" (silent key) to mark his passing.
If anyone wishes to send condolences to his wife, please send them in an email message to [email protected].
May John Vajo rest in peace.

John Vajo operates a demonstration amateur radio station at the Science Museum with the callsign HS0SM in the late 1980s. Seated next to him is former RAST Vice President and Secretary Chamlong Chuathai, HS1AAM-SK while many visitors look on.

December RAST meeting

A busy time ahead � Amateur Radio Day is next Saturday while RAST's 50th anniversary will be on January 24

Over 50 members and guests attended the December 7, RAST meeting at Sena Place hotel.

There was a good turnout at the December RAST meeting at Sena Place hotel with many members from overseas who were on holiday in Thailand attending the event. Among the life members returning from overseas and introducing themselves were Popa, YU7EF, Fred, K3ZO and HS0ZAR, John, W2YR and HS0ZDJ, Hans, HB9DKZ and HS0ZDJ and Karl, DK1XH and HS0ZKA along with Stig, LA7JO and HS0ZGD. Also introducing themselves at the meeting were Henning, SM6EKG, Sven-Olof, SM4JUE, DH5HSO, Pat, HS7JMU and Zak, HS1AOJ.
RAST President Jakkree (Jack), HS1FVL began the formal proceedings after the buffet lunch by saying there was much to announce.
The Thailand Amateur Radio Week was first on the agenda, which is a series of activities at the secretariat of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) on Phaholyothin Soi 8 that will be taking place all week.
The highlight will be Thailand Amateur Radio Day on Saturday, December 13, 2014 when there will be an exhibits by many amateur radio societies from around Thailand.
RAST will have two booths in tents where there will be various activities including a demonstration of ballooning, an HF contest station operating in the 10 metre band in the ARRL 10M Contest, a digital station and a station demonstrating satellite communications while RAST will be accepting applications for membership and will be selling tickets for its 50th anniversary celebration next month.
There will also be a VEC examination for a US licence on the second floor of the NBTC main building while several Malaysian amateur radio operators will be attending the event.
The event on December 13 begins at 9 a.m. and will continue all day, Jack said.
An even bigger function that is around the corner is RAST's 50th anniversary celebration which will be held on January 24 at Sanam Suapa which will begin at 5.30 p.m. There will be a Chinese-style banquet with music and entertainment provided and a lucky draw with the top prize being an Icom 718 transceiver and many other prizes will include VHF handhelds and antennas, he said.
RAST President Jakkree then took a 10-minute break from his announcements to provide an opportunity for Wanlop, HS6MYW to sell tickets for the event.

The function next month will be in lieu of a regular RAST meeting and the annual RAST New Year party, but it will not be a "walk-in" event with admission being for ticket-holders only. If you would like a ticket but were not at the December meeting, you should contact one of the following four committee members:
RAST President Jakkree (Jack), HS1FVL: 081-814-5515; RAST Secretary Chalermphol (Champ), E21EIC: 087-557-7773; RAST committee member Nukool (Nuk), HS7BHK: 084-378-2226; RAST committee member Wanlop, HS6MYW: 093-939-3123.
The next event on the RAST calendar will be an intermediate class examination at Bangkok University's Rangsit Campus on February 28, 2015. This will be overseen by RAST and will be for Thai novice class amateurs who would like to upgrade to become intermediate licence class operators with HF privileges but the limit will be 200 candidates who may sit this exam.
The RAST President then briefly reviewed the SEANET (Southeast Asia Net) Convention that he and several other Thai delegates had attended in Bali last month and announced that there had been overwhelming support for a RAST bid to host the convention in 2016 in Pattaya.
This will be the first time that Thailand will host the event since it was held in Lampang in 2007 and it will be the 44th time that the annual convention will take place. Next year India will be host to the 43rd SEANET convention in Kerala with full details available here.
SEANET is a net that used to meet daily on 14.320 MHz at 12.00z (7 p.m. Thai time) but which now meets less regularly. During the Bali convention in November there was an agreement that the net should resume daily operations and several operators resolved to act as net control stations.
It should be mentioned that over the past year Barrie, VK6ADI has been doing a stalwart job as the SEANET net control station on Sunday, and he continues to do this.

Former RAST President and President of the RAST Board of Advisors Khun Mayuree, HS1YL presents the 2013 IARU HF Championship certificate for the winner in the Thailand multi-operator category from HS0ZIA to Charly, HS0ZCW and Charles, HS0ZHJ.

Next on the agenda was the presentation of certificates to the winners of contests, being the Scandinavian Activity Contest and the IARU HF Championships for 2013.
RAST former President Mayuree Chotikul, HS1YL presented a certificate of merit to Paul, HS4DDQ for the Scandinavian contest and certificates to the winners for Thailand in different categories for the IARU contest, being Nikorn, HS5NMF, Tony, HS0ZDX, both winners in the single operator category, to Charles, HS0ZHJ and Charly, HS0ZCW who had been operating HS0ZIA in the multi-operator category as well as to Champ, E21EIC for being the winner in the single operator, mixed mode category for Laos as XW0YJY.

Above left: Paul, HS4DDQ receives a certificate of merit for his efforts in the Scandinavian Activity Contest while at right Champ, E21EIC receives a certificate for winning the 2013 IARU HF Championship in the single-operator, mixed mode category from Laos using the callsign XW0YJY.

Above, Tony, HS0ZDX, pictured with Khun Mayuree at left, and Nikorn, HS5NMF, in the right-hand picture, receive certificates for the 2013 IARU HF Championship in the phone category.

After that, there was a presentation by Anant, HS1GAB and Tanan, HS1JAN about the upcoming MSBAT 4 balloon launch scheduled for December 21, with a briefing planned on the morning of December 20 at Nonthaburi High School.

Prior to their presentation during the December 7 RAST meeting, Anant, HS1GAB (left) and Tanan, HS1JAN prepare equipment worth over 20,000 baht that will be launched with the MSBAT 4 project on December 21, 2014.

They displayed several of the modules to be used in the launch, including an APRS card, a high-altitude GPS module and a module to regulate altitude so that the balloon does not rise too high and burst. There will be a UHF/VHF repeater and a slow-scan television module launched with the balloon with the frequencies for the repeater being 145.900 and 435.900 MHz and 144.425 MHz for the slow-scan television transmissions.
During the presentation, Nimit, K6XOX helped provide an English translation.
More information in Thai can be found here with a translation into English (using Google Translate) linked here

This was followed by a brief introduction from Popa, YU7EF (above) who is well-known for his antenna website that is popular among Thai hams.

E20AE to mark its first anniversary on December 20

Former RAST committee member Narissara (John), HS1CHB / N9WMS is hosting a party to mark the one year anniversary of the club station E20AE at his home 229/155 Vibhavadi Soi 60 (a map of location can be found here).

The party will begin at 10 a.m. on December 20, 2014 and will last until 3 p.m. with tickets for the lunch costing 400 baht. There will be a lucky draw with the prize being an Icom IC735 transceiver. For more information, please call Narissara at 081-173-6467 or check the E20AE website (this link will take you to the relevant page).

Antenna guru Popa, YU7EF will be at the December RAST meeting

The next meeting of the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty the King (RAST) will take place at Sena Place Hotel on Sunday, December 7 from 11.30 a.m. onwards when RAST President Jack (Jakkree), HS1FVL will bring members and guests up-to-date on amateur radio developments in Thailand along with a report about the 2014 SEANET Convention in Bali, Indonesia held earlier this month.
Several Thai radio amateurs attended SEANET this year, including the RAST President, RAST Secretary, Champ, E21EIC and RAST Registrar J.C. (Goi), E20NKB while a RAST proposal to host the 2016 SEANET in Pattaya received overwhelming support.
There will also be news at the meeting on Sunday about Thailand Amateur Radio Day which is scheduled for December 13 at the Secretariat of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Secretariat (NBTC) when there will be an exhibition with events to be hosted by the NBTC throughout the week leading up to this. There will also be a VEC exam then while there will be an Intermediate Class amateur radio examination overseen by RAST on February 28, 2015 and the first Advanced Class exam will take place next August.
For more information about these events and the latest update about the society's 50th anniversary celebration dinner scheduled for January 24, 2015 don't miss the December meeting when a buffet lunch will be available and RAST will be honoured by the presence of antenna guru Popa, YU7EF (pictured above) who will be answering questions about building his antennas. For more info, check out Popa's website.
All RAST members and any amateur radio operators visiting Thailand are welcome to attend the meeting.

The RAST 50th anniversary will take place on January 24, 2015 at the Reception Hall at Sanam Suapa in Dusit District from 5.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. This will be a Chinese style banquet, with ten persons seated to a table and costing 450 baht each. There will be a lucky draw with many big prizes, including HF, VHF mobile and handheld transceivers as well as HF and VHF antennas. For tickets, please contact E21EIC at 087-557-7773, HS7BHK at 084-378-2226, HS1FVL at 081-814-5515 or HS6MYW at 093-939-3123.

Thailand to host 2016 SEANET Convention

Annual regional gathering will return to Pattaya

Jack, HS1FVL operates the SEANET special event station with the callsign YB42SEA.

Delegates attending the 42nd SEANET Convention in Bali, Indonesia voted in favour of a proposal that Thailand will be the host of the SEANET Convention in 2016 when the annual event will be staged in Pattaya. Next year the event will take place in Alapuzha in Kerala State in southern India.
A total of 177 delegates attended the annual SEANET Convention in Bali that was hosted by the national amateur society of Indonesia, ORARI, with 12 of the delegates travelling from Thailand and representing RAST, headed by RAST President Jakkree (Jack) Hantongkom, HS1FVL, RAST Secretary Champ, E21EIC and RAST Treasurer Goi JC, E20NKB.
Other RAST members present included Rudy, HS0ZEA and his XYL Lampai, Manfred, HS0ZEU and his XYL Supaporn, HS7ZVC, Fred Laun, HS0ZAR and K3ZO, Hans Juerg Voegeli, HS0ZBT and HB9DKZ, Bruce Frahm, HS0ZLB and K0BJ and Kalaya, K0BJ/SWL along with Hans Ehlers, HS0ZFU and DF5UG.
Senior officers of ORARI were present at the convention that was located at Prama Sanur Beach Hotel in Bali along with the Chairman of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) Region 3 Gopal, VU2GMN who was also attending.

From left, Fred, K3ZO, Jack, HS1FVL and Champ, E21EIC at the dinner table at the Prama Sanur Beach Hotel.

Seminars on the Saturday November 15 focussed on emergency communications as well as the ORARI-LAPAN (The National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of Indonesia) satellite and IOTA in Indonesia while the programme on Sunday, entitled "Exploring Bali", visited major temples on the island including the Pura Ulun Danu Bratan Shivaite and water temple, the Taman Ayun Hindu Temple and the Tanah Lot Temple that worships the sea gods.
The next SEANET Convention will be held from 15th to 18th October 2015 at the Lake Palace, Alapuzha, Kerala State South India -- and it is now open for registration, while in 2016 RAST looks forward to welcoming delegates to Pattaya which had been the location of the SEANET Convention in 2000.

Thanks to Champ, E21EIC for posting these photos shown here on Facebook.

Delegates relax close to the operating position of YB42SEA at the Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. At right is Hans Ehlers, DF5UG,9M2QQ and HS0ZFU.

Registration is open now for the next SEANET Convention in Alapuzha, Kerala State in South India.

November RAST meeting

RAST President Jakkree (Jack), HS1FVL presides over the November meeting at Sena Place Hotel on November 2 with Don Craft, HS0ZBG (right) providing an English translation.

The November RAST meeting was well attended and this website will bring you an update about the meeting and plans for RAST's 50th anniversary celebrations in January very soon.
In the meantime, here are a few pictures taken during the meeting by Champ, E21EIC.

