Meeting began at 18:34. * Financial report One outstanding check for $117.00. $4,700.47 in the bank account. $700.00 deposit for the holiday banquet lunch. Reimburse Bernard $55 for the five pizzas from Costco. * Roozy, W1EH, is our next guest speaker on Emcomm. * 52 Paid members currently. * For those members who made contacts from home for Field Day, submit those to the ARRL or email them to Randy. Alex proposes having a permanent Field Day committee. Different members will have specific assignments. One person needs to be a frequency coordinator czar that the determines who can operate on what band and mode. Members enjoyed the field day location at Veterans Park. The only comments were refilling a generator while it was running. Enjoyed having the food in a separate tent. Would like to reserve the covered patio area of the park with the permanent tables, water, electricity. It is also closer to the bathrooms. By the San Fernando Sun was tremendous for publicity and being able to thank the park and the sheriffs. SFVARC W6SD 2022 Field Day Article Don't eat when you're working the radios! * Winter Field Day, January 28/29, 2023 Field day and a club picnic get people on the air and give them a free slice of pizza. * * Meeting ended at 1937. * -END-