Scorch Your Butt Off



Scorch Your Butt Off QRP contest

SUNDAY, July 16, 2017  1600-2200 UTC

Categories  -

Single Op        Field or home  (Yards at home do not count as a field station)

Multi Single     Field or home


QRP 5 watts max  - Around QRP calling frequencies   10, 15, 20 and 40 meters

One point per contact - one contact with each station per band

Exchange -

RST, SPC (State, Province or Country), Name,  Power, Temperature (Fahrenheit)

at the operator’s position.  Indoor stations must report Indoor temperature.

 Example - 559, NJ, Larry, 5W, 85F


Multipliers -

States, Provinces and DXCC count once each band

Field Stations*     x 4  (Field per ARRL FD definition - stations not operating from permanent or licensed station locations - *operating from your front/backyard does not count as a field station)

Alternative Power (including batteries)     x 2

QRPp (less than 1W)     x 2                                                         

        Highest Operating Temperature (at your operating location -


        Below 90 F = x1;  Cool weather


        90 -  99 F = x2;  Break out that Hawaiian shirt


       100 - 104 F = x3;  Just starting to warm the rattlesnakes up


       105 - 109 F = x4;  BBQ weather


       110 - 114 F = x5;  A nice sauna temperature


       115F and UP = x6.  Am I smelling bacon frying?


Outdoor ops use this Heat Index.  Take your temperature (left column) and look at the top (horizontal) row to   find your humidity percentage.  Match your temperature with your humidity level to find out what your temperature feels like according to the National Weather Service.  This is the temperature  you use to determining your multiplier.

            Temp       Relative Humidity (%)

              (F)    90.0      80.0      70.0      60.0      50.0      40.0      30.0      20.0      10.0


               80:   88.2    85.9      84.2      82.8      81.6      80.4      79.0      77.4      76.1

               85:  101.4   97.0      93.3      90.3      87.7      85.5      83.5      81.6      79.6

               90:  119.3  112.0    105.8    100.5    96.1       92.3      89.2      86.5      84.2

               95:  141.8  131.1    121.7    113.6  106.7     100.9      96.1      92.2      89.2

              100: 168.7 154.0    140.9     129.5  119.6     111.2    104.2      98.7      94.4

              105: 200.0 180.7    163.4     148.1  134.7     123.2    113.6    105.8    100.0

              110: 235.6 211.2    189.1     169.4  151.9     136.8    124.1    113.7    105.8

              115: 275.3 245.4    218.0     193.3  171.3     152.1    135.8    122.3    111.9

              120: 319.1 283.1    250.0     219.9  192.9     169.1    148.7    131.6    118.2


             Any value less than 80 is considered comfortable.

             Any value greater than 90 is considered extreme.

             Any value greater than 100 is considered hazardous.

             Any value greater than 110 is considered dangerous.

Operators should not put their thermometers in direct sun to boost up the temperature but put it by them in the shade. If your thermometer doesn’t show humidity or no thermometer you can use the forecast closest to your QTH.

This is a fun contest, please do not place yourself in any danger in hot weather.

Please drink plenty of fluids and wear appropriate clothing, like a QRP t-shirt.

Operate in a shaded area if desired.  Please recognize the symptoms of heat

exhaustion and seek medical attention if necessary.

Final Score:

(QSOs x SPCs)  (x Temp Multi)  (x Field)  (x AltPwr)  (x QRPp)


Example of summary -

 BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   SPC



 40CW        7                   6                6              4

 20CW       15                 15             15            11

 15CW        5                   4                4              2

 10CW        3                   3                3              1                       



Totals       30                  28             28             18

Final Score = 28 QSO Pts X 18 SPC = 504 X 5 (Temp Multi for 110F highest temp while operating)

= 2,520 X 4 (Field Ops) = 10,080  X2 (Alt pwr -Solar)   = 20,160 Total points


DEADLINE for submitting your results  - A summary of QSOs and points are due 14 days after contest.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Please include your soapbox comments and any photos with your log.  

In addition to a recap of your day, throwing in a tall fish tale about your SYBO is encouraged.

Your fellow QRPers would like to read about your adventure.

Please mark logs with category, i.e, single, multi-op, multi-multi and home or field.

Please email ASCII-text entries to:  [email protected]

Include summary sheet, callsign, operator(s), power, location, and highest operating temperature.

Logs are not required. 


Scores will be posted as reports come in

Thank you for participating