Above, Bruce Frahm, K0BJ and HS0ZLB, the Honorary Vice President of the Americal Radio Relay League (ARRL) and a RAST life member presented a plaque to congratulate RAST on its 50th anniversary to RAST President Jakkree, HS1FVL. The plaque can be seen more clearly in the picture below:

Thanks to Champ for these pictures.

October RAST meeting

Narissara (right) takes the microphone to thank those who had expressed concern for him following his operation for Parkinson's disease at the October meeting of RAST at Sena Place Hotel.

John (Narissara) makes a 'comeback' after his operation

The October meeting gave a hearty welcome to John (Narissara), HS1CHB who displayed significant improvements in his health following an operation for Parkinson's disease in mid-August.
John stepped up to say a few words and thanked everyone for expressing concern and especially to those who had visited him in hospital.
John has long been very active in RAST, serving on many committees over two decades and has helped many expatriate radio amateurs in Thailand to obtain their operating licences and to get their equipment licensed.

Left: Tom, NY0V, centre: Richard, G4JJP and at right: Noel, VK6NS

Many visiting radio amateurs were present at the meeting at Sena Place hotel, including Noel, VK6NS from Australia, Richard, G4JJP from the UK and Tom, NY0V from Minnesota in the USA along with a Thai radio amateur from Maha Sarakham province and a representative of the KMUTT amateur radio club.
RAST President Jakkree, HS1FVL announced that the RAST 50th anniversary celebrations would take place with a banquet with 45 tables on the evening of Saturday, January 24, 2015 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Grand Palace at Sanam Suapa.
In a committee meeting prior to the main RAST meeting, officers of RAST had approved a proposal that the Kosovo Amateur Radio Association become a member of Region 1 of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). Kosovo gained independence in September 2012 and has the amateur radio prefix of Z6.

Jack also announced that on October 10 RAST will have a meeting with representatives of the Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitting Society (MARTS) in Kuala Lumpur where there will be a US VEC examination with volunteer examiners from Thailand including RAST President Jack, HS1FVL, RAST Secretary Champ, E21EIC, RAST Registrar Goi JC, E20NKB, RAST committee member Nukool, HS7BHK, Surachart, E20QVD and Noppadol, HS5IGY. The exam will be conducted on October 11-12, 2014.
The RAST President also announced that next year RAST would conduct the first advanced class amateur radio examination and another intermediate class examination, with the intermediate class exam taking place in February 2015 and the advanced class exam tentatively scheduled for either June or July, 2015.

During the meeting, Patiwat, HS1PGS (pictured above right with Jack, HS1FVL) donated five kits to RAST for educational purposes.

Following the announcements, Tanan, HS1JAN (pictured below) and Anan, HS1GAB made a presentation that provided an update on plans to launch an amateur radio satellite and also provided details about the MSBAT 4 ballooning project.

(With thanks to Champ, E21EIC for providing details of the meeting and the photographs -- Tony, HS0ZDX)

September meeting

Almost 50 attend RAST's September meeting at Sena Place Hotel

Introducing themselves at the September meeting were Chuck, W0DLE and HS0ZLO who was returning to a RAST meeting after an absence of a year, JG1JUX, Ichiro who had met Champ at the Japan Amateur Radio League's Tokyo Ham Fair two weeks earlier and Mich Friederich, LX1KQ and HS0ZFS who is now President of the Radioamateurs du Luxembourg (RL), the Luxembourg amateur radio association and who had last attended a RAST meeting two years ago.
Those present then paid respect to two members who had become silent keys during August, Prayong Dungnoei, HS4BPQ who had died in a car accident in Krabi Province on August 18 and Guenter Philippe, HS0ZFF who passed away in hospital in Chachoengsao province on August 23, 2014.
Champ receives an award for winning third place in the CW speed championships at the CQ Japan booth at the Tokyo Ham Fair.

The meeting was well attended with almost 50 members present for the buffet lunch and a presentation about the JARL Tokyo Ham Fair by RAST Secretary Champ at the Sena Place Hotel.
RAST President Jakkree (Jack), HS1FVL brought those present up-to-date about the planned celebrations of the society's 50th anniversary which have been rescheduled to January 23, 2015 and which will be held tentatively at Sanam Suapa.
Jack also provided updates about future bandplans, about the importation of HF amateur radio equipment and type approval issues, the future of advanced class licences and how Thai novice operators will be able to operate on the 10 metre band.
He explained that the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) was still drawing up the details for the implementation of the new regulations with sub-committees working on various aspects and often in conjunction with representatives of RAST and other provincial amateur radio societies.
As for six metres, Thai radio amateurs are likely to get a window from 50.0 to 50.28 MHz since the armed forces are use 50.3 MHz and higher frequencies in this band, he said.
For the 70 cm band, Intermediate class radio amateurs are likely to get 435 MHz to 438 MHz for satellite uplink purposes, along with some other spot frequencies.

Representatives from Icom pose in front of the RAST booth at the Tokyo Ham Fair two weeks ago.

(More photographs of the RAST booth can be found here)

Full details should be announced when they become effective in three or four months' time, Jack added.
In future, transceivers with all modes and all bands will be legal to import and use on authorised frequencies and, regarding type approval, approval by the USA's FCC will be regarded as an endorsement.
There will be a one-time type approval fee for each model of transceiver of 5,000 baht and after that there will be no charges or inspections for subsequent imports of the same make and model of transceiver. This should take effect in three to four months, Jack added.
RAST is now developing the syllabus for an advanced class amateur radio examination and an exam for this should be held early next year while Thai novice operators will be able to use the 10 metre band if they have been certified by a RAST approved trainer, the RAST President explained.
Last month, RAST conducted a two-day seminar on behalf of the NBTC about the 10 metre band at the Maruay Garden Hotel attended by some 300 representatives of the NBTC and provincial amateur radio associations.
Charly, HS0ZCW congratulated RAST for its work leading to the achievements incorporated in the new amateur radio regulations but he also had some words of caution for the NBTC. He said he was concerned that with the advent of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) next year there should be a need for the harmonization of frequency allocations with other ASEAN countries and Thailand was still behind many countries in terms of its frequency assignments for amateur radio.
Jack then invited the President of the Radioamateurs du Luxembourg (RL) Mich Friederich, HS0ZFS to say a few words and he came forward to present a pennant on behalf of RL to RAST (as can be seen here at right) along with some brochures about the society, some pamphlets that show a stamp that was issued to commemorate RL's 75 anniversary two years ago and two lapel pins that he presented to Jack and RAST Secratary Champ, E21EIC.
Jack said that the pennant would be put on display at the HS0AC club station at AIT.
Next came the presentation by Champ about the JARL's Tokyo Ham Fair on the weekend of August 23-24 where he had led a team to represent RAST at the event that had been attended by 34,000 radio amateurs.
Last year, RAST had also had a booth at the Tokyo Ham Fair, but this year it was larger in area and in a better location, Champ explained, showing photographs of the booth being set-up by himself, his XYL Goi JC, E20NKB and Noppadol (Tong) HS5IGY.

Champ, as RAST QSL manager, carried 3,800 QSL cards (pictured above) weighing seven kilogrammes to Japan and he showed many photographs taken during the event, posing with VIP guests at the booth and also showing some of the booths of leading Japanese amateur radio equipment manufacturers. These included Yaesu, Kenwood and Icom along with CQ Japan Magazine, the JARL and booths representing several Japanese universities.
Champ also entered a CW contest for receiving Morse code and won a trophy for third place and with a speed of 50 words a minute. He also attended the Japan DX Meeting where the XZ1Z DXpedition to Myanmar that he had participated in with Zorro, JH1AJT and Jay Oka, JA1TRC in September last year and again in March this year received an award.

