Meeting began at 18:30. * June 26-27, 2021 Mike Hammond was the contact person at Granada hills charter high School for field day operations. * Alex wondered if we could have Field Day in a parking lot area like the valley preparedness fair at Northridge Mall. * Possibly join ARES Northwest group up at the South Nike site for field day. * Alex owns too noisy generators. * Knollwood country club, the Fire station in the parking lot, for field day. * * San Fernando Valley ARC 75th Anniversary Logo Please vote on a 75th anniversary logo to use for the club. (You may for more than one logo.) * W6S.US QRZ page to have notification and links to our club page. * Don Patrick, wg6h, is moving to Bakersfield so he's going to have to pass on the Knollwood Country club holiday banquet information to someone else. He has club property, like the club Christmas tree, banners, 718 radio, antenna, antenna tuner. * Meeting ended at 1949. * -END-