Meeting began at 18:30. * Thinking about canceling the holiday banquet party due to covid resurgence. Maybe plan a picnic or outdoor event. The club has $1,000 invested in Knollwood deposit. * $3,731.40 balance PayPal payment $63.50 mistake by Alex, will fix. Walter Hicks paid $21 twice July 22, plus a $5 donation. * Discussing prorating of the club dues, looking up the bylaws. Prorate the dues quarterly. Raise the due's in the bylaws from $18 to $21. Change paying dues after October 1st will entitle the new member to do's for the current year and the following year. And a previous in-person meeting the club majority voted to raise the dues to $20. * Become a 501(c)3 requires a lot of work and $1,200. * November elections most likely will be over Zoom. We could have a share screen and polling for elections. Put a message on the website and send every member asking to become an elected official. * Julio stated that he would donate 10% profit from the shirts to the club. * Skywarn for September Microphone for amateur radio October * * Meeting ended at 1952. * -END-