Board Meeting 3/2/22 began at 18:32. * Received a check for Afarina $5,100.25 balance in the bank account * Dana, 115 members, 37 paid * Mike, has the speaker for this month, And other speakers during the year. Interview members regarding what radios they have and why they purchased those specific models. * Randy, field day, trying to secure location for field day. Pierce maybe charging money for the field day site this year. Dana will email Granada Hills charter high School to see if the baseball diamond is available for field day again. Contact Roozy if he would want the Svarc to join him up at the Nike site for field day as w6sd. CSUN parking lot at Devonshire and Lassen. DAVIS training facility * Cliff Chang phone number 424-209-3705 * * Meeting ended at 1927. * -END-