While in Japan, on behalf of RAST Champ also presented plaques to JARL officials and operated from the contest station 7J1YAJ belonging to Zorro, JH1AJT and where, using his Japanese callsign JH1TEQ, Champ along with Tong, HS5IGY/JI1FGC contacted over 50 Thai stations.

Champ presents a plaque to Zorro, JH1AJT on behalf of RAST on behalf of the Foundation for Global Children (FGC) and the International DX Radio Club - 7J1YAJ in recognition of their outstanding efforts in the promotion of amateur radio throughout the world following the JARL Tokyo Ham Fair. With Champ are Tong, HS5IGY and Goi JC, E20NKB.

Prayong, HS4BPQ is a silent key

RAST life member and active DXer Khun Prayong Dungnoei, HS4BPQ died tragically in a car accident in Krabi Province on August 18, 2014.
He had been a marine with the Royal Thai Navy based in Narathiwat Province.
He will be missed by his family and friends. May he rest in peace.

Guenter Philippe, HS0ZFF a silent key

On Saturday, August 23, 2014 RAST life member Guenter Philippe, HS0ZFF and DK1KM, passed away, aged 77.

He had been residing in Phanom Sarakham in Chachoengsao Province and Guenter had attended RAST meetings regularly.
He will be missed by his many friends.

May he rest in peace.

August meeting

Sarawut Pitaksinagorn, HS1WNT, the owner of Siam Inter Network (right), presents a portrait of His Majesty the King, HS1A to RAST President Jakkree Hantongkom, HS1FVL at the HS0AC Open House event on August 3 at the club station on the campus of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT).

Almost 100 attend the RAST 'Open House' at AIT

To celebrate the rebirth of HS0AC

Almost 100 members and guests, including representatives of amateur radio societies from several provinces, attended RAST's HS0AC Open House on August 3 at the newly-refurbished club station at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) on the northern outskirts of Bangkok.
Former RAST presidents Mayuree Chotikul, HS1YL, Chaiyong Wongwuticomjon, HS1QVD and Pornchai (Joe) Semjang, HS2JFW were present at the event along with almost the entire RAST committee and they welcomed visitors from Pathum Thani, Saraburi, Lop Buri, Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen provinces.
Also attending were visiting hams from Laos and Hong Kong and there was a video presentation entitled "The Rise of HS0AC" prepared by Tony, HS0ZDX along with a presentation from Dan Van Hoy, VR2HF about the Dayton Hamvention.

Inside the shack, operators were working DX on 15-metres while an array of snacks and cocktail drinks were available for members and guests.

With Pomchanok (Ray), E23PKO as emcee, the event kicked off in front of the shack at 2 p.m. with RAST President Jakkree (Jack) speaking about the gravity of the floods and how deep the flood water had been, and why RAST had gone to great expense to restore the HS0AC clubhouse and outfitted it with new equipment.
The total cost of the restoration had been at least a million baht, he said, but we had done this because this club station is a symbol of amateur radio in Thailand and of the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under the royal patronage of His Majesty the King.
Jack (pictured at left) also mentioned the teamwork that had made the recovery of HS0AC possible, noting that for the three-element monoband Yagi beam for 40 metres almost 50 people had been present to help raise that antenna to the top of the tower.
He added that there should be an advanced class examination held next year, adding that RAST had no policy to distinguish between novice, intermediate or advanced class amateur radio operators. "It is one hobby -- one society," he said.
Pictures of the flood-damaged station and of the recovery efforts were displayed on a large poster affixed to the front of the club house bearing the slogan "The Rise of HS0AC."

Coincidentally, this was also the title of a 10-minute video that Tony, HS0ZDX had put together for the upcoming Global Amateur Radio Emergency Communications (GAREC) conference to be held in Huntsville, Alabama on August 14-15 and which was previewed at the Open House event.

Jack then invited the former presidents of RAST and Prasit, HS1DN to say a few words before members of the RAST committee elected or appointed in May 2014 stood in front of the club house and introduced themselves.
Then the representatives of the visiting amateur radio societies each said a few words before there was a presentation to RAST of a portrait of His Majesty the King, HS1A from the owner of Siam Inter Network Sarawut Piaksinagorn, HS1WNT.
This was followed by a donation to RAST by Watcharapong (Tof), HS1NNU on behalf of the club station E2X of a mounted ARRL Amateur Radio Map of the World.

Finally, Dan Van Hoy, VR2HF and K7DAN gave a short illustrated talk about the Dayton Hamvention, which is the biggest amateur radio convention that is held annually in Dayton, Ohio.

This year some 25,000 people had attended the event and Dan (pictured at left) assured everyone that it was worth the trip.
Most of the activities were conducted outside in front of the club house and along covered walkways and while the sky was overcast with a sprinkling of drizzle at times fortunately the rain held off during the meeting.
There was no formal update during the Open House meeting about the new regulations, but regarding the new bands, a sub-committee is working on details for a band plan for six metres which will be authorized on a shared basis with the army.
This should come into effect next year.
For the importation new equipment and type approval, the NBTC hopes to have the manufacturers of HF/VHF equipment assist with type approval assessments -- since they have the technical specifications -- and after this all approved equipment should available through any dealer or distributor.
As for novice amateurs operating on the 10 metre band, this privilege will only be allowed from club stations and under the supervision of an intermediate class operator to enable novice operators to learn the proper operating procedures.

Any additional information about the new regulations will be posted on this web site as soon as details are received. -- HS0ZDX

New Thai amateur regulations
enacted on July 24, 2014

Six metres opened up, 2-metre band expanded,
UHF bands allowed, novices may use 10 metres

Thailand's regulator, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) has approved the new regulations to govern amateur radio that the agency has been working on for almost three years.
These regulations, which were published in the Royal Gazette on July 23 and will become law on July 24, 2014, allow operations on six-metres (50-54MHz), expand the 2-metre band by 500 KHz (up to 146.5 MHz) and activate the advanced class with privileges that will allow power output levels of up to 1,000 watts.
Restrictions on HF radios that include six metres will be removed and type-approval restrictions will be eased so that Thai radio amateurs will be able to purchase new models of transceivers.
Additional spectrum is also authorised in the 160- and 80-metre HF bands while the VHF and UHF bands above 2-metres are also to be opened up as can be seen in the proposed frequency allocation table.
The new regulations were signed by the Chairman of the NBTC on June 20, 2014 and will now become effective following their publication in the Royal Gazette. You can view or download the details (in Thai) in a PDF file by clicking on this link
However, while the law becomes effective on July 24, 2014 licensed Thai amateur radio operators will need to observe implementation guidelines that will be published in additional documents from the NBTC. As further information is received regarding this it will be published on this web site.
Other changes include:
Novice Thai operators will be able to operate on 10-metres (28-MHz) although the NBTC has set conditions that they must receive a certificate from an authorised trainer first.
Operators on two metres will be allowed to use up to 60 watts and club stations 100 watts. More club stations and contest callsigns will be issued.
Those who do not hold an amateur radio licence may operate under supervision at a club station.
Callsigns that have expired, if not renewed within two years, will be reassigned.
The Morse code test will remain as a component of the intermediate and advanced class amateur radio examination in Thailand, however the test will be for the ability to receive CW only.
RAST would like to extend its congratulations and thanks to the former President Pornchai, HS2JFW (Joe), RAST officers Narissara, HS1CHB, Thida, HS1ASC, Chalermphol (Champ), E21EIC, Jakkree, HS1FVL and all others who worked with the NBTC in public and private hearings to help draft and revise these new regulations that will now become law.
RAST would also like to thank the NBTC Chairman, commissioners and officers who have helped amateur radio in Thailand to take a big step forward with the enactment and passing of these new regulations.
You can download the regulations in Thai or view them online from this link (right click and select "save as" to download).
The new band plan can be viewed here.
More information will be posted on this website as details are made available. -- Tony Waltham, HS0ZDX