QSL Information
Above - The VK9ML QSL card.
Click on the images above to see a full-size image
Peter, VK4APG, is the QSL Manager.
All incoming cards will be checked carefully to ensure that the QSO appears in the DXpedition log.
Only the QSOs listed on your request will be QSLed.
Direct requests will be dispatched first, followed then by bureau requests.
Direct Cards
Ensure the information on your card is clear and correct.
Enclose a good quality Self-Addressed Envelope of sufficient size and strength for a standard sized QSL card.
Clearly mark the return address including your COUNTRY.
Type if you can not write neatly.
Please: no labels without an envelope.
Enclose U.S. dollars or sufficient International Reply Coupons (I.R.C.s) to meet postage costs by airmail. Australia Post now requires specially marked International stamps for overseas postage.
Amateurs outside of VK Please Do Not send S.A.E. with Australian domestic stamps affixed. We cannot use them for overseas mail.
Loose Australian "International" stamps are welcome (do not affix to the envelope)
We cannot use stamps or currency from other countries!
One I.R.C. or one U.S. dollar will pay for return postage from Australia.
Note that US dollars are much better value than IRCs!
IRCs must be properly stamped. I.R.C.s without Post Office date stamp on the left hand box titled "Empriente de controle du pays d'origine (faculative)" are not useable.
Please do not send any other currencies other than AUD$ or USD$.
Applications received direct but without a Self-Addressed Envelope, or without sufficient return postage, will receive confirmations via the bureau
Bureau Cards
QSL requests received via the VK4 bureau (NOT VK9 bureau) will receive a return card via the bureau.
Ensure that the QSO information on your card is clear and correct.
S.W.L. Cards
We will QSL all correct S.W.L. reports. These can be sent directly or via the bureau, as per above.
As the ARRL does not yet accept these we will not issue e-QSLs.
Donations are very welcome and will be used to help meet the costs of the site survey and the larger return trip.
Only AUD$ or USD$ is useful to us. Australian Bank imposed fees eat away at any non-Australian local cheques and therefore become not as valuable as intended.
P.J. Garden 58 Minerva Court Eatons Hill, 4037 QLDAUSTRALIA