"A picture is worth a thousand words"Sight is our best used sense and the primary source of information about our soundings. What would our daily life be like with out it? Sending SSTV images is a great way to enhance Amateur Radio communications. In the past only a few Amateurs enjoyed SSTV. There was very little commercial equipment and it was quite expensive. Home brewing was too complicated for most people. This situation has changed drastically in the past years. Rather than using expensive special purpose hardware, newer systems are using personal computers to do the work. There is a wide assortment of software that uses very simple interfaces, ready-to-use commercial systems and home brew projects to fit every budget. Most systems now use a simple interface that connects the radio to your computer's sound card. New people are showing up on SSTV everyday. Modes
Popular SSTV Modes
Types: B&W = Black and White. Y&C = Colour as luminance and chrominance.
RGB = Colour as red, green and blue components.
What frequencies are used?Some countries are more restrictive, but in Canada and the U.S. SSTV
can be used anywhere voice is allowed. Traditionally, these frequencies
are used:
The InterfaceThese are only some of the interfaces available. They can operate SSTV
but they can also work other modes.
Slow Scan EdictRemember - A picture is worth a thousand words. Many people maybe receiving
the pictures you send.
SSTV LinksChromaPIX and W95SSTV Software Some photos from 1999/2000- VE3ZYD Subscribe to the PARC SSTV e-mail group - Stay up to date with all the info
Weekly PicturesI have posted a pictures from a weekly net I had with the PARC on the 70cm repeater. Welcome 480k November 14 2000 340k November 21 2000 640k January 9 2001 150k HAMEX 2001 